FAQ - frequently asked questions (2024)

Table of Contents
When was Allianz founded? In which sector does Allianz operate? What kind of business is Allianz engaged in? What are Allianz's most important subsidiaries? Where is Allianz's head office? Who is on the Allianz Board of Management? Who is on the Allianz Supervisory Board? How many employees does Allianz Group have? Who are Allianz Group's biggest competitors? Where can I access the latest company news and business figures? How can I get hold of the latest Annual Report orHalf-year Report? What is the difference between theAnnualReport of Allianz Group and the Annual Report of Allianz SE? Which accounting regulations are the financial statements of the Allianz Group based on? In which currency does Allianz publish its results? How can I acquire Allianz shares? At which stock exchanges is the Allianz share traded? How is Allianz valuedon stock exchanges (so-called market capitalization)? In what indices is the Allianz share represented? How many shareholders does Allianz have? Who are the biggest shareholders? Is the company authorized to acquire treasury shares (share buy-back)? Is Allianz purchasing own shares? When did the last cum-rights capital increase take place at Allianz? When did Allianz last carry out a share split? How many shares are there currently? What categories of share has Allianz issued? What significance do registered shares with restricted transferability have for the shareholder? Which Allianz Group companies are listed? When was the Allianz share first listed on a stock exchange and at what price? When was the Allianz share included in the DAX®? Does Allianz SE offer an ADR program in the USA? What is the dividend for fiscal year 2023? When was the dividend for fiscal year 2023 paid out? When was the share traded ex dividend? When does a share have to be in my securities account in order to qualify for a dividend? I am a shareholder but I did not receive any dividend payment. Whom can I contact? What is Corporate Governance? What is the German Corporate Governance Code? Does Allianz comply withthe German Corporate Governance Code? Who is on the Allianz Board of Management? Who is on the Allianz Supervisory Board? Does Allianz publish the remuneration of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board? What is the "Code of Conduct"? FAQs


When was Allianz founded?

Allianz was entered into the Commercial Register at the municipal court of Berlin on February 5, 1890. In 1949 the headquarters moved to Munich.Allianz celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2015.

History of Allianz

In which sector does Allianz operate? What kind of business is Allianz engaged in?

Allianz's operations break down into the following lines of business:

Since the vast majority of our revenue comes from the insurance business, Allianz is generally classed as belonging to the "insurance" sector (e.g. included in the STOXX Europe 600 Insurance index).

Business Operations

What are Allianz's most important subsidiaries?

The Allianz Group has a decentralized management structure and possesses high levels of competency in local markets via an international network of subsidiaries in more than 70 countries.

Allianz worldwide


Where is Allianz's head office?

The Head Office of Allianz SE is in Munich. Its address is as follows:

Allianz SE
Koeniginstrasse 28
80802 Munich, Germany


Who is on the Allianz Board of Management?

The Board of Management of Allianz SE currently is made up of nine members. Chairman of the Board of Management is Oliver Bäte.

Members of the Board of Management

Who is on the Allianz Supervisory Board?

The Supervisory Board is made up of 12 members, 6 of whom have been appointed by shareholders and 6 by employees. Unlike under German law, the legal form of a SE does not require that the Supervisory Board is made up of equal numbers of employee representatives and employer representatives. However, Allianz will continue to apply the principle of equal representation under which employee representatives from various European countries are members of the Supervisory Board. Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Michael Diekmann.

Supervisory Board

How many employees does Allianz Group have?

Allianz Group has157,883 employees worldwide (as of December 31, 2023).

Our Employees

Who are Allianz Group's biggest competitors?

Allianz’s competitors with worldwide operations are AXA,Generali and Zurich. Besides these international competitors, there are other local and regional companies competing for business in various countries and markets.

Where can I access the latest company news and business figures?

You can access the latest news about the Allianz Group on our website following the links listed below:

IR announcements

Inside Information (Ad hoc disclosure)

Reporting thresholds

Directors' Dealings

Press News overview

Info about app


You will find all release dates in our Financial Calendar.

Financial calendar

How can I get hold of the latest Annual Report orHalf-year Report?

The Allianz Group Annual andHalf-year Reports are available on this website as PDF and in the Allianz Investor Relations App.

Annual Report

Half-year Report

What is the difference between theAnnualReport of Allianz Group and the Annual Report of Allianz SE?

Every year Allianz SE publishes its financial statements as well as its consolidated financial statements. The Annual Report of Allianz SE (financial statements) only concerns the holding company "Allianz SE" that is based in Munich. Since 2006 the legal form of Allianz SE has been that of a European company (Societas Europaea). The financial statements of the holding company Allianz SE are drawn up according to the requirements of the HGB (Handelsgesetzbuch – German Commercial Code).

The Annual Report of Allianz Group contains the consolidated financial statements of Allianz SE and its subsidiaries. The consolidated financial statements are drawn up on the basis of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Lists of Participations

Which accounting regulations are the financial statements of the Allianz Group based on?

Allianz Group is drawing up its financial statements according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Until 2002 the designation "International Accounting Standards" (IAS) applied to the overall framework of all standards approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The change to IAS was effected in 1998. Thus the accounting of the Allianz Group is comparable with that of its international peers.

The annual financial statement of Allianz SE is drawn up according to the requirements of the HGB (Handelsgesetzbuch – German Commercial Code).

Annual Report

In which currency does Allianz publish its results?

Allianz has been doing its accounting inEuros since the introduction of the Euro in 1999.


How can I acquire Allianz shares?

You can buy Allianz shares through any supplier of brokerage services, usually banks. To do so, you need a custody account in which your shares are administered. It is not possible to acquire the shares directly through Allianz SE, its subsidiaries or intermediaries.

At which stock exchanges is the Allianz share traded?

The Allianz share is traded in Xetra and at all German stock exchanges.

How is Allianz valuedon stock exchanges (so-called market capitalization)?

Allianz is one of the most highly valued financial services enterprises in Europe. To find out Allianz's currentmarket capitalizationplease follow the link.

Market capitalization

In what indices is the Allianz share represented?

The Allianz share is represented in the leading German and European as well as in the most significant world-market indices with a high weighting for a single stock, including the DAX®,EURO STOXX 50, S&P Europe 350, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and MSCI World.

The Allianz share has a particularly high weighting in the German and European sector indices for insurance, such as Prime Insurance, STOXX Europe 600 Insurance or MSCI Europe Insurance.

Furthermore the Allianz share is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability and the FTSE4Good.


How many shareholders does Allianz have?

Allianz SE has around half a million shareholders. To find out the current number of shareholders please follow the link.

Shareholder Structure

Who are the biggest shareholders?

The biggest shareholders of Allianz are German and US-American investment companies.

Shareholder Structure

Is the company authorized to acquire treasury shares (share buy-back)?

The Management has been authorized to acquire treasury shares of Allianz SE. The authorization was approved under Agenda Item 8 of the Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2024, and is limited until May 7, 2029. The Management received authorization to acquire treasury shares representing up to 10% of the capital stock.

The acquisition of treasury shares may be carried out through a stock exchange, through a public tender offer, through a public exchange offer for shares of a stock exchange-listed company or via multilateral trading facilities. The acquisition can be carried out also by means of derivatives. The legal basis of this authorization is § 71 Abs. 1 Nr. 8 AktG (German Stock Corporation Act).

Total holdings of treasury shares of Allianz SE must not exceed 10% of the capital stock at any time.

Annual General Meeting 2024 – Item 8 of the Agenda

Is Allianz purchasing own shares?

Please find here information regarding completed or any running share buy-back programs:

Share Buy-Back

When did the last cum-rights capital increase take place at Allianz?

The last cum-rights capital increase took place in April 2003.

Capital increases

When did Allianz last carry out a share split?

Allianz carried out a share split based on a ratio of 1:10 that took effect on April 28, 1997. The nominal value per share was reduced from DM 50 (Deutsche Mark) to DM 5 as a result. The resolution on the share split had been passed by the Annual General Meeting held on October 7, 1996. No further share splits are currently planned.

Share split

How many shares are there currently?

The information on the total number is updated on a quarterly basis. To find out the current number of shares please follow the link.


What categories of share has Allianz issued?

Allianz has issued only one category of shares - registered shares with restricted transferability.

What significance do registered shares with restricted transferability have for the shareholder?

Allianz SE issues registered shares with restricted transferability. Under German stock corporation law, companies with registered shares consideronly those persons as shareholders, who are recorded in the company's share register.

To be recorded in the share register is relevant fortaking part in general meetings and making use of voting rights and it also facilitates direct communication with shareholders. This way, for instance, shareholders can be invited personally to attend general meetings.

The restriction on share transferability goes right back to the foundation of Allianz in 1890. This practice is widespread in the insurance industry in Germany. In accordance with its statutes, the company will only withhold the approval for a transfer of shares if extraordinary reasons existand if it is considered to be in the interest of the company. For several decades no such case has occurred.

With the standardization of share transfer processes, the restriction on share transferability does not cause any delay in the registration in the share register and does not impede in any way the trading of the shares on stock exchanges.

Which Allianz Group companies are listed?

The following companies have a stock exchange listing:

  • Allianz SE, Munich (DE 000 840 400 5)
  • Allianz Malaysia Berhad, Kuala Lumpur (MYL 116 3OO 004)

When was the Allianz share first listed on a stock exchange and at what price?

The Allianz share was first listed on December 12,1895 on the Berlin stock exchange. The issuing price was 750 marks. As early asDecember 31, 1895 the price had climbed to 800 marks.

When was the Allianz share included in the DAX®?

The DAX® was introduced to the Frankfurt stock exchange on June 23, 1988. The Allianz share has been part of the DAX® since the very beginning and up to this day it is one of its most important components.


Does Allianz SE offer an ADR program in the USA?

The sponsored ADR program of Allianz SE terminated on January 3, 2020. The Deposit Agreement relating to the ADR program terminated effective on the same date.


What is the dividend for fiscal year 2023?

The Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2024 approved the dividend of 13.80 euros for fiscal 2023 (+21.1% on previous year: 11.40 euros).


When was the dividend for fiscal year 2023 paid out? When was the share traded ex dividend?

In accordance to the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the dividend payment is to be made on the third business day following the Annual General Meeting. The dividend payment for the fiscal year 2023 therefore was made on Monday, May 13, 2024. As of May 9, 2024, the share was traded ex dividend.

When does a share have to be in my securities account in order to qualify for a dividend?

The dividend entitlement date is always the day of the Annual General Meeting (evening). Thus, regarding the dividend for fiscal year 2023, the effective date was May 8, 2024.

I am a shareholder but I did not receive any dividend payment. Whom can I contact?

Please check first if your shares carry full dividend rights: The dividend entitlement date is always the day of the Annual General Meeting. At this date the shares have to be registered in your securities account in order to be entitled to dividends.

Your custodian bank is responsible for the transfer of the dividend into your account. If your shares are entitled to dividends and your bank account has not been credited, please contact your bank.

Corporate Governance

What is Corporate Governance?

Questions regarding corporate management, control and transparency are summarized under "Corporate Governance". A company's corporate governance structure is determined by a varied regulatory framework that is shaped by statutory requirements, market self-control mechanisms and company-specific principles.

Essential elements of good Corporate Governance are:

  • open and transparent communication
  • absolute respect for the interests of shareholders
  • efficient cooperation of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board

Corporate Governance

What is the German Corporate Governance Code?

The German Corporate Governance Code summarizes the main statutory regulations for the management and supervision of German listed companies. Furthermore, it takes into account internationally and nationally recognized behavioral standards in the form of recommendations ("shall") and provides the companies with suggestions ("should/can") for sound and responsible corporate management and supervision.

The Governmental Commission "German Corporate Governance Code" is responsible for the initial compilation and the continuous review and refinement of the German Corporate Governance Code. The Commission has to review the Code for possible adjustments at least once a year, considering legislative and practical developments concerning corporate governance.

German Corporate Governance Code

Does Allianz comply withthe German Corporate Governance Code?

Allianz understands responsible Corporate Governance as a central challenge and indispensable prerequisite for the creation of sustainable value for its shareholders as well as all other stakeholders. For this reason Allianzsupports the German Corporate Governance Code.

The Board of Management and the Supervisory Board provide an annual Declaration of Compliance regarding the Code. In terms of the principle "comply or explain" the declaration also contains possible deviations from the recommendations. This declaration is published in the Annual Report and on this website.

Declaration of Compliance of Allianz SE regarding the German Corporate Governance Code

Who is on the Allianz Board of Management?

The Board of Management of Allianz SE currently is made up of eleven members. Chairman of the Board of Management is Oliver Bäte.

Members of the Board of Management

Who is on the Allianz Supervisory Board?

The Supervisory Board is made up of 12 members, 6 of whom have been appointed by shareholders and 6 by employees. Unlike under German law, the legal form of a SE does not require that the Supervisory Board is made up of equal numbers of employee representatives and employer representatives. However, Allianz will continue to apply the principle of equal representation under which employee representatives from various European countries are members of the Supervisory Board. Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Michael Diekmann.

Supervisory Board

Does Allianz publish the remuneration of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board?

In compliance with recommendations from the German Corporate Governance Code, Allianz SE (formerly Allianz AG) is publishing an individual breakdown concerning the remuneration of the members of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board since fiscal year 2004.

Remuneration of the Board of Management

Remuneration of the Supervisory Board

What is the "Code of Conduct"?

Our Code of Conduct provides us with important information and guidance – built around our core values, it helps us to make the rightdecisions in our daily business.

Code of Conduct of Allianz

FAQ - frequently asked questions (2024)


What are basic FAQ questions? ›

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is a set of common/obvious queries your web visitors or customers may have. Some common examples include questions about service hours, shipping and handling, product details, return policies, etc., depending on the industry.

What are good FAQs? ›

An effective FAQ page should include a clear and concise introduction, questions and answers divided by categories, links to additional resources, and a search function to help visitors quickly find the answers they are looking for.

What are general FAQs? ›

What is General FAQ? It is a collection of common questions and answers not specific to a product, feature, or service. They usually cover payment policies, how to contact customer support, and refund policies.

How many questions should a FAQ have? ›

Fewer than five questions might indicate you haven't done your research… or that you didn't need an FAQ to begin with. Fielding dozens of questions isn't good either, but if they're all necessary, consider splitting your FAQ into multiple pages.

What is frequently asked in an FAQ? ›

A frequently asked questions (FAQ) list is often used in articles, websites, email lists, and online forums where common questions tend to recur, for example through posts or queries by new users related to common knowledge gaps.

What are basic questions to ask? ›

Here are 10 conversation starters you can use to stimulate a conversation with someone new:
  • How do you spend your free time?
  • What's your favorite food?
  • Do you listen to any podcasts?
  • Have you heard of [movie or TV show you enjoy]?
  • What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
  • Do you have any pets?

What is FAQ standard? ›

Fair Average Quality (FAQ) FAQ is used to describe food products that are of good enough quality to be sold. FAQ norms for paddy is laid out by the Centre every year before the start of the procurement season.

How to write a FAQ question? ›

If you intend to create an FAQ page for a business, follow these steps to ensure it's effective:
  1. Consider what questions customers commonly ask. ...
  2. Categorise the questions. ...
  3. Design the FAQ page. ...
  4. Ensure it's easy to find. ...
  5. Monitor any changes in customer questions. ...
  6. Update the FAQ page regularly.
Sep 30, 2022

What are the most frequently asked questions? ›

100 Most Asked Questions on Google in 2024
  • what to watch – 9,140,000.
  • where's my refund – 7,480,000.
  • how you like that- 6,120,000.
  • what is my IP address – 4,090,000.
  • how many ounces in a cup – 2,740,000.
  • What time is it- 1,830,000.
  • how I met your mother – 1,830,000.
  • how to screenshot on mac – 1,830,000.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.