Deducting Legal and Accounting Fees (2024)

Don't miss out on these valuable business tax deductions.

By Stephen Fishman, J.D. · USC Gould School of Law

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If you own a business, you can deduct fees paid to attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other professionals as business expenses if the fees are paid for work related to your business. For example, say that Iris, a freelance writer, hires attorney Jake to represent her in a libel suit. The legal fees Iris pays Jake are a deductible business expense.

Legal and professional fees for personal purposes generally aren't deductible. For example, you can't deduct the legal fees you incur if you get divorced, or you sue someone for a traffic accident injury. Nor are the fees you pay to write your will deductible, even if the will covers business property that you own.

Buying Long-Term Property

If you pay legal or other fees in the course of buying long-term business property, you must add the amount of the fee to the tax basis (cost) of the property. You may deduct this cost over several years through depreciation or deduct it in one year under IRC Section 179.

Starting a Business

Legal and accounting fees you pay to start a business are deductible only as business start-up expenses. You can deduct $5,000 of start-up expenses the first year you're in business and any excess amounts over 180 months. The same holds true for incorporation fees or fees that you pay to form a partnership or LLC.

Accounting Fees

You can deduct any accounting fees that you pay for your business as a deductible business expense. For example, fees you pay an accountant to set up or keep your business books, prepare your business tax return, or give you tax advice for your business.

Self-employed taxpayers may deduct the cost of having an accountant or other tax professional complete the business portion of their tax returns—Schedule C and other business tax forms—but they can't deduct the time the preparer spends on the personal part of their returns. If you are self-employed and pay a tax preparer to complete your Form 1040 income tax return, make sure that you get an itemized bill showing the portion of the tax preparation fee allocated to preparing your Schedule C (and any other business tax forms attached to your Form 1040).

Get More Information

For more information on tax issues affecting small businesses, get Deduct It! Lower Your Small Business Taxes, by Stephen Fishman (Nolo).

If you need more help, talk to a tax professional, such as a certified public accountant or a tax attorney. A tax professional can prepare tax returns or provide tax information, guidance, or representation before the IRS.

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Deducting Legal and Accounting Fees (2024)


Deducting Legal and Accounting Fees? ›

If you own a business, you can deduct fees paid to attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other professionals as business expenses if the fees are paid for work related to your business. For example, say that Iris, a freelance writer, hires attorney Jake to represent her in a libel suit.

Are accounting and legal fees deductible? ›

Key Takeaways. You can deduct legal fees that are ordinary and necessary expenses directly related to the operation of your business as a business expense. Legal fees you incur for resolving tax issues, advice or preparation of tax forms related to your business usually are deductible.

What qualifies as legal and professional fees are tax deductible? ›

Legal and professional fees

These include fees charged by lawyers, accountants, bookkeepers, tax preparers, and online bookkeeping services such as Bench. If the fees include payments for work of a personal nature (for example, making a will), you can only deduct the part of the fee that's related to the business.

Are legal fees ever deductible? ›

While personal legal fees are generally not tax deductible, legal fees related to business often are. To ensure compliance and maximize your deductions, it's wise to consult a financial advisor with tax expertise who can provide guidance tailored to your unique situation.

Are accountancy fees deductible? ›

Accountancy, legal and other professional fees can count as allowable business expenses. You can claim costs for: hiring of accountants, solicitors, surveyors and architects for business reasons.

Can you write off your accounting fees? ›

You can deduct any accounting fees that you pay for your business as a deductible business expense. For example, fees you pay an accountant to set up or keep your business books, prepare your business tax return, or give you tax advice for your business.

What are accounting and legal expenses? ›

Legal Fees: These can include fees for attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals. Accounting Fees: These can include fees for certified public accountants (CPAs), bookkeepers, and other financial professionals.

What are legal and professional services for tax-deductible? ›

Business owners can deduct legal and professional fees to the extent they are an ordinary part of and necessary to operations. Legal and professional services is a broad category that generally includes expenses for your lawyer, accountant and any other professional consultants you may hire.

Are Trump's legal expenses tax-deductible? ›

Lastly, a person must actually pay the legal fees to be deductible. While this sounds obvious, in Trumps's case, the Republican National Committee has paid a significant portion of his legal fees. So Trump cannot claim the deduction if the RNC paid it.

What business expenses are 100% deductible? ›

Office equipment, such as computers, printers and scanners are 100 percent deductible. Business travel and its associated costs, like car rentals, hotels, etc. is 100 percent deductible. Gifts to clients and employees are 100 percent deductible, up to $25 per person per year.

Are legal fees capitalized or expensed? ›

Legal fees can indeed be capitalized under certain circ*mstances. If the legal fees are directly associated with the acquisition, construction, or improvement of a capital asset, they may be capitalized. Keep in mind, though, that not all legal fees are created equal. Some may still need to be expensed.

Are funeral expenses tax deductible? ›

Individual taxpayers cannot deduct funeral expenses on their tax return. While the IRS allows deductions for medical expenses, funeral costs are not included. Qualified medical expenses must be used to prevent or treat a medical illness or condition.

What can I write off on my taxes? ›

If you itemize, you can deduct these expenses:
  • Bad debts.
  • Canceled debt on home.
  • Capital losses.
  • Donations to charity.
  • Gains from sale of your home.
  • Gambling losses.
  • Home mortgage interest.
  • Income, sales, real estate and personal property taxes.

Are accountant fees an expense? ›

If you own an investment property, expenses you can claim for include: repairs and maintenance (but not renovations that substantially improve the value of the property) professional services fees, like accountants, lawyers or property managers.

What financial fees are tax-deductible? ›

Under federal tax law, you may deduct “investment fees, custodial fees, trust administration fees, and other expenses you paid for managing your investments that produce taxable income.” In addition, you can “usually deduct legal expenses that you incur in attempting to produce or collect taxable income or that you pay ...

Are audit fees an allowable expense? ›

Broadly speaking, bonuses and audit fees are deductible in terms of section 11(a) of the Income Tax Act, No 58 of 1962 (the Act), read with section 23(g).

Where do legal fees go on an income statement? ›

According to the "golden rules" of accounting, expenses are recorded as nominal accounts and have a debit balance. Legal expenses are costs incurred by a company in relation to its business operations, such as fees paid to lawyers for their services. Therefore, legal expenses should be recorded as a debit.

What are legal and professional expenses examples? ›

Legal and Professional Service - Amounts paid for services related to your business that were not paid to contractors or employees. This can include services such as tax advice, business related consultation fees, branding services, etc.

Are CPA exam fees tax-deductible? ›

Are CPA Exam fees tax deductible? CPA Exam fees are not tax-deductible. The IRS views becoming a CPA as starting a “new trade or profession” because CPAs can legally perform additional services that non-certified accountants cannot.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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