106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (2024)

What do you recall when asked about Canadian history? About controversial events or memorable individuals? Or maybe cross-cultural influences? As Canada has it all. By recognizing the complexity of its past, you can understand the current situation. Through Canada’s history, you can see its national identity and the richness of culture.

When choosing Canadian history topics for an assignment, try to select a focus for your paper from the get-go. Find an engaging event or perspective to write about and research it thoroughly. For that, check our list of Canadian topics for a school or college paper prepared by our team. Besides, see tips on writing your essay on the subject.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

  1. 🍁 Good Essay Topics
    1. 😛 Topics: Kids
    2. 🏫 Topics: High School
    3. 🎓 Topics: University
  2. 🎖️ Canadian Topics on Military
  3. 🎨 Canadian History Topics on Art
  4. ✒️ How to Write an Essay
  5. ❓ Canadian History Questions

🍁 Good Canadian History Essay Topics

If you are trying to find a good Canadian history essay topic, then you are in the right place. Here you’ll see ideas according to age and school grade. It should help you to navigate and get inspired for the essay writing.

It doesn’t matter if you are a first-grade student or an undergraduate student. This list will be useful for everyone. You don’t have to stick to your age group; it’s only our recommendation. The offered topics vary from sports, food, culture, economy.

😛 Canadian History Essay Topics for Kids

  1. Where does the word “Canada” come from?
  2. Indigenous people in Canada. The three categories of indigenous people in Canada are Inuit, Metis, and First Nations. In this essay, children can talk about each group’s cultural identity and their homeland. How do these groups differ from one another?

106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (1)

  1. The voyageurs and Canadian indigenous people
  2. Under the French Rule. This topic is quite broad. You can focus on the ways French shaped Canadian culture. Or talk about food, language, and any other aspect they find interesting. There is a lot to discuss!
  3. Canada’s role in the First World War. This 20th century Canada history essay topic teach several valuable historical lessons. First, kids can enlarge their understanding of the First War War. Why did Canada have to enter the conflict? What role did the Canadian army play in this conflict?
  4. Canada in the Second World War and how did the war affect the country.
  5. The Canadian Constitution
  1. History of hockey in Canada. Hockey is regarded as the national game in Canada. It plays a massive role in the way people perceive Canada in the international arena. Discuss the significance of the game. Mention where it originated and who brought it to Canada.
  2. The life of Samuel de Champlain
  3. Maple Syrup as the Symbol of Canadian Culture. Maple syrup is one of Canada’s proudest products. It has a long history of production and distribution. How had Native Canadians been making this delicious sugary treat in the past? How did Europeans evolve their methods?
  4. History of Canadian Eastern Bunny
  5. The Acadian Culture. The Acadians are the Native Canadian people of the region. They are the descendants of French colonizers who settled in a beautiful area of Acadia. They speak a very distinct version of French called Acadian French. School students and kids can explore their food, their culture, literature, and music of the Acadians.
  6. Holidays of the First Natives
  7. The Causes of Canadian Confederation

🏫 Canadian History Essay Topics: High School

  1. The Aboriginals and Europeans
  2. First World War and the role of Canada. This is an interesting Canadian history essay topic for a high school student. Especially if you are looking to write about a significant world event from a non-European perspective.In this work, you can address several issues: Canadian sovereignty, colonial influence, and relationships within the country. Plus, examine in which ways this war changed the country.
  3. Women’s rights during the First World War. Canadian women play a massive role in the country. Though it wasn’t always this way. Before the First World War, Canadian women had a small role in political and social affairs. It all changed during the war. Women had to take more responsibility, supporting social life and war efforts. It allowed them to be heard. Discuss the positive effects the First World War had on the emancipation of women in Canada.
106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (2)
  1. World War I and its influence on Canada
  2. The political climate in the 1920s
  3. An Anti-Liquor Legislation in Canada
  4. The Great Depression’s influence on the Canadian identity. Students usually study this period of Canadian history in the 10th Grade. Elaborate on how the Great Depression affected the political and economic situation.
  5. Second World War and Canada before, during, and after the war
  6. Trudeau’s Era and how his policies changed the country
  7. The Settlers influence on the Canadian economy
  8. History: Native Canadians and Indian Act Essay
  9. The impact of the Great Depression on Canada. Explore one of the most significant events in Canadian history. Elaborate why Canada got so severely affected by the crisis, especially in the prairie areas. In the end, describe the process of recovery. What steps did the government have to take to help people and the economy to get back on track?
  10. The history of Canada through immigration. Canada is one of the few countries in the world that is very generous towards immigrants. Why do Canadians have this “open arms attitude”? What influenced the immigration policies?

🎓 Canadian History Essay Topics: University

  1. No American Slavery and Canada
  2. Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada
  3. Bilingualism and Bilingual Identity in Canada
  4. The Perception of WWI as an “English War”. It is not a secret that the vast majority of Canadians viewed WWI as an “English War.” At that time, the nation’s ties to Great Britain were solid. After Great Britain declared the war, Canada entered it automatically. In this essay, you can talk about common sentiment.
  5. Canada’s International Relationships during the two World Wars
  6. Social Conflicts in Canada at the beginning of the 20th Century
  7. The 20th Century Immigration Waves. Canada is the country built by immigrants. This essay is a great way to explore Canada’s immigrant success. See what policies have been implemented in the 20th century to promote immigration.
  8. The role of women’s labor in British Columbia
  9. Wall Street Market Crash in 1929 and how it changed Canada
  10. Colonization and Aboriginal People’s Loss of Connection to the Land. Talk about “the colonial wound” that the aboriginal people experienced. They lost the connection to the land, to the language, to the core of their identity. Explore the fur trade, the treaties, the residential schools, the Indian act. Think about how it could have affected the people.

106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (3)

  1. Economic Boost in Canada after WWII. Like many countries in the world, Canada experienced an economic boost after the war. Mention the transformation that the country experienced in the industrial sector.
  2. Social and Economic Change in Canada after WWII.
  3. The relationships between English and French Canadians. Anglophone and Francophone relationships in Canada were not always smooth. There was tension back in the 20th century, which led to the separation between the two groups. Comment on the principal reasons for the tension. How does bilingualism fit into modern Canada?
  4. Mi’kmaq in Culture and in Religion
  5. Canadian Multiculturalism on Race and Ethnicity
  6. Feminism in Canada
  7. The Correlation between Art History and the history of Canada.This essay gives a unique opportunity to look at the history of Canada through art history. Art is a subjective way to process reality, but at the same time, it’s one of the purest forms of history. It focuses on people and their emotions rather than dates and places. A good topic for anyone who likes art and history!
  8. Overlooked Persons: Women, Workers, & “Others” in 19th Century “Ontario.”

🎖️ Canadian Topics on Military

Canadian military history is rich. It starts with the Indigenous Welfare, continues with the French and Iroquois Wars. Then, there are British and French Conflicts, French and Indian Wars. In modern history, the Canadian Army participated in both World Wars. Besides, it took part in the Korean War, in the Gulf War, in the Afghan War, the Cold War, and many others.

Canadian links to Great Britain and the US are very strong. That’s why it usually supports large multinational coalitions. It does not declare wars, but still, you can see the Canadian army forces present.

Nevertheless, Canada tries to remain committed to peacekeeping efforts. It participated in every UN peacekeeping effort from its inception until 1988.

This list focuses on the interesting Canadian military history essay topics.

  1. Canadian army in Vietnam. Officially, the Canadian Army did not declare the war against Vietnam. However, recent papers revealed that in 1971 Canada was actively supporting the US army. Additionally, 30.000 Canadians volunteered to serve in the American Army during the war. It could be a debatable essay with a lot of historical evidence.
  2. What role did Canada play during the Cold War? Canada was a founding member of NATO. It played a significant role during the Cold War. Even though it was an American ally, it had a different foreign policy. School students can try to elaborate on the relationships between Canada and the Soviet Union. Comment on post-war paranoia, as well as anti-Communist propaganda. Talk about hockey and the famous Canada versus Soviet Union series.
  3. Canada’s Involvement in WWII: the causes and effects
106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (4)
  1. The Canadian Army in the two World Wars
  2. Aboriginals in the Canadian Army. This research paper can focus on the role the aboriginals played and are playing in the Canadian Army. Nowadays, more than 1000 Native Canadians serve in the Army. They represent more than 55 languages and almost 650 different tribes. Examine the role of the indigenous troops in the World Wars.
  3. A history of women in the Canadian Army
  4. The Canadian military history since 2000
  5. The Military Involvement of Canada in the Korean War
  6. The Canadian Army in Afghanistan. Critically examine Canadian Involvement in the conflict in Afghanistan. What was the World’s response? What was the Canadian contribution to the campaign against terrorism? Include some numbers and figures into the essay to make it factual.
  7. Is Canada a peacekeeping country? Canada tries to play a significant role in peacekeeping efforts, taking part in many related missions in the past years. You can analyze the deployments and missions. What solutions did the Canadian Army promote? Is it possible to keep neutrality in the conflicts?
  8. Canadian military funding
  9. Patriotism and Nationalism in Canada
  10. How the First World War Changed Canada
  11. The Beaver Wars. Several questions can be asked: why was beaver fur so critical in the Beaver Wars? What caused the Beaver Wars? What was the outcome of these conflicts?
  12. Canada and the American Revolution
  13. Invasion of Quebec
  14. Canada and the Soviet Union. If you decide to write an essay about Canada-Soviet Union relations, you will not regret it. The relationships did not start until 1941, but it evolved significantly during the 20th century. Talk about Pierre Trudeau’s role in changing them for the best and think why he wanted to lessen the ties with the US. What about cultural relations between these two nations? What about hockey?

🎨 Canadian History Topics on Art

Canadian Art becomes increasingly popular around the world. Nevertheless, Canada is a young nation, and the creation of Canadian Art is in process. There is still a long and fascinating journey ahead.

Canadian visual art tradition started at the beginning of the 19th. The most celebrated artists were immigrants. For instance, an Irish artist Paul Kane or a Dutch painter Cornelius Krieghoff.

Only at the beginning of the 20th century, Canadian art became genuinely Canadian. Let’s see the most peculiar Canadian Art History essay topics:

  1. The alternative realism of Kent Monkman
  2. First Nations Imagery in Emily Carr’s works. Emily Carr was one of the most influential artists in Canada. The Indigenous people inspired her, and her art reflects it. Learn about the artist, understand the work, and what she was trying to say with her art.
  3. Love and Loss in Maria Chapdelaine
  4. The Great War in the works of J.E.H. Macdonald
  5. Women and Girls in Annie Pootoogook’s paintings
  6. Indigenous Art in Canada. Aboriginal people in Canada have developed a very distinct artistic tradition. See what techniques, colors, shapes, and themes were standard in indigenous art. Use Robert Davidson, Bill Reid, Jerry Whitehead, as an excellent example of indigenous artists.
  7. The story of the Group of Seven. This essay topic is one of the most important for Canadian Art. It is with this group of artists, a distinctly Canadian art started to develop. Students should write about the group’s proposition and the movement it started. Elaborate why for this group nature was so important, why did they paint landscapes?
106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (5)
  1. Abstract Art in Canada
  2. How the totem pole became the symbol of Canadian Art?
  3. The Barbizon School artists in Canada. The Barbizon School of Art had a very significant influence on the Canadian Artists. You can comment on the school in general. Explain why this theme was so important for Canadian artists. Find several artists that appeal to you and analyze their work.
  4. Nationalism and the Group of Seven
  5. Contemporary Canadian Art. Aboriginal Art heavily influenced Canadian art. This connection becomes even more apparent in modern art. Examine contemporary landscape artists, contemporary urban landscape works. Explore photography and video as well.
  6. Women and the Artistic Field in Canada
  7. The Indian Group of Seven. This topic is for everyone who loves art for the artistic value of it. That is exactly what this group is promoting. They believe that there should be a shift made from the “aboriginal” to the “artistic” value of their art. However, it is not their only proposition. Talk about the social and cultural aspects of their manifesto.

✒️ How to Write an Essay on Canadian History

A history essay is one of the things every student has to learn how to write. Throughout your studying, you will most probably have to write hundreds of history essays.

Knowing the past is essential, but being able to connect the past with the present is paramount. Without these connections, history remains in the books; it does not become alive.

This mini-guide can help you to write a solid essay on Canadian history.

1) Define your topic

Even though you have the list of ideas available, it can be challenging. To narrow down your topic, ask questions. Here is the best way to do that:

  • Identify what interests you
  • Review what you have already written
  • Find a topic you understand well

For instance, you can talk about “Immigrants in Canada,” or you can narrow down the topic to “Immigrant workers in Canada 1830-1840.”

2) Determine your thesis statement

To define your thesis statement, you will need to turn your topic into a question.

For example:

Your essay topic is “Immigrant workers in Canada 1830-1840”. Your preliminary thesis can be “British pauper children filled an important labor shortage on Canadian farms between 1830 and 1940.”

You can later refine it even further to make it sound more like:

“Canada’s practice of importing young child laborers was the controversial result of Britain’s attempts to deal with the poor and to fill Canada’s labor needs. Changing public perceptions of childhood led to the demise of child labor importation.”

The main goal is to keep the thesis simple enough but also to make it worth exploring and writing about. A good thesis is specific, explanatory, and argumentative.

106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (6)

3) Research

It does not matter how well you know the topic or how simple you think it is. There is one step you can never skip—your research. It is the best point of departure, and it will help you see what others wrote about it.

The bibliography is the foundation of your essay. You won’t be able to build a strong argument without a strong foundation. For this purpose, find trustworthy primary and secondary sources.

To find materials use:

  • Encyclopedias
  • Online library and databases (JSTOR, Google Books, Google Scholar)
  • Books
  • Shelf search

4) Take Notes

This step is not obligatory, but it can help you save a lot of time. Write down an essential piece of data from your sources. Note where the information comes from and why you need it later.

5) Create an outline

Consider taking this step even before you start writing. Why? It helps you to see your essay (and your arguments) even before you wrote it. It also prevents you from losing sight of your evidence. You can use other essays as your essay template.

106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (7)

6) Write, Revisit, Edit

While writing, keep your thesis in mind and try not to deviate. As you continue writing and reflecting, you will have more questions. So, don’t forget to adjust your thesis if it changes.

Revising and editing the essay are the last steps. Editing consists of looking for errors in grammar, syntax, word usage, spelling, and punctuation.

Thank you for reading, and good luck with the essay! Share the article with those who may find it useful and leave a comment below.

🔗 References

  1. Canadian History Essay Example: Bartleby
  2. History Essay Guide: Department of History, University of Ottawa
  3. Canadian Identity Essay: Cram
  4. Canadian Literature in English: L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia, Marionapolis College
  5. History: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  6. Writing Historical Essays, A Guide for Undergraduates: Department of History, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  7. Essay Introductions: University of Maryland Global Campus
  8. Discover Canada – Canada’s History: Canada.ca
  9. Canada’s History: Canada’s History Society

❓ Canadian History Questions

  1. How Significant Was the Fur Trade In Canadian History?
  2. Were Pierre Trudeau’s Policies Effective for Canadian History?
  3. How Has Charlottetown Conference Influenced Canada’s Unity?
  4. Should Written Canadian or American History Be Altered to Reflect a Darker Side of Its History?
  5. Has Canada Been Truly Built by Immigrants?
  6. What Was the Relationship Really Like Between Voyageurs and Aboriginals?
  7. What Were the Court Procedures in 19TH Century Ontario?
  8. Why Is the Group of Seven So Iconic in Canadian Art?
  9. What Has Caused the Beaver Wars?
  10. Who Were the Filles du ROI? What Happened to Them for the Most Part? What Was the Ultimate Impact of the Filles du ROI on New France?
  11. How Has Women’s Work Influenced Columbia?
  12. What Was Life Like for 19TH Century Families Involved in Ontario Lumber’s Industry?
  13. When Did Irish Catholics Choose Canada?
  14. How Did the Fashion of the French and English Upper Class in the Pre-confederation Era Compare to That of France and England?
  15. Can Canada Be Considered a Peacekeeper?
  16. Did Henry Alline Have a Lasting Impact on Nova Scotia?
  17. What Was the Extent of Canadian Involvement in the Spanish Civil War?
  18. Partisan Attack Ads—Are They Really Worse Nowadays?
  19. Was Reciprocity Good for British North America?
  20. What Has Caused Quebec Referendum?
  21. Beyond the Group of Seven: What Other Canadian Artists Had a Major Impact on the Art World?
  22. What Was Canada’s Role in the Boer War, and How Did the Public View the War?
  23. What Was Health Care Like in New France?
  24. How Did Canadians View Napoleon? How Did the Napoleonic Wars Affect Canada?
  25. What Was the Deal With Sir. John A. MacDonald and George Brown?
  26. Were Internment Camps Necessary?
  27. How Does Modern History Portray the Aboriginal People in Canada?
  28. What Were the Origins of the Conflict Between the French and the Iroquois?
  29. Why Was Slavery Abolished in Upper Canada?
  30. Did Religious Orders Other Than the Jesuits Play an Important Role in New France?
106 Canadian History Topics [Ideas & Examples] | IvyPanda® (2024)


What are some topics about Canada? ›

Canada's role in the First World War.
  • History of hockey in Canada. Hockey is regarded as the national game in Canada. ...
  • The life of Samuel de Champlain.
  • Maple Syrup as the Symbol of Canadian Culture. ...
  • History of Canadian Eastern Bunny.
  • The Acadian Culture. ...
  • Holidays of the First Natives.
  • The Causes of Canadian Confederation.

What are the themes of Canadian history? ›

Themes may include Indigenous history, Colonialism, Fur Trade, Women, Black History, Warfare, Regional case studies and Nationalism among others.

What are some famous events in Canada? ›

Beta Program
30,000–10,000 BCPrehistoric hunters cross over into Canada from Asia
1885North-West Rebellion; the Canadian Pacific Railway is completed
1905The provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are created
1914–18World War I
1916Women win the vote in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
35 more rows
Mar 26, 2016

What is the most significant event in Canadian history in the twentieth century? ›

The Second World War was one of the most significant events in Canadian history. Canada played a vital role in the Battle of the Atlantic, and contributed forces to the campaigns of western Europe beyond what might be expected of a small nation of then only 11 million people.

What are 20 interesting facts about Canada? ›

30 interesting and fun facts about Canada
  • Canada has the largest moose population in the world. ...
  • Canada is hockey obsessed. ...
  • The Canadian Rockies showcase a range of habitats. ...
  • Poutine is a must-try dish. ...
  • The population is highly educated. ...
  • The Magnetic Hill looks like it defies gravity. ...
  • Canada is the second-largest country.

What is the brief history of Canada? ›

The Dominion of Canada formed in 1867, but as an integral part of the British Empire its foreign relations remained under the control of London. Over the next six decades Canada gradually won greater control over its external affairs, spurred in part by the demands of managing its relationship with the United States.

What is 10 important dates in Canadian history? ›

Timeline of Important Dates in Canadian History
  • c. 10,000 BC. First Peoples Arrive. ...
  • c. 900 AD. Early Viking visitors. ...
  • c. 1400s. Iroquois Confederacy. ...
  • June 24, 1497. First British claim. ...
  • July 24, 1534. First French claim. ...
  • 1604. French settlement begins. ...
  • May 13, 1607. British settlement begins. ...
  • July 3, 1608. Founding of Quebec.

What is a fun history of Canada? ›

History of Canada

The first people to come to Canada arrived between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago across a land bridge that joined Asia and North America. Around A.D. 1000, the Viking explorer Leif Eriksson reached Newfoundland, Canada. He tried to establish a settlement, but it didn't last long.

What is Canada most famous thing? ›

What is Canada famous For?
  • Ice hockey. ...
  • Northern lights. ...
  • Canadian wildlife. ...
  • CN Tower. ...
  • The Canadian Rockies. ...
  • Helicopter tours over Toronto. ...
  • Quebec City. Quebec City, North America's oldest walled city, is considered the most attractive in Canada. ...
  • Fall colours. Canada is recognised around the world for its stunning autumn falls.
Jan 11, 2024

What is Canada's most visited historic site? ›

Fortifications of Québec

What historical event shaped Canada? ›

The British North America Act was passed by the British Parliament and given royal assent by Queen Victoria on 29 March. It came into effect on 1 July. The Act joined the colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in one federal union. In 1949, Newfoundland becomes Canada's newest province.

What happened in 1923 in Canada? ›

1923 - The Federal Government Prohibits Chinese Immigration

​​​​Racism and discrimination existed not only on a provincial level but also nationally. Many initiatives were designed to discourage Asian immigration in particular, often at the behest of those living in B.C., where such immigration was prevalent.

What happened in 2010 in Canada? ›

February 14 – 2010 Olympics: Canadian Alexandre Bilodeau won the first ever Olympic gold medal won by a Canadian on Canadian soil. February 15 – Canada closes its ports to fishing boats from the Danish territories of Greenland and Faroe Islands, as a result of their refusal to accept international shrimp quotas.

What happened in 1973 in Canada? ›

July 7 - The Libertarian Party of Canada is founded. August - Pride Week 1973, a national gay rights event, takes place simultaneously in several of Canada's largest metropolitan cities, including Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver. August 20 - The 1973 Artistic Woodwork strike begins. It ends on December 5, 1973.

What is Canada best known for? ›

From natural wonders and historic landmarks to popular Canadian exports.
  • What is Canada known for? Maple syrup. ...
  • Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons is a Canadian coffee chain that was founded in 1964. ...
  • Canadian Rockies. ...
  • Ice hockey. ...
  • Marijuana legalization. ...
  • Skiing and snowboarding. ...
  • Poutine. ...
  • Indigenous peoples.

What is a social issue in Canada? ›

Examples of Social Issues
Examples of Social Issues
#1.Climate change
#2.Gender inequality
#3.Immigration policy
#4.Indigenous rights
11 more rows

What are some global issues in Canada? ›

Global Issues
  • Geographic Equity. Climate change involves a classic case of inequity between the rich and the poor of the world. ...
  • Intergenerational Equity. ...
  • Changing Conditions. ...
  • International Assistance. ...
  • International Insurance. ...
  • Supply of International Goods and Services. ...
  • Forestry. ...
  • Agriculture.
Nov 12, 2015

What are some details about Canada? ›

It is the second largest country in the world, but it has only one-half of one percent of the world's population. Canada features black-blue lakes, numerous rivers, majestic western mountains, rolling central plains, and forested eastern valleys.

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