5 Tips for a Successful Immigration Interview - Valvo & Associates (2024)

It is always better to be safe than sorry. That old adage can apply to many situations in your life. It is better to look up where you are headed before you leave the house. It is better to know what you want to cook before you buy grocery supplies. It is better to know what you want to watch before opening Netflix. Most of all, it is better to prepare for your immigration interview than to go in blind.

Interviews with your local United States Citizenship and Immigration Services office do not have to be frightening, but they should be taken seriously. It just takes a little bit of effort to understand what the interview will be like and what you need to bring with you to it. It is always better to be prepared than caught off-guard. Consequently, here are our 5 tips for a successful immigration interview:

Don’t Be Late. The simplest point, and yet maybe the most important! If you are late the Officer can legally deny your case before you even have a chance to prove your qualifications. That means being on time and even early to the appointment. Plan to get there appropriately early for whatever levels of traffic you often find in your city. It is better to have to wait around in your car in the parking lot for a few minutes than to be speeding in at the last second.

Dress the Part. The immigration interview is a part of a formal legal process, and dressing appropriately will illustrate to everyone involved that you take that process very seriously. This does not necessarily mean that you have to wear a tuxedo or gown, but it does mean that you should not wear flip-flops or short shorts. It is always best to dress conservatively.

Don’t Fake It. Being honest is always the best approach in your immigration interview. If you are asked a question you do not know the answer to, do not try to just make something up. It is a better answer to say “I am not sure” than to take a stab at what you think the correct answer is. Don’t try to make the Officer happy with what you think they want to hear, just answer honestly. If you do not understand the question ask the Officer to clarify what is being requested.

Make Copies. Being prepared means bringing the appropriate documents you need with you to your interview. More than that, it means bringing the original documents and copies to give to the Officer! Having everything you need with you shows the Officer you are responsible and proactive in saving them time.

Be Yourself! An immigration interview is for you to show your personality and warmth to the office. It is natural to feel nervous about it, but don’t let that make you shut down! Just be honest and open and they will be glad to see the type of person you are.

An immigration interview is just another step in the immigration process, but properly preparing for it ensures you will have the most successful experience possible. For help with any aspect of your immigration process, contact Valvo & Associates today! With over 88 years of combined expertise and the ability to represent clients federally in all 50 states, we are your go-to legal immigration experts.

5 Tips for a Successful Immigration Interview - Valvo & Associates (2024)


What is the best answer to an immigration interview? ›

Being honest is always the best approach in your immigration interview. If you are asked a question you do not know the answer to, do not try to just make something up. It is a better answer to say “I am not sure” than to take a stab at what you think the correct answer is.

What not to say in an immigration interview? ›

Do not go off on tangents or tell your life story. Only answer the question that is being asked and do not provide more details than necessary. Remember, the immigration officer is doing many interviews a day, and you do not want to annoy them.

What not to say during a US visa interview? ›

U.S. Tourist Visa Interview
  • “I Don't Have a Return Ticket” ...
  • “I Have No Family or Job Back Home” ...
  • “I Have Friends/Family Who Live Illegally in the U.S.” ...
  • “I Intend to Work During My Visit” ...
  • “I Don't Know”
Jun 24, 2023

How to prepare for an USCIS interview? ›

Before your naturalization interview, study for the English and civics test by using our free resources to help you prepare. For the English portion of the naturalization test you must demonstrate an understanding of the English language, including the ability to read, write, and speak basic English.

How do you introduce yourself in an immigration interview? ›

Start by stating your full name, where you live, and your professional aspirations. Next, you can mention your immediate family, where they live, your permanent residence, your current residence, as well as your place of birth.

What are 4 questions the immigration officer might have asked in the legal interview? ›

Typical questions include:
  • What is your mother's maiden name?
  • -in-law or father-in-law's first name?
  • Is your mother or father a U.S. citizen?
  • How many children do you have?
  • Where were your children born?
  • Is your child your biological, adopted, or your spouse's?
May 2, 2024

What is illegal to say in an interview? ›

We recommend that you avoid asking applicants about personal characteristics that are protected by law, such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin or age.

What should you not wear to a USCIS interview? ›

What NOT to wear: gym clothes such as shorts, sweatpants, tank tops, etc. t-shirts with offensive or political slogans/pictures. dirty or torn clothing.

How to impress the visa officer? ›

Therefore, what you say first and the initial impression you create are critical to your success. Keep your answers to the officer's questions short and direct. It should be immediately clear to the consular officer what written documents you are presenting and what they signify.

How can I pass my visa interview? ›

Tips For A Successful Visa Interview
  2. ENGLISH. ...
  5. BE BRIEF. ...

How do you ace an immigration interview? ›

7 Tips To Pass Your Immigration Interview
  1. Arrive on time. ...
  2. Wait for your Attorney. ...
  3. Dress appropriately. ...
  4. Listen to the Questions Asked and Respond Appropriately. ...
  5. Bring an Interpreter. ...
  6. Bring a set of original documents and a duplicate set of copies. ...
  7. More is better than less.

How long does a USCIS interview last? ›

The interview itself should be in an office setting. It should take between 10 to 30 minutes from start to finish. It will likely take you longer to get through security, check in, and be called for your case.

What is the hardest question on the citizenship test? ›

Arguably the hardest question on the U.S. citizenship test is number 67: The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers. This answer is unknown to even most American citizens because the Federalist Party ceased to exist back in 1824.

What should be the answer why should I give you a visa? ›

Answer to the point. For 'why' you can answer as one of the following: I am passionate about that *subject* and want to gain more knowledge in it. There are not many experts in this *field* in India, The knowledge I gained while studying in *college name* will help me stand out once I return to India.

How do you answer what is the purpose of your visit? ›

Tourism/Sightseeing: If you are visiting a country for leisure purposes, such as exploring tourist attractions, experiencing the local culture, or going on vacation, stating that your purpose of visit is tourism or sightseeing is a common answer [1].

What is the best answer for a US visa interview? ›

Tip: If you have been to the US, tell the visa officer the reasons behind your previous trips, such as a vacation, to attend a training program, or for medical reasons. If you have not been to the US before, simply say that you have not yet had an opportunity to travel or study there.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.