How to Withdraw Money From Mutual Funds in 2024 (2024)

Uncover the steps and essential tips to make the most of your investments and achieve financial freedom.


Withdraw Money from Mutual Fund


4 mins

08 March 2024

Mutual funds are a popular investment option for many people who want to diversify their portfolio and earn returns over time. However, there may be situations when you need to withdraw money from your mutual funds, either partially or fully. Read on to know how you can do so with ease.

What does redemption from mutual funds mean?

Withdrawal, known as redemption in mutual funds, involves liquidating investments by selling units owned in a mutual fund scheme at the prevailingNet Asset Value (NAV). When you withdraw funds from a mutual fund, you essentially redeem a certain number of units you own and receive their value.

For instance, if you hold 10,000 units of a mutual fund scheme and each unit is priced at Rs. 10, you can opt to redeem a specific number of units or withdraw a certain amount in currency terms. For instance, if you wish to withdraw Rs. 50,000, you would need to redeem 5,000 units from your mutual fund holdings. Similarly, you have the flexibility to redeem 100 units, 9,000 units, or any other number to withdraw the corresponding amount from your mutual fund portfolio.

Types of mutual fund redemptions

Mutual fund redemptions offer investors flexibility in managing their investments, allowing them to access their funds when needed. There are two main types of mutual fund redemptions: partial withdrawal and full withdrawal.

1. Partial Withdrawal:

  • Partial withdrawal refers to the process of redeeming only a portion of the total investment in a mutual fund while keeping the remaining amount invested.
  • Investors may opt for partial withdrawals when they need funds for specific purposes or expenses without liquidating their entire investment.
  • The amount withdrawn is typically transferred to the investor's bank account or provided in the form of a cheque, depending on the redemption method chosen by the investor.
  • After a partial withdrawal, the investor's remaining investment in the mutual fund continues to earn returns and remains subject to market fluctuations.

2. Full Withdrawal:

  • Full withdrawal, also known as complete redemption, involves liquidating the entire investment in a mutual fund scheme.
  • Investors choose full withdrawal when they need to access all their funds for various reasons such as major expenses, financial goals, or portfolio restructuring.
  • Upon full redemption, all units held by the investor in the mutual fund scheme are sold, and the proceeds are credited to the investor's designated bank account or provided through a cheque.
  • Once the full withdrawal is executed, the investor no longer holds any investment in the mutual fund scheme, and the relationship between the investor and the fund is terminated.

It's important for investors to consider the implications of both partial and full redemptions on their investment objectives, financial goals, and tax implications. Additionally, investors should review the terms and conditions associated with redemptions, including any applicable exit loads, redemption fees, and processing times, which may vary depending on themutual fund scheme and the fund house.

Ways to redeem a mutual fund

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How to withdraw money from Mutual Funds

  • Through an asset management company or transfer agent: You can visit the website or the branch office of the asset management company (AMC) or the registrar and transfer agent (RTA) of your mutual fund and submit an online request or offline redemption request. You will need your folio number, PAN, and bank details to complete the process. You will receive the redemption amount in your bank account within a few days, depending on the type of fund.
  • Through an agent or broker or platform: If you have invested in your mutual fund through an agent or broker or an online platform like Bajaj Finserv Platform, you can put in the redemption request. The agent or broker or platform will process your request and you will receive the redemption amount in your account.
  • On your own (online): If you have invested in your mutual fund directly without any intermediary, you can redeem it on your own. You will need to visit the website of your mutual fund and log in with your credentials. You will need to select the fund and the number of units you want to redeem and confirm your request. You will receive the redemption amount in your bank account within a few days, depending on the type of fund.

Reasons for Mutual Fund Redemption

  • To meet your financial goals: You may have invested in your mutual fund with a specific financial goal in mind, such as buying a house, funding your child’s education, or planning your retirement. When you achieve your goal or are close to achieving it, you may want to redeem your mutual fund and use the money for your purpose.
  • To rebalance your portfolio: You may have invested in your mutual fund with a certain asset allocation, such as 60% equity and 40% debt. Over time, due to market fluctuations, your asset allocation may change, such as 70% equity and 30% debt. This may increase your risk exposure and deviate from your investment objective. To restore your original asset allocation, you may want to redeem and invest in other funds.
  • To switch to better performing funds: You may have invested in your mutual fund with an expectation of a certain return. However, over time, you may find that your mutual fund is underperforming compared to its benchmark or peers. You may also find that there are other funds that offer better returns, lower costs, or higher ratings. To improve your returns and optimize your portfolio, you may want to redeem and switch to a better performing fund.
  • To deal with an emergency: You may have invested in your mutual fund with a long-term horizon. However, life is unpredictable, and you may face an emergency situation, such as a medical emergency, a job loss, or a family crisis. To deal with such situations, you may need to access your money quickly and easily by redeeming your mutual fund.

Can one withdraw mutual funds anytime?

  • Redeemable at any time, open-end schemes offer flexibility for investors. Yet, ELSS investments differ, imposing a mandatory three-year lock-in period.
  • With open-end schemes, whether in equity or debt, mutual funds maintain liquidity, allowing investors to easily withdraw their investments without any specific constraints.

Is it advisable to exit from mutual funds at any time?

Exiting mutual funds without a prolonged investment horizon is not recommended. Typically, the rule of thumb is to remain invested for four to five years for better equity fund returns and two to three years for debt funds. For long-term mutual fund investments, it is advisable to refrain from unnecessary withdrawals to allow your funds to grow steadily. Market fluctuations are inherent, and maintaining a steadfast approach without succumbing to panic selling is crucial. Utilising a mutual fund calculator can help track performance and reinforce your commitment to long-term financial goals.

Tax implications of mutual fund withdrawals

When selling mutual fund shares, investors may encounter capital gains or losses, the tax treatment of which is contingent upon the duration of their investment. If the holding period of the fund units is less than one year, any gains or losses incurred are categorised as short-term capital gain/loss. Conversely, if the holding period exceeds one year, the gains or losses are classified as long-term capital gain/loss.

In India, short-term capital gains are taxed at a rate of 15%, while long-term capital gains are taxed at 20%, with an exemption of Rs. 1 lakh on equity-oriented mutual funds.

Factors to consider while submitting a mutual fund redemption request

  • The type of fund: Different types of mutual funds have different liquidity, risk, and return profiles. You should choose the type of fund that suits your investment objective, risk appetite, and time horizon.
  • The lock-in duration: Some mutual funds have a lock-in period, which means you cannot withdraw your money before a certain period. For example, tax-saving funds or ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) have a lock-in period of three years, which means you cannot redeem them before completing three years from the date of investment. You should check the lock-in duration of your mutual fund before investing and redeeming.
  • The exit load: Exit load is a fee that is charged by the fund house when you withdraw money from your mutual fund before a specified period. For example, some funds may charge an exit load of 1% to 2% if you redeem your investment within a certain time period. The exit load reduces your net redemption value and affects your returns. You should check the exit load of your mutual fund before investing and redeeming.
  • The holding period of the mutual funds: The holding period of your mutual funds determines the tax implications of your redemption. If you redeem your equity funds within one year of investment, you must pay short-term capital gains tax at 15%. If you redeem after one year, you must pay long-term capital gains tax at 10% on the gains exceeding Rs. 1 lakh in a financial year.
    Similarly, if you redeem your debt funds within three years of investment, you must pay short-term capital gains tax as per your income tax slab. If you redeem after three years, you must pay long-term capital gains tax at 20% with indexation benefit. You should consider the tax implications of your redemption and plan accordingly. Tax laws are subject to amendments made to it from time to time. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax and/or investment advice. Please consult your tax advisor, before making in any investment decision based on the above.

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Frequently asked questions

Can I withdraw money from mutual funds anytime?

Yes, you can withdraw money from most mutual funds anytime, unless they have a lock-in period.

What is the right time to redeem mutual funds?

The right time to redeem mutual funds depends on your financial goals and the performance of the fund. You should redeem your units when you are close to achieving your goal or when the fund is not meeting your expectations.

Is there any lock-in period for mutual fund redemption?

Some mutual funds have a lock-in period, which means you cannot redeem your units before a certain time. For example, tax-saving funds (ELSS) have a lock-in period of three years.

Can I redeem only a portion of my mutual fund investment?

Yes, you can redeem only a portion of your investment. You can either specify the number of units or the amount you want to redeem.

How are taxes calculated on mutual fund redemption?

  • Taxes on mutual fund redemption are calculated based on the type of fund, the holding period, and the capital gains. Equity funds are taxed at 15% for short-term gains and 10% for long-term gains. Debt funds are taxed according to your income tax slab for short-term gains and 20% for long-term gains. Tax laws are subject to amendments made to it from time to time. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax and/or investment advice. Please consult your tax advisor, before making in any investment decision based on the above.

When to withdraw money from mutual fund?

Withdraw money from mutual funds when you need funds for financial goals, emergencies, or if your investment objectives change, but consider potential tax implications and market conditions.

What are mutual fund withdrawal rules?

Mutual fund withdrawal rules include understanding exit loads, capital gains taxes, and redemption procedures, typically allowing investors to redeem units partially or fully, subject to fund-specific terms and conditions.

What is mutual fund withdrawal process?

The mutual fund withdrawal process involves submitting a redemption request through the fund house's online portal or physical form, specifying the number of units or amount to be redeemed, followed by the crediting of funds to the investor's registered bank account.

How much can I withdraw from mutual fund?

The amount you can withdraw from a mutual fund depends on your investment value, redemption terms, and any applicable exit loads or penalties, with most funds offering the flexibility to partially or fully redeem units based on investor requirements.

How do mutual funds make money?

Mutual funds make money through various avenues, including management fees charged to investors, performance-based fees, sales loads, and investment returns generated from the fund's underlying assets, such as dividends, interest, and capital gains.

How do I get my money out of mutual funds?

To withdraw money from mutual funds, submit a redemption request to the fund house. The process involves filling out a redemption form, specifying the amount you wish to withdraw. Keep in mind that certain funds may have exit loads.

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Bajaj Finance Limited (“BFL”) is a Non-Banking Financial Company carrying the business of acceptance of deposits, providing lending solutions to Retail & Corporate customers, and is a Corporate agent of various insurance Companies. BFL is also registeredwith the Association of Mutual Funds in India (“AMFI”) as a distributor of third party Mutual Funds (shortly referred as ‘Mutual Funds’).

BFL does NOT:

(i)provide investment advisory services in any manner or form;

(ii)perform risk profiling of the investor;

(iii)carry customized/personalized suitability assessment;

(iv)carry independent research or analysis, including on any Mutual Fund schemes or other investments; and provide any guarantee of return on investment.

In addition to displaying the Mutual fund products of Asset Management Companies, some general information is sourced from third parties, is also displayed on ‘As-is’ basis, which should NOT be construed as any solicitation or attempt to effect transactions in securities or the rendering any investment advice. Mutual Funds are subject to market risks, including loss of principal amount and Investor should read all Scheme /Offer related documents carefully. The NAV of units issued under the Schemes of mutual funds can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting capital markets and may also be affected by changes in the general level of interest rates. The NAV of the units issued under the scheme may be affected, inter-alia by changes in the interest rates, trading volumes, settlement periods, transfer procedures and performance of individual securities. The NAV will inter-alia be exposed to Price / Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk. Past performance of any scheme of the Mutual fund do not indicate the future performance of the Schemes of the Mutual Fund. BFL shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or shortfall incurred by the investors. There may be other / better alternatives to the investment avenues displayed by BFL. Hence, the final investment decision shall at all times exclusively remain with the investor alone and BFL shall not be liable or responsible for any consequences thereof.

Bajaj Finserv Direct Limited, (“BFDL”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Bajaj Finserv Limited (is a Registered with SEBI as an Investment Advisor with Registration no. INA000016083). BFDL enables resident Indian customers to directly invest in third party mutual funds through its online platform. BFDL entered into a referral arrangement with BFL, whereunder, BFL may, without risk or responsibility on its part, refer the resident Indian customers who are interested in placing their investments in Direct Mutual Funds through BFDL online platform. Investment by a person residing outside the territorial jurisdiction of India is not acceptable nor permitted.

Disclaimer on Risk-O-Meter:
Investors are advised before investing to evaluate a scheme not only on the basis of the Product labeling (including the Riskometer) but also on other quantitative and qualitative factors such as performance, portfolio, fund managers, asset manager, etc. and shall also consult their financial advisers, if they are unsure about the suitability of the scheme before investing

How to Withdraw Money From Mutual Funds in 2024 (3)

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How to Withdraw Money From Mutual Funds in 2024 (2024)


What is the best way to withdraw money from mutual funds? ›

Through an asset management company or transfer agent: You can visit the website or the branch office of the asset management company (AMC) or the registrar and transfer agent (RTA) of your mutual fund and submit an online request or offline redemption request.

How much will mutual fund allow you to withdraw? ›

Generally, you can withdraw any amount (up to your total balance) from your IRA, mutual fund or brokerage account.

How easy is it to liquidate mutual funds? ›

When an investor sells mutual fund shares, the redemption process is straightforward, but there might be unexpected charges or fees. Class A shares usually have front-end sales loads, which are fees charged when the investment is made, but Class B shares may impose a charge when shares are sold.

How do I close a mutual fund and get money? ›

You must complete and submit a withdrawal request form if you want to withdraw offline. The state would be given to the Asset Management Company by the broker. On the other hand, you may also redeem online if the broker provides a service online through a site or mobile app.

How much tax will I pay if I cash out my mutual funds? ›

If you receive a distribution from a fund that results from the sale of a security the fund held for only six months, that distribution is taxed at your ordinary-income tax rate. If the fund held the security for several years, however, then those funds are subject to the capital gains tax instead.

Is it the right time to exit from mutual funds? ›

When it comes to equity, it is very important that, especially when you are thinking about long-term goals, you want to exit as soon as you have 2-3 years left approaching your goal and there are just 2-3 years to get there. That is number one.

Can I withdraw all my money from mutual fund? ›

You generally can withdraw money from a mutual fund at any time without penalty. 7 However, if the mutual fund is held in a tax-advantaged account like an IRA, you may face early withdrawal penalties, depending on the type of account and your age at the time.

How to get out of mutual funds? ›

4 steps to selling a mutual fund
  1. Contact your financial advisor or mutual fund company. Get in touch with the advisor who sold you the fund, or someone in their company. ...
  2. Ask about any fees or charges. ...
  3. Decide how many units or shares you want to sell. ...
  4. Give instructions on what to do with the money.
Sep 26, 2023

Do mutual fund withdrawals count as income? ›

If you hold shares in a taxable account, you are required to pay taxes on mutual fund distributions, whether the distributions are paid out in cash or reinvested in additional shares. The funds report distributions to shareholders on IRS Form 1099-DIV after the end of each calendar year.

When should you cash out a mutual fund? ›

However, if you have noticed significantly poor performance over the last two or more years, it may be time to cut your losses and move on. To help your decision, compare the fund's performance to a suitable benchmark or to similar funds. Exceptionally poor comparative performance should be a signal to sell the fund.

How to transfer money from mutual fund to bank account? ›

If you have invested money through a distributor, you can place a request with him or her for the redemption of units. Following that, your distributor will send the request to the AMC office or RTA. Once the process is completed, the money will be sent to your bank account.

How long does it take to liquidate mutual funds? ›

The settlement period for mutual-fund transactions varies from one to three days, depending on the type of fund.

How to withdraw money from old mutual investment? ›

You authorise OMIA to pay the withdrawal amount to Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (South Africa) Limited (Old Mutual). Old Mutual will pay the withdrawal amount into your bank account. The first two withdrawals per calendar year are free of charge, after which a transaction charge will apply.

What happens to my money if mutual fund is closed? ›

In the case of a Mutual Fund company shutting down, either the trustees of the fund have to approach SEBI for approval to close or SEBI by itself can direct a fund to shut. In such cases, all investors are returned their funds based on the last available net asset value, before winding up.

What is the best time to redeem mutual funds? ›

Redemption is usually done when the investor needs funds, the objective of the investment is fulfilled, or when the financial plan review demands a change in allocation, or the scheme is not able to deliver desired results.

How can I withdraw money from mutual funds without penalty? ›

You generally can withdraw money from a mutual fund at any time without penalty. 7 However, if the mutual fund is held in a tax-advantaged account like an IRA, you may face early withdrawal penalties, depending on the type of account and your age at the time.

How long does it take to withdraw money from mutual funds? ›

Mutual Fund Redemption Time is as follows: When you redeem your mutual fund, you will typically receive your unit's funds within 1 to 3 working days. If you redeem a debt-related fund or a liquid fund, you will get your money within 1 to 2 working days.

What is the redemption fee for mutual funds? ›

A shareholder fee that some funds charge when investors redeem (sell) mutual fund shares. Redemption fees, which must be paid to the fund, are not the same as and may be in addition to a back-end load, which is typically paid to a broker. The SEC generally limits redemption fees to 2% of the sales amount.

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