Common Hawaiian Blessings And Their Meanings - Hawaii Star (2024)

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The Hawaiian culture is steeped in spirituality, tradition, and community. As the native people of the Hawaiian islands, Hawaiians have many customs and practices that connect them to their ancestors, nature, and each other. One important tradition is the use of Hawaiian blessings, which express well-wishes, give thanks, honor relationships, and bring people together.

If you’re looking for a quick answer, some common Hawaiian blessings include aloha (love), mahalo (thanks), and malama pono (take care of yourself). But Hawaiian blessings can be much more extensive, poetic, and meaningful.

The Significance of the Hawaiian Language

Common Hawaiian Blessings And Their Meanings - Hawaii Star (1)

The Hawaiian language, also known as ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, holds a deep significance in the culture and traditions of the Hawaiian people. It is not just a means of communication, but a connection to their ancestors and heritage.

This beautiful language is rooted in the Polynesian language family and has been spoken for centuries in the Hawaiian Islands.

Connection to ancestors and heritage

The Hawaiian language is more than just words; it carries the stories, wisdom, and traditions of the Hawaiian people.

By speaking and understanding the language, individuals can forge a deeper connection to their ancestors and the rich cultural heritage of Hawaii. It is a way to honor and preserve the traditions that have been passed down through generations.

When you speak Hawaiian, you are keeping the language alive and preserving a piece of history. It allows you to tap into the wisdom and knowledge of those who came before you, strengthening your connection to your roots.

The language serves as a bridge between the past and the present, ensuring that the traditions and values of the Hawaiian people continue to thrive.

Importance in daily life and traditions

The Hawaiian language, referred to as ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, carries deep cultural and spiritual meaning. It developed entirely in isolation before Western contact and is the native language of Hawaiians.

For centuries, Hawaiian was exclusively a spoken language without a written system. Stories, chants and rituals were passed down orally across generations.

Today, Hawaiian words and phrases are seamlessly incorporated into daily conversations, songs, place names and blessings. The language communicates core values around spirituality, family (ʻohana), respect for elders and connection to the land.

Common greetings like aloha and malama pono implicitly convey the importance of love, harmony, stewardship and living pono (righteously).

Even in heavily Americanized Hawaii, ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi phrases are used in schools, workplaces, ceremonies and socially to affirm Hawaiian identity.

The language expresses concepts central to Native Hawaiian beliefs that can’t be perfectly captured in English. Using Hawaiian language helps nurture Hawaiian ways of thinking. For locals, speaking Hawaiian phrases shows deep appreciation for their heritage.

Common Hawaiian Blessings and Phrases

Aloha – Love, hello, goodbye

Aloha is one of the most well known Hawaiian words and conveys a deep cultural concept. It is used commonly as a greeting and farewell between friends, family, and strangers. But the true meaning of aloha goes much deeper.

At its core, aloha conveys love, compassion, mercy, and the sharing of life energy between people, humanity, and all living things. It implies a mutual relationship where each person gives and receives aloha freely.

The word alone evokes a feeling of warmth, caring, unity and being at home. Aloha is to be patient, present, and open one’s heart to the preciousness of the moment, person, or experience. It means to recognize that we are all interconnected.

Beyond hello and goodbye, aloha is to cherish each new day. It reminds us that life is a gift and our time together sacred. To live with aloha is to embody grace, humility, and the spirit of serenity in all one’s affairs. It is to spread warmth and joy wherever one goes.

Aloha is at the heart of Hawaiian culture. Locals use it naturally in greetings and partings throughout each day. For Hawaiians, to say aloha is to breathe the spirit of life itself.

Mahalo – Thank you

Mahalo is one of the most commonly used Hawaiian words and is rich with meaning. At its basic level, mahalo simply means thank you. It is an expression of gratitude and appreciation.

However, mahalo has a deeper cultural significance in Hawaiian society. It acknowledges that everything is deeply interconnected. When you say mahalo, you are thanking all of the people, beings, and elements that came together to create that moment, person, experience or object.

Mahalo honors those who labored before you and the debt we owe to nature and spirit. It is a recognition of how our lives are shaped by forces beyond our individual control. Saying mahalo is an act of humility.

Mahalo is to receive generously, without necessarily deserving. It is to accept all gifts with grace. Mahalo reminds us to avoid taking things for granted.

The spirit of mahalo places value on relationships over transactions. It asks us to be thankful rather than entitled. Mahalo encourages focusing less on oneself and more on serving others.

For Hawaiians, mahalo is a way of life that cherishes the bounty of the islands. It is uttered frequently with true depth of meaning. When you say mahalo, you invoke the interconnectedness of all things under heaven and earth.

Malama pono – Take care of yourself

Malama is a Hawaiian word that means to care for, protect, or preserve. It refers to living in harmony and showing respect. Pono means goodness, uprightness, morality and properness.

Malama pono is a culturally important concept. It means to righteously take care of oneself, family, community and environment.

Malama pono reminds us that we have a kuleana (responsibility) to maintain pono and balance through our actions. It speaks to being steadfast in spiritually grounded values. Malama pono is to lead and serve as an ancestor worth following.

Malama pono asks us to be mindful of how our choices impact future generations. It is about recognizing the interconnectedness between people and nature.

Malama pono guides us to live with discretion, discernment and prudence. It means holding fast to that which nurtures our collective wellbeing.

Malama pono is to fiercely protect culture, land and sacred wisdom against forces of greed or corruption. It demands courage and defiance when facing injustice.

Malama pono calls on each person to stand strong in who they are. It is a compass directing us on how to live with purpose, honesty and self-reliance. For Hawaiians, malama pono is an active practice renewing the lifeblood of islands and people.

Hui hou – Until we meet again

Hui hou is a Hawaiian phrase used to say “until we meet again” or “see you later.” It is a warm, loving way to bid someone farewell.

Hui hou recognizes that while parting ways now, destiny will unite you again. It reflects the Hawaiian worldview of all things existing in balance and cycles. Hui hou is the understanding that no separation is permanent.

Hui hou conveys hope, optimism and faith in the future. It is the belief that the aloha between us continues on, even when physically apart. Hui hou trusts that our paths will inevitably cross again.

For Hawaiians, hui hou reminds one to cherish each encounter as a precious gift. It inspires savoring the present moment without clinging or worrying. Hui hou is an affirmation that our time together is never lost or wasted, but held in the heart forever.

At its essence, hui hou expresses the continuity and eternity of the spirit. It acknowledges that beneath surface appearances, we are all bound together as one ‘ohana (family).

Even when farewells must be said, hui hou sends one off with confidence, tranquility, and the comfort of reuniting once more. It transforms the sadness of goodbye into hopeful joy for the next meeting.

Hui hou conveys the Hawaiian spirit of living with mindfulness, presence, and deep caring for all relations. It reflects the belief that aloha never fades.

Also Read:

  • A Hui Hou: A Deep Dive Into The Meaning Behind This Hawaiian Farewell
  • How To Say Hi In Hawaiian: Aloha, A Hui Hou, And More Hawaiian Greetings

Longer Blessings Poems and Prayers

Ekolu Mea Nui – Three important things in life

The Hawaiian concept of Ekolu Mea Nui emphasizes three key elements for living a fulfilled life:

  • Ohana – Family. Hawaiians value the powerful bonds of family, both biological and intentional. Being part of an ‘ohana provides a vital sense of belonging and purpose.
  • Malama – To care for. Having compassion and respect for others is central in Hawaii. Generosity and service to the community are ways Hawaiians malama those around them.
  • Aloha – Love and harmony between people. Aloha is the core Hawaiian principle promoting empathy, unity, and joy. Sharing aloha fosters meaningful connections.

Ekolu Mea Nui teaches that keeping these three priorities in balance allows one to be centered and live fully. Honoring ‘ohana, malama, and aloha together nourishes the soul. This simple yet profound Hawaiian philosophy inspires deep reflection on what matters mo

Also Read:What Does Nui Mean In Hawaiian? A Detailed Look At This Fascinating Word

No Na Kupuna – Honoring ancestors and elders

In Hawaiian culture, honoring elders and ancestors (kupuna) is considered a sacred duty. The kupuna possess a wealth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom that links the past to the present. Showing them respect opens the door for their guidance.

Na kupuna are honored through practices like leaving the first bite of a meal for them, never stepping over a seated elder, and heeding their counsel. Families care for aging kupuna at home instead of facilities when possible. Gatherings often begin by acknowledging those who came before.

Ancestral spirits remain involved in their families’ lives. Hawaiians visit grave sites to commune with beloved kupuna through oli (chants), leaving favorite foods and flowers. Certain places with deep ancestral meaning are treated with reverence.

No Na Kupuna reflects core values of humility, legacy, and interdependence between generations. By honoring their elders, Hawaiians preserve cultural knowledge while appreciating their own place in a continuing lineage. Remembering those who came before guides Hawaiians forward as a people.

Hoʻoponopono – Forgiveness and reconciliation

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice for resolving conflicts and healing relationships through forgiveness. It brings parties together to make things right.

In ho’oponopono, participants take responsibility for their part in a disagreement. They seek to understand the other’s perspective, ask for forgiveness, and make amends. The focus is on reconciliation, not determining fault.

Key is the attitude behind ho’oponopono. It must be approached with sincerity, compassion, and a willingness to move forward. Taking steps like hugging, sharing a meal, and jointly problem solving all facilitate emotional restoration.

Practicing ho’oponopono requires vulnerability, honesty, and letting go of pride. The reward is restored harmony and bonds strengthened by adversity. Forgiveness liberates all involved to again align with the Hawaiian value of aloha.

Ho’oponopono embodies resolving conflict through mutual respect, not judgment or retribution. It offers a beautiful model of reconciliation applicable for families, communities, even nations. Wherever relationships need mending, ho’oponopono provides a time-honored path.

Using Hawaiian Blessings and Phrases

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Hawaiian blessings and phrases are an integral part of the rich cultural heritage of the Hawaiian people. These beautiful and meaningful expressions are used in a variety of settings, from everyday conversations to formal occasions.

Learning and using Hawaiian blessings not only adds a touch of authenticity to your interactions but also shows respect for the Hawaiian culture and its traditions.

In everyday conversations

Hawaiian blessings and phrases can be incorporated into everyday conversations to enhance the connection between individuals.

For example, saying “Aloha kakahiaka” (good morning) or “Aloha ahiahi” (good evening) when greeting someone can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Additionally, using phrases like “Mahalo” (thank you) or “Pomaika’i” (good luck) can express gratitude and well-wishes in a uniquely Hawaiian way.

For life events and holidays

Hawaiian blessings and phrases are often used during significant life events and holidays.

For example, during weddings, a Hawaiian blessing known as “Ho’ao Pa’a” is often recited, symbolizing the joining of two individuals in love and unity. Similarly, during holiday gatherings, the phrase “Mele Kalikimaka” (Merry Christmas) is commonly used to spread joy and holiday cheer.

To open and close formal occasions

Hawaiian blessings and phrases are also frequently used to open and close formal occasions, such as ceremonies and meetings. These blessings serve as a way to acknowledge the importance of the event and to seek blessings and guidance.

For instance, the phrase “Ka mea hou” (the new thing) is often used to begin a formal gathering, while the phrase “A hui hou” (until we meet again) is commonly used to conclude a gathering with a sense of farewell and gratitude.

By incorporating Hawaiian blessings and phrases into your conversations and events, you not only honor the Hawaiian culture but also add a unique and meaningful touch to your interactions.

So, next time you have the opportunity, consider using these beautiful expressions to create a deeper connection and show appreciation for the Hawaiian traditions.

The Beauty and Meaning Behind Hawaiian Blessings

Hawaii is known for its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality. One of the most beautiful aspects of Hawaiian culture is the tradition of blessings. These blessings, known as “Pule,” are an integral part of Hawaiian life, expressing the values of aloha, gratitude, and unity.

Expressing the values of aloha, gratitude, unity

In Hawaiian culture, aloha is more than just a word – it is a way of life. Hawaiian blessings often begin with the word “aloha,” which represents love, compassion, and respect for others.

These blessings serve as a reminder to approach life with an open heart, treating others with kindness and empathy. They also express gratitude for the abundance of nature and the importance of unity within the community.

One common Hawaiian blessing is the “Ho’oponopono” prayer, which is used to reconcile conflicts and restore harmony within relationships. This blessing emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, understanding, and finding common ground.

Connecting to Hawaiian history and culture

Hawaiian blessings not only reflect the values of the present but also connect individuals to the rich history and culture of the Hawaiian people. These blessings often incorporate elements from ancient Hawaiian mythology, paying homage to the gods and goddesses who played a significant role in shaping the islands.

For example, the “Ku” blessing pays tribute to the Hawaiian god of war and prosperity. It is often recited before embarking on a new endeavor or seeking success in one’s personal or professional life. This blessing serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience of the Hawaiian people throughout history.

Bringing people together in the spirit of community

Hawaiian blessings have a unique ability to bring people together in the spirit of community. Whether it is a gathering of friends and family or a larger community event, these blessings create a sense of unity and shared purpose.

One popular blessing often used at community gatherings is the “E ho mai” prayer, which asks for blessings and guidance for the group as a whole. This prayer acknowledges the power of collective action and the importance of supporting one another on the journey of life.

By incorporating Hawaiian blessings into our lives, we can foster a deeper connection to the values of aloha, gratitude, and unity. These blessings serve as a reminder to approach life with love and compassion, honor the traditions of the past, and come together as a community to support one another.


Hawaiian blessings beautifully embody the spirit of aloha, conveying meaningful well-wishes for every occasion. By learning some of these special sayings, you can gain a deeper appreciation for Hawaiian culture while spreading warmth and connectedness. Use these blessings at special times in your own life or share them with others as a gesture of aloha.

Common Hawaiian Blessings And Their Meanings - Hawaii Star (2024)
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