Preparing for Canada Immigration Interview | Matthew Jeffery (2024)

Canadian Immigration Interviews

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  • Over 20 Years of Experience
  • Excellent Success Rate

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Before you start worrying about an immigration interview, first find out if you will be required to attend one. Personal interviews may be required but it depends on the category of immigration that you applied for.

If you are applying for permanent residency under Express Entry, you will not need to appear for an interview. Once you receive your invitation to apply for permanent residence, you will be given instructions on the next steps. Interviews are often a requirement in family sponsorship applications to prove the genuineness of a relationship. However, skilled workers rarely need to go for an interview. The IRCC may request for additional information related to employment before making a decision.

Common questions asked during an immigration interview include:

  • Why do you want to move to Canada?
  • What do you see as the biggest challenge in moving to Canada?
  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why do you want to leave your home country?
  • What is your source of income?
  • How many Canadian provinces do you know? Can you name them?
  • What do you think is the average cost of living in Canada?
  • Do you have family or friends in Canada?
  • Are you married?
  • Do you have children?
  • Explain your typical working day?
  • What is your source of income?
  • What would you do if your application is not approved?

How can I prepare for Canada immigration interview?

Preparation for an immigration interview involves doing excellent groundwork. Do your homework to be best prepared to respond to some of the most difficult interview questions. Your answers to these heavy interview questions will determine whether or not your visa application is approved. You must be able to answer those questions in a manner that shows any information given prior is accurate and genuine. As you prepare for the immigration interview, keep the following things in mind:

  • Prepare all the necessary documents that you were told to bring with you and double-check the location to make sure you arrive early. Avoid rushing last minute as this could create some confusion that affects your performance at the interview.
  • Listen to the questions asked carefully and ask them to repeat what you don’t understand. Speak clearly and confidently when responding to interview questions.
  • Dress appropriately and professionally for the immigration interview. It’s always important to make a good first impression.
  • Think about common questions and research on the best responses. Always ensure that you are honest and clear.

If you submit incorrect information or fraudulent paperwork, you may be barred from entering Canada. Applicants may be considered inadmissible to Canada if they submit inaccurate information whether knowingly or by mistake. That’s why it’s always important to answer correctly and honestly just as you have provided in your current application. Working with an immigration lawyer as part of the preparation process can help you avoid inconsistencies in your application that may cause trouble in the future.

Is an interview required for a Canada visitor visa?

Generally, when you apply for a Canadian tourist visa, you will not be required to attend an interview. Applicants or a representative of the applicant can submit all the required documents to the embassy/consulate when applying for a visa. In the event that the embassy requires additional information before they make a decision, they will usually communicate via email or otherwise in writing. Often, interviews are not part of a visa application process for Canada but this may be different for some circ*mstances. Consult your immigration lawyer to determine if an interview may be required before submitting your application.

How long is an immigration interview?

Immigration interviews are mainly conducted to verify the information you provided in your application as well as test your knowledge of Canada. While passing the interview is detrimental to your success, it’s important to remain calm before and during the process. Don’t stress too much about it because it can affect your performance on the actual day. The interview process will go quickly if you are well prepared and you don’t have any incomplete documents.

Screen interviews when you arrive in Canada

Upon arriving in Canada, you’ll have to undergo two screening interviews. This will be a quick process if you have all the documents ready. What to expect during the first screening interview when entering Canada:

  • The officer will request to see your visa and travel documents
  • He/she will confirm the validity of these documents
  • The officer may raise questions concerning your health
  • The immigration officer from the CBSA will ask general questions such as:
  1. Are you traveling with your family?
  2. Have you been convicted of a serious crime?
  3. How long is your stay?
  4. How much money do you have with you?
  5. Are you healthy? Among others.

What to expect during the second screening interview:

After the first interview, you’ll meet the second CBSA officer who will check your personal goods. This second interview is meant to verify what you’re bringing with you to Canada. The officer will ask you to fill a list of items that states the goods that you are carrying as well as what you expect to arrive later. The officer will go through this list and may ask questions about certain items. Lastly, the officer will ask to inspect your luggage.

During the interview process, do not make any false statements. Be well prepared with correct answers and make sure you do not have any items that are not allowed in Canada. If you don’t carry items that are restricted in the Canadian border, your interview process will go quickly.

Once the CBSA officer completes the screening interviews, he/she will sign your confirmation of permanent residence and authorize you to enter Canada.

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Preparing for Canada Immigration Interview | Matthew Jeffery (1)

Preparing for Canada Immigration Interview | Matthew Jeffery (2024)


How can I pass my Canadian immigration interview? ›

During the interview process, do not make any false statements. Be well prepared with correct answers and make sure you do not have any items that are not allowed in Canada. If you don't carry items that are restricted in the Canadian border, your interview process will go quickly.

How do I pass a Canadian interview? ›

9 essential steps to help you prepare for a job interview in Canada
  1. Analyze the job description. ...
  2. Do your research. ...
  3. Build your elevator pitch. ...
  4. Organize your portfolio or work samples. ...
  5. Prepare to answer common interview questions for your role. ...
  6. Think about questions you would like to ask the interviewer. ...
  7. Know your resume.
Aug 10, 2020

What questions do Canadian immigration officers ask at the airport? ›

Canadian immigration officers may ask you questions about the purpose of your visit, how long you plan to stay, where you will stay, and if you have enough money to support yourself during your stay. They may also ask about your previous travel history and any documents related to your visit.

How to answer the question why do you want to move to Canada? ›

Should I Move to Canada? – 8 Reasons to Immigrate to Canada
  1. Job Opportunities. ...
  2. Top-Notch Education. ...
  3. Universal Healthcare. ...
  4. Pro-Immigration Stance. ...
  5. Diverse Multi-cultural Population. ...
  6. Safety. ...
  7. Stable Political System. ...
  8. Thriving Economy.
Sep 12, 2023

What is the best answer to an immigration interview? ›

Being honest is always the best approach in your immigration interview. If you are asked a question you do not know the answer to, do not try to just make something up. It is a better answer to say “I am not sure” than to take a stab at what you think the correct answer is.

What Cannot be asked in an interview in Canada? ›

During the application or interview, employers are prohibited from asking questions that might lead to discrimination in their hiring process. The information that's protected includes things like your age, ethnicity, gender or sexuality, religion, disability, marital status and more.

How to crack a Canadian interview? ›

How to prepare for a job interview in Canada in 7 steps
  1. Review the job description. ...
  2. Research specific job requirements. ...
  3. Update your resume and cover letter. ...
  4. Build a portfolio with work examples. ...
  5. Prepare for interview questions. ...
  6. Practice with mock interviews. ...
  7. Write a list of questions you can ask.
Sep 26, 2023

What usually happen in Canadian immigration interview? ›

Verification can include the applicant's work history, personal background, language skills, commitment to moving to Canada, and even proof of identity. Interviews frequently verify the authenticity of the relationships between the primary applicants and their dependents in family sponsorship applications.

How can I introduce myself in Canadian interview? ›

Elaborate on your experience and achievements

You can customize this part of your introduction to highlight details that are relevant to the person you're speaking to. For example, if you're in a job interview, discuss skills and accomplishments you know the employer is looking for.

How to answer Canadian immigration questions? ›

Tips for a Successful Canada Visa Interview Questions

Brush up on basic information about Canada, its provinces, and territories. Be prepared to explain why you chose Canada for your visit or study. Be ready to provide details about your financial situation and how you plan to cover your expenses during your stay.

What are 4 questions the immigration officer might have asked in the legal interview? ›

Officers can ask a vast range of questions, but here are some examples:
  • How, where, and when did you meet your spouse?
  • Where did your first date take place?
  • How long did were you with your spouse before getting married?
  • When and where were you married?
  • Did you go on a honeymoon? ...
  • What is your spouse's current job?

What questions are asked in a Canada visa interview? ›

Commonly asked student visa interview questions at the Canadian Embassy/Consulate
  • Q1. How are you doing? ...
  • Q2. Why did you choose Canada? ...
  • Q3. What was the reason behind choosing a particular college/university? ...
  • Q4. Have you been to Canada before? ...
  • Q5. Do you have any relatives/friends in Canada? ...
  • Q6. ...
  • Q7. ...
  • Q8.
Jan 5, 2024

Why do you choose Canada best answer? ›

natural beauty, wide-open spaces, mountains, trees, and lakes. free society with fundamental human rights enshrined in a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. political stability with excellent business opportunities and a strong banking system. free trade with United-States and Mexico under NAFTA agreements.

What is your main reason to want to come to Canada? ›

Canada is a great place for immigrants to settle and build a new life. It offers a higher quality of life than most other countries, and even though the cost of living may be higher than what you're used to, higher salaries and plentiful jobs make up for it.

How to answer interview questions in Canada? ›

Answering job interview questions
  1. Answer briefly, but try to avoid yes/no answers.
  2. Don't worry about pausing before you answer — it shows you can think before answering.
  3. Don't worry about admitting that you don't know something, but don't say it too often.
Apr 16, 2024

How to answer visa interview questions for Canada? ›

Tips for a Successful Canada Visa Interview Questions

Brush up on basic information about Canada, its provinces, and territories. Be prepared to explain why you chose Canada for your visit or study. Be ready to provide details about your financial situation and how you plan to cover your expenses during your stay.

How to crack an interview in Canada? ›

How to prepare for a job interview in Canada in 7 steps
  1. Review the job description. ...
  2. Research specific job requirements. ...
  3. Update your resume and cover letter. ...
  4. Build a portfolio with work examples. ...
  5. Prepare for interview questions. ...
  6. Practice with mock interviews. ...
  7. Write a list of questions you can ask.
Sep 26, 2023

How do you know if you pass the immigration interview? ›

At the end of your immigrant visa interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate, the consular officer will inform you whether your visa application is approved or denied. Visa approval - When approved, you will be informed how and when your passport and visa will be returned to you.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.