Major healthcare system issues in Canada in 2022 | Statista (2024)

A 2022 survey found that 63 percent of Canadian individuals indicated a lack of staff was the biggest problem facing the national healthcare system. Access to treatment and/or long waiting times were also considered to be pressing issues. This statistic reveals the share of individuals who said select problems were the biggest facing the health care system in Canada in 2022.

Major healthcare system issues in Canada in 2022 | Statista (2024)


Major healthcare system issues in Canada in 2022 | Statista? ›

Problems with national health care system in Canada 2022

What are most people concerned about healthcare in Canada? ›

A whopping 87 per cent of people surveyed in Atlantic Canada said they worry they won't be able to get the care they need. People in Atlantic Canada and Quebec were also more likely to rate their health systems as poor or very poor, at 66 per cent and 51 per cent respectively.

What is a weakness of the Canadian healthcare system? ›

Canada's healthcare system has its fair share of both advantages and disadvantages. While the system provides universal coverage and high-quality care, it also faces significant challenges, such as long wait times and rising healthcare costs.

Why is there a healthcare shortage in Canada? ›

The reasons for physician shortages are multifold, including a history of training fewer Canadian physicians than the population requires, high hurdles for international medical graduates (IMGs) to access training, credentialling and licensure, and a lack of mobility of physicians across Canada.

What is a major issue in healthcare? ›

Rising Costs of Healthcare Services. The escalating costs of healthcare services remain one of the most significant challenges in the healthcare industry in 2023. This issue is not confined to a specific region or country; it's a global concern that needs to be addressed immediately.

What are the health related issues in Canada? ›

One in three Canadian adults (33.7%) lives with at least one of the following chronic diseases: CVD; cancer; CRD; diabetes; mood and/or anxiety disorders.

What are the trends in Canada's healthcare system? ›

Some key emerging trends in Canada's healthcare system include the evolution of artificial intelligence and wearable technology in medicine, innovation development in telehealth, and the expansion of mental health treatment.

How do Canadians feel about their healthcare system? ›

The study, conducted for the Montreal Economic Institute by the survey agency, shows 48 per cent of Canadians are not pleased with the country's health care system. The poll was published April 6, 2023.

What is one of the drawbacks of Canadian health care system? ›

The reality of Canadian health care is that it is comparatively expensive and imposes enormous costs on Canadians in the form of waiting for services, and limited access to physicians and medical technology. This isn't something any country should consider replicating.

What is one criticism of Canada's national health care system? ›

Cost: Studies suggest that single-payer health care models would be exorbitantly expensive to sustain. In addition, despite the Canadian national government's increased funding for health care over the last few years, Canadian citizens are paying more for a health care system that continues to deliver less.

Does Canada have a good healthcare system? ›


The country provides excellent access to health care and has low rates of health disparities leading to overall favorable health outcomes throughout the whole country.

What are three problems with Canada's healthcare system? ›

Wait times at emergency rooms often stretch into days rather than hours, surgeries and other necessary procedures are being delayed, and finding a family doctor just keeps getting more difficult. Doctors and nurses, many of whom are suffering from pandemic-related burnout and some low-grade PTSD, are retiring early.

Why is Canada short of nurses? ›

Factors that contributed to a decrease in the supply side of the nursing workforce included "workloads, inadequate support staff, violence, stress, and burnout" that created an "unfavorable work environment", combined with problems with wages and management. There has been a nursing shortage in Canada for decades.

Why are hospitals so slow in Canada? ›

CMAJ: Why are wait times so bad in Canada? Simpson: There are bottlenecks everywhere. A lot of delays are driven by the fact that hospitals operate at very high capacity because there are large numbers of patients requiring alternate levels of care [who have nowhere else to go].

What are the biggest health issues right now? ›

Heart disease and stroke still the leading causes of death for both U.S. men and women. NIH-funded scientists currently are looking to the power of precision medicine to better understand and manage these disorders.

What are four main healthcare problems in America? ›

Inefficiencies. A large portion of all of the issues in the U.S. healthcare system can be attributed to overall inefficiencies. Inadequate staffing, technology, training, and use of time are all factors that make up the high percentage of Americans who are unsatisfied with the current healthcare system.

What are the most common health problems today? ›

The most common health issues are physical inactivity and food, obesity, tobacco, substance abuse, AIDS, mental health, falling and injury, environmental quality, immunization, and healthcare access. These all-personal health issues require attention to improve the quality of life and keep you free from diseases.

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