Different Types of Mutual Funds in India (2024)

In India, various types of mutual funds canbe broadly classified based on their structure, asset class, and investment objectives. Additionally, they can be further segmented based on the investors’ risk appetite. Let’s have a look at the them.

Based on the mutual fund structure

A mutual fund scheme can be classified as an open-ended, close-ended, or interval scheme depending on its maturity period. Let’s understand:

Open-ended mutual funds

In open-ended mutual fund schemes, you can invest and redeem your investments whenever you want. There is no maturity tenure or a specific time for investment into the scheme. Open-ended mutual funds are, therefore, liquid in nature. Most types of mutual fund schemes are open-ended in nature. However, ELSS schemes and sometimes solution-oriented schemes are exceptions with lock-in. Redemption is not allowed while solution-oriented funds can have lock-in periods of up to 5 years.

Close-ended mutual funds

Close-ended mutual fund schemes have a set investment and maturity period, available during their New Fund Offer (NFO) launch. Investments can only be made during this period, and there’s a fixed maturity date for redemptions. Some close-ended schemes get listed on stock exchanges post-NFO, allowing investors to trade them. Periodic repurchasing options are also available, where investors can sell units back to the mutual fund company. SEBI mandates that mutual fund companies must offer investors an exit route, either through stock exchange sales or selling back to the company.

Interval mutual funds

As the name suggests, interval mutual funds allow you to invest or redeem from them at intervals. These are essentially close-ended funds with some windows in between where you can enter or exit the fund.

Mutual fund types based on asset class

Depending on the asset class in which they invest, mutual fund schemes can be of the following types:

Equity mutual funds

Equity mutual funds are the type of mutual fund that invests in the stocks of different companies. The return of these funds is influenced by the performance of the invested stocks in the market. These funds take high risks, and they also have the potential to generate stunning returns.

As per SEBI guidelines, equity funds should invest at least 65% of their portfolio in equities. Equity funds invest in stocks of a specific type of market cap. Examples of such schemes include large-cap funds, mid-cap funds, large and mid-cap funds, and small-cap funds.

Similarly, some funds invest in a specific sector like technology or banking. These funds are called Sectoral Funds. And then, there are categories of funds that invest across market caps and sectors. It includes funds like Flexi Cap Funds, Focused Funds, and Multi Cap Funds, among others.

Debt funds

These mutual funds primarily invest in fixed-income instruments like corporate and government bonds. These funds generate income through capital appreciation and interest income.

The objective of these funds is to provide returns that outpace inflation, making it an attractive option for risk-averse investors seeking capital preservation with minimal fluctuations in value. Also, they are suitable for investors who want to invest for a short duration.

Typically, debt funds offer more stable returns than equity funds. Therefore, they are considered to be less risky than equity funds. But it doesn’t mean there is no risk in the debt funds. They are exposed to credit risk and interest risk.

Hybrid mutual funds

These schemes primarily invest in a combination of debt and equity. So, hybrid funds offer the benefit of asset allocation and help you diversify your portfolio. Their goal is to provide long-term capital appreciation through equities investments while ensuring short-term stability and a steady income stream from debt holdings.

For example, allocation to equity increases the chances of higher returns, while allocation to debt helps to stabilize the investments against extreme market turbulence. As a result, the portfolio’s overall risk is decreased. There are several categories of hybrid funds with different mixes of debt and equity such as multi-asset allocation funds, aggressive hybrid funds, balanced advantage funds, etc.

Based on investment objectives

Mutual funds are categorized based on their investment objectives, which define the fund’s primary goal and the types of assets it invests in. Here are some common mutual fund types based on investment objectives:


ELSS or Equity Linked Saving Schemes are the type of mutual funds that come with the dual benefit of equity market returns and tax saving. It comes with a lock-in period of 3 years, which means you can’t redeem before 3 years.

As the name suggests, it invests in the stock market or equity with the aim of capital appreciation in the long term. It is the only type of mutual fund scheme eligible for tax deduction under Section 80C up to Rs 1.5 lakh. It is suitable for investors looking to invest in mutual funds but also wants to avail of tax benefits.

Liquid Funds

Liquid funds are a type of debt funds that are focused on providing the safety of principal and steady returns. They invest in short-term debt securities such as government securities, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, treasury bills, etc. As per the SEBI guidelines, these funds can only invest in debt instruments with a maturity of up to 90 days.

These funds are suitable for short-term investors seeking flexibility and better returns than bank deposits and also for those who want to park large sums of money temporarily.

Capital Protection Funds

Capital protection-oriented funds are the type of mutual funds that are focused on protecting the principal amount invested by the investors. They invest in a mix of debt and equity; however, most of the potion is invested in debts and only a small portion in equities.

This way, they provide protection against market downturns by investing in debts and simultaneously help in capital appreciation by investing in equity markets. These funds are suitable for low-risk appetite investors who do not want to lose their principal invested amount but also want to explore equity markets.

Fixed-maturity funds

A fixed maturity plan (FMP) is a type of mutual fund that comes with a fixed lock-in period. It invests in debt securities, which matures with the scheme’s tenure. For example, if the scheme matures in 3 years, it will invest in debt securities that mature in only three years.

These are closed-ended funds; hence, you can only invest in these funds at the time of NFO (New Fund Offer). It is suitable for the investor looking to invest for the short term, with lower risk.

Pension Funds

Pension funds, or retirement funds, are launched by asset management companies as a retirement solution. These funds come with a lock-in period of at least five years or until retirement, whichever is earlier. These funds can be managed as equity, debt, or hybrid funds. So, the funds in this category often have multiple ‘plans’.

The primary goal of these funds is to build a substantial corpus for your retirement by investing in stocks and debt instruments.

Income Funds

Income funds are typically debt mutual funds that primarily invest in debt securities such as corporate bonds, government bonds, and money market instruments. It is considered a low-risk investment as it invests in fixed-income securities with higher credit ratings.

The main objective of this fund is to maximize your wealth through capital appreciation and regular dividend payments when there is a surplus.

Growth Funds

Growth funds are the type of mutual funds that invest in companies that have high potential for growth. The primary goal of these funds is to provide maximum capital appreciation to the investors.

As they invest in high-growth companies, the risk level in these funds is also high. Hence, they are suited for aggressive investors who are willing to take higher-risk investments.

Money Market Funds

Money market funds are debt funds that primarily invest in money market instruments for the short term, typically less than one year. These funds are considered a low-risk investment because they invest in short-term debt securities such as treasury bills, commercial papers, commercial bills certificates of deposit, etc.

These funds are ideal for investors who want to park their surplus funds for a short duration and want to earn a higher return than traditional FDs.

Funds of Funds

Fund of funds (FOF) is another type of mutual fund that invests in other mutual fund schemes instead of directly investing in equity, debts, or other securities. This approach to investing is commonly known as multi-manager investment.

It allows investors to invest in multiple funds across different categories by investing in one scheme only. The underlying asset in this type of fund is the units of mutual funds, which can be of the same fund house or other fund houses.

Gold Funds

The gold funds invest in the gold ETF (Exchange Traded Funds). These funds aim to replicate the performance of gold prices in India, providing investors with an opportunity to invest in gold without physically owning the precious metal.

Historically, gold has acted as a hedge investment against inflation; hence, adding gold funds to your portfolio will protect you from inflation effects.

Based on portfolio management

Mutual Funds can be categorized based on how the portfolio is managed. The two types are active and passive mutual fund schemes.

Active Mutual Funds

Actively managed mutual funds are those wherein the fund manager continuously keeps looking for ways to generate better returns. The fund manager sells and buys stocks whenever he sees an opportunity.

Passive Mutual Funds

Passively managed funds are those wherein the fund manager does not actively manage the portfolio. The portfolio reflects a specific index, i.e., the money is allocated in the exact same way as it is done in the underlying index. Any change in the portfolio is done only if there is a change in the index composition.

Based on specialty

Mutual funds can also be categorized based on their specialty or focus on specific investment strategies. Here are some mutual fund types based on specialty:

Sectoral funds

This category of funds invests at least 80% of its corpus in businesses belonging to a particular sector of the economy.

For example, a pharma fund will invest 80% of the assets in pharma companies like Sun Pharmaceutical, Cipla, Lupin, etc.

While investors can earn good returns from sectoral funds that invest in well-performing companies from a sector, there is a flip side to this too. Unlike diversified equity funds, these funds lack diversification, which makes them one of the riskiest mutual funds available.

Index funds

Index funds are the type of mutual fund that match the performance of an underlying index. These funds hold the same shares of the chosen index in precisely the same proportion as the replicated index.

Index funds also come in many options, such as large-cap index, mid-cap index, small-cap index, etc. For instance, examples of a large-cap index fund include schemes that track large-cap indices like SENSEX, NIFTY 50, NIFTY 100, etc. Similarly, an example of a mid-cap index fund would be a scheme that tracks indices like NIFTY Midcap 150 or NIFTY Midcap 100.

Real estate funds

These are a type of sector fund and investment in companies from the real estate sector. In essence, these funds invest mainly in the equities of real estate developers. Thus, returns from these funds depend upon the real-estate sector growth.

Asset allocation funds

Asset allocation funds also known as Balance Advantage Funds invest in a mix of stocks and debt instruments. These funds dynamically manage their allocation based on market conditions. The aim is to provide investors with optimal returns and minimal risk.

Now, each fund house’s asset allocation fund has a unique asset allocation technique that they use. Each strategy has its pros and cons and is suited to different investment needs and risk profiles. But overall asset allocation funds can be ideal for investors who seek exposure to equity and debt asset classes with a balanced approach.

International funds

International funds or foreign or overseas mutual funds are schemes that invest in companies listed on foreign stock exchanges. These funds offer geographical diversification that helps investors reduce the investment risks associated with their home country.

These types of investments allow investors to participate in the growth of international companies. However, one needs to have a high-risk appetite and must be willing to stay invested for the long term.

Global funds

Global funds are a category of mutual funds that invest in companies from all over the world. However, they are different from international funds.

The names could be confusing. But unlike international funds that invest in all countries except the country that the investor resides in, global funds invest in all countries around the globe with no exception.

Exchange-traded fund (ETF)

ETFs are a type of mutual fund that can be traded on the stock exchange in real-time just like stocks. ETFs belong to the index funds family and while the majority of ETFs are passively managed, there are actively managed ETFs as well.

Passively managed ETFs can be structured to track anything like an index or a group of stocks from a specific industry or business. For example, a NIFTY 50 ETF will replicate the portfolio and performance of the NIFTY 50 TRI Index in the same proportion. ETFs may also track an index representing a sector like NIFTY Pharma, or a commodity like gold, which tracks the physical gold price.

Based on risk appetite

Investors may also choose to invest in mutual funds depending on their risk appetite. Broadly, this categorization based on risk can be of the following types:

Low-risk Funds

Low-risk funds invest in high-quality bonds over a shorter period can be considered low-risk mutual fund schemes. These funds typically take an extremely low risk and have the potential to grow an inventor’s money gradually. However, low-risk mutual funds are unlikely to beat inflation by a huge margin.

Examples of such funds can include liquid funds, overnight funds, ultra-short duration funds, etc.

Medium risk

Mutual funds that aim to strike a balance between their risk and return are medium-risk or moderate-risk schemes. Examples of such funds include various hybrid schemes that include multiple asset classes like equity and debt.

Due to equity allocation, these funds have the potential to beat inflation by a decent margin. But they also provide better downside protection than pure equity funds because of the allocation to debt instruments. So these funds are ideal for those who are willing to take a moderate risk with their investments.

High risk

Investments under this category of mutual funds can be extremely volatile, which can result in big gains but also land the investor in serious losses during a market crash. Therefore, these funds are suitable for those investors who are willing to take higher risks with their money.

Examples of high-risk mutual funds include pure equity funds and debt funds that take high credit or interest risk.

Given the various types of mutual fund schemes in India, choose the types of funds that suit your investment preference and risk appetite. Also, assess your financial goals and their horizon when choosing the right mutual fund scheme. Try and build a diversified portfolio with different types of mutual fund schemes so that you can diversify your risks and maximize the return-generating potential of your portfolio.

Frequently asked questions

Which type of mutual fund is best in India?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to which type of mutual fund is the best. The best type of mutual fund depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance. Equity funds offer growth potential, debt funds provide stability, ELSS funds offer tax benefits, and ETFs offer diversification. Choose based on your needs.

Which is the best FD or mutual fund?

The choice between FD and mutual funds depends on risk and return preferences. FDs are low-risk with steady returns. Mutual funds offer varied options with the potential for higher returns but involve market risk. Consider goals and risk tolerance.

What is the safest mutual fund?

Overnight Funds and Liquid Funds are among the safest mutual fund categories.
Overnight funds invest in securities that are maturing in 1-day. These funds have credit and interest risk and as a result, the risk of making a loss in them is near zero. These are ideal for investment horizons of up to 7 days.
Liquid funds are also among the safest categories in the mutual fund parlance. These funds can only invest in debt and money market securities with maturities of up to 90 days. This reduces the interest rate risk and credit risk that these funds can take.

Which type of mutual fund gives the highest return?

Equity funds, particularly those focused on small-cap or mid-cap stocks, historically have the potential to offer the highest returns among mutual fund categories. However, they also come with higher risk and volatility. It’s important to remember that high returns are often accompanied by higher risk. Consider your risk tolerance and investment horizon before opting for funds with the potential for higher returns. Diversification across different fund types can also help manage risk. You can also check the potential returns of your investments using a mutual fund calculator

How much do you need to start investing in large-cap funds?

The minimum investment amount required to start investing in large-cap funds can vary from one fund to another and can also be influenced by the fund house’s policies. The minimum investment amount for mutual funds is often around ₹500 to ₹1,000 for lump sum investments and ₹100 for SIP. Some funds might have higher initial investment requirements.

What is the maximum you can invest in a mutual fund?

You can invest in mutual funds through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and lump sum. And there is no maximum limit on how much you can invest.
Sometimes, fund houses cap investment in a certain scheme if they find there are not enough opportunities in the market to invest. In such cases, you can always invest in a similar scheme offered by other fund houses. So, simply put, the sky’s the limit.

Which mutual fund gives monthly returns?

If you want to earn regular income through mutual funds, you can opt for the Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP). It will allow you to withdraw from your mutual fund scheme on an already set date and you can withdraw annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or even monthly. Another way is going for Dividend plans of a Mutual Fund. But there is no guarantee of dividends nor there is any fixed interval. The dividend is paid as and when the fund has a surplus amount to distribute.

Different Types of Mutual Funds in India (2024)
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