Batman Dc Wiki (2024)

1. Batman (Bruce Wayne) | DC Database - Fandom

  • Alfred Pennyworth (Prime Earth) · Batman Origins · Alan Wayne (Prime Earth) · 2011

  • Looking for a different version of this character?

2. Batman (disambiguation) | DC Database - Fandom

  • Batman (Bruce Wayne) · Bruce Wayne (New Earth) · Batman Beyond · Batman: Prey

  • Batman is the super-hero protector of Gotham City, a man dressed like a bat who fights against evil and strikes terror into the hearts of criminals everywhere. In his secret identity, he assumes the alias of Bruce Wayne, billionaire industrialist and notorious playboy; though "Bruce Wayne" is technically his real name, this Bruce Wayne is a disguise--that of the man he would have been had his parents not been murdered before his eyes when he was no more than a mere boy. Although Batman possesses

3. Batman | DC Comics wiki | Fandom

4. Batman (Bruce Wayne) | DC Comics wiki | Fandom

  • Batman, echte naam Bruce Wayne (door Vanderhout ook Bob Wayne genaamd) is een burgerwacht in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne is de zoon van Thomas en Martha Wayne.

  • Batman, echte naam Bruce Wayne (door Vanderhout ook Bob Wayne genaamd) is een burgerwacht in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne is de zoon van Thomas en Martha Wayne. De familie Wayne is een van de oudste in de stad, en bovendien de rijkste. Toen Bruce acht jaar oud was, werden zijn ouders voor zijn ogen vermoord door de straatrover Joe Chill. Dit traumatiseerde hem zodanig dat hij op hun graf zwoer om de stad te ontdoen van alle criminaliteit. Door de jaren studeerde hij onder diverse leermeesters om zij

5. Bruce Wayne (New Earth) | DC Database | Fandom

  • Batman is a vigilante and the superhero protector of Gotham City, a man dressed like a bat who fights against evil and strikes terror into the hearts of ...

  • Batman is a vigilante and the superhero protector of Gotham City, a man dressed like a bat who fights against evil and strikes terror into the hearts of criminals everywhere. In his secret identity, he is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire industrialist and notorious playboy. Although he has no superhuman powers, he is one of the world's smartest men and greatest fighters. His physical prowess and technical ingenuity make him an incredibly dangerous opponent. He is also a founding member of the Justice

6. Batman | DC Extended Universe Wiki - Fandom

  • Hub:Batman · Robin · Lex Luthor · Black Zero Event

  • "Barry, these scars we have make us who we are. We're not meant to go back and fix them. And there's nothing broken with you that needs to be fixed. Take it from an old guy who's made a lot of mistakes. Don't live your past. Live your life. Don't let your tragedy define you." ―Bruce Wayne to Barry Allen[src] Bruce Wayne is the CEO of Wayne Enterprises and the main vigilante operating in Gotham City, New Jersey known as the Batman. After witnessing the murder of his parents at the hands of a mugg

7. General Information - Batman Wiki - Fandom

  • Batman Wiki · The Batman · Batman Family · Batman Beyond

  • Batman is a crimefighter operating in Gotham City, he serves as its protector, using the symbol of a bat to strike fear into the hearts of criminals. Unlike other superheroes, Batman is often depicted to lack any "superpowers", instead using lifelong training and equipment to fight crime. His secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a rich playboy and philanthropist who swore to fight crime after witnessing his parents' brutal murder. He has served as a member of various teams, including the Justice Leag

8. Batman (1940—2011) | DC Database - Fandom

  • Batman (2011—2016) · Batman Vol 1 1 · Batman Vol 1 713 · Batman Vol 1 5

  • Batman began publication in the Spring of 1940 and was published until 2011. Batman was initially released as a quarterly magazine, but changed to a bi-monthly format with issue #6. Beginning in 1954, National Periodical Publications began publishing eight issues of Batman a year. It wasn't until issue #260 that DC Comics began publishing Batman on a monthly basis, where it has remained ever since. The first seven Batman Annual editions were actually released on a semi-annual basis, rather than

9. Batman | Official DC Character

  • OFFICIAL CHARACTER PROFILE | DC COMICS. One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war ...

  • He is vengeance. He is the night. He is Batman. Learn about Batman’s powers, origin story, and more on!

10. The Batman (Movie) | DC Database - Fandom

  • The Batman is a 2022 crime thriller movie co-written, co-produced and directed by Matt Reeves. It focuses on one of the Batman's earliest cases, with the ...

  • The Batman is a 2022 crime thriller movie co-written, co-produced and directed by Matt Reeves. It focuses on one of the Batman's earliest cases, with the investigation of murders committed by the Riddler. It also led to the spin-off series The Penguin. On October 31, 2021, in Gotham City, New York, Mayor Don Mitchell was murdered in his home by the enigmatic serial killer known as the Riddler, and the obsessive, vengeful vigilante detective known as the Batman was summoned by the Bat-Signal when

11. Characters - DC

  • Welcome to the Official Site for DC characters. DC is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes," including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, ...

  • Welcome to the Official Site for DC characters. DC is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes," including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH, AQUAMAN and more.

12. 2024 Supernatural Wiki (DC All

  • 16 uur geleden · batman himself clint eastwood crowley. supernatural drama television series created kripke follows brothers jared padalecki winchester jensen ...

Batman Dc Wiki (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.