The Crash of 1929 - Bill of Rights Institute (2024)

Written by: Paul Dickson, Independent Historian

By the end of this section, you will:

  • Explain the causes of the Great Depression and its effects on the economy

Suggested Sequencing

Use this Narrative with The Bonus Army Decision Point and the Should Herbert Hoover Be Considered an Activist President? Point-Counterpoint to have students explore the effect the Great Depression had on Americans in the 1920s and 1930s.

In the United States during the prosperous “roaring 20s,” the stock market underwent rapid and unprecedented expansion, reaching its peak value on September 3, 1929. This rise followed a period of wild speculation during which Americans ranging from millionaires to clerks and cab drivers were buying stocks (shares of ownership in a firm). Unlike wealthy investors, however, many of modest means poured their life savings into stocks using borrowed money, known as buying shares “on margin.”

Buying stocks on margin brought hundreds of thousands of new investors into the market. Under the loose rules of the time, they could purchase a stock by simply laying down 10 percent of its cost and borrowing the rest from banks or stockbrokers – buying, for example, $1,000 worth of a stock and handing over just $100 in cash. If your $1,000 in stocks then rose in value to $1,075, you made $75 on your $100 investment when you sold the stock – or so it seemed. That $75 profit existed only on paper, because you still had to pay back the bank or broker who loaned you the $900 at a rate somewhere in the neighborhood of 14 to 19 percent. Investors at that time did not seem to care all that much, however, because they were making money. To many, buying stocks on margin was easy money and a way to get rich quick. But if your stock went down in value, the broker would demand more and more of the loan to be paid in cash to cover the loss.

The Crash of 1929 - Bill of Rights Institute (1)

The interior of the New York Stock Exchange, pictured here in 1920, where thousands of stocks were traded daily using telephone booths scattered throughout the trading floor.

The market high of September 3, 1929, came the day after the end of the long Labor Day weekend. It also marked the end of what later became known as the “summer of fun,” when an epidemic of dance marathons, flagpole-sitting contests, and other zany fads seemed to have taken hold of the country. There was a madness in the air that seemed hard to explain. Among other things, this was the moment when Americans started drinking sauerkraut juice for no apparent reason – a fact noted by Maury Klein in his definitive narrative on the history of the Crash. He wrote: “In the summer of 1929 much of America was on an artificial high. It was a high not born of drugs but of an illusion that the prosperity and the good times then being enjoyed were made of new miracle ingredient that would last forever.”

Following that peak, stock prices fell by approximately 10 percent during September but then rose again by about 8 percent by the middle of October. The fluctuations seemed relatively normal because the market often went up and down. However, on Thursday, October 24, a selling panic began and 13 million shares were traded, which far surpassed the average of four million shares per day the preceding month. The market had taken a nose dive, and investors found themselves in the dark as their paper fortunes began to dwindle or disappear. The technology of the time – telephone, telegraph, and ticker tape – was not able to keep up with the pace of trading, and many investors did not learn of their losses until late that evening. October 24 was quickly given the name “Black Thursday.”

On Friday, President Herbert Hoover tried to stop the panic by assuring Americans that the business of the country was “on a sound and prosperous basis,” but neither his words nor the attempts by some of the big banks and major investors to shore up the value of stocks by purchasing them at artificially higher prices had any effect on stemming the tide of stock selling.

The fall slowed on Monday, but then on Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the bottom fell out of the market. On “Black Tuesday,” 16 million shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Investors lost billions of dollars as millions of shares plummeted in value and even became worthless. Those who had bought stocks with borrowed money were wiped out completely. Millions of Americans lost everything. Suddenly the “roaring 20s” ceased to roar, and it looked like the fabulous decade would end with a whimper.

The Crash of 1929 - Bill of Rights Institute (2)

After the stock market crash of 1929, thousands of American depositors flooded banks like this one in New York, hoping to withdraw their money before it was lost.

The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was soon viewed as the moment the nation began to realize that a terrible catastrophe was unfolding. The biggest and most productive economy on earth was falling apart, and it was bringing the other industrialized nations down with it. Then, as now, the Crash was regarded as the opening bell for the Great Depression. Although some would see it as the single or primary cause of the Great Depression, in fact it was a symptom and a powerful catalyst, but not the primary cause. Robert McElvaine explained it in human terms in The Great Depression: America 1929-1941:

When someone becomes ill after ‘catching a chill,’ it is not the cold itself that causes the sickness. Rather the cold reduces the body’s resistance to microorganisms already present in it, which are able to cause the illness. Some such role is the proper one to assign to the crash, the cold wind that swept through lower Manhattan in October and November 1929 lowered the economy’s resistance to the point where already existing defects could multiply rapidly and bring down the whole organism. The Crash is important in explaining how and when the Depression happened.

But the role of the Crash in shaping the dimensions of the economic catastrophe that followed cannot be overestimated. As T. H. Watkins put it inThe Hungry Years, the Great Crash “not only loosed the virus of depression by imposing a trauma on the entire financial system so devastating it was left in a state of shock, but also accelerated the spread of economic decline.”

The causes of the Crash and the causes of the Depression were interrelated and followed the same path forward. By 1932, stocks were worth only about a fifth of what they had been worth during the summer of 1929, and July 8, 1932, turned out to be the lowest point of the Crash. It is often argued that 1932 was the year the nation hit rock bottom. Exactly 2,998 banks had failed and 28,285 businesses had closed in 1931, and in 1932, they were still closing at an alarming rate. Unemployment had soared to 25 percent, leaving one family in four without a breadwinner, and millions were underemployed, taking pay cuts and reductions in hours to keep their jobs. Two million people, including many farmers, were turned into homeless migrants who wandered the country in a random and futile quest for work. Many settled in teeming communities of makeshift shacks and shanties known derisively as “Hoovervilles,” mocking the president who kept trying to tell the country that things were not as bad as they seemed and that recovery was around the corner.

The Crash of 1929 - Bill of Rights Institute (3)

A Depression-era “Hooverville” shanty town in Manhattan, where huts were made of salvaged materials and most occupants, having lost their homes and jobs, were unable to find work.

Hoover was beaten in the 1932 election by Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was inaugurated in March 1933. Roosevelt immediately revealed his plan to temporarily close all banks to confirm the solvency of those still standing and to stop bank runs. Legislation to enable this bold move was quickly enacted. A special session of Congress convened and responded to the crises. Congress quickly passed the bill, and banks were allowed to reopen if government officials deemed them financially secure. In the next three days, 5,000 banks reopened their doors, to the relief of many people who had deposited their life savings in them. Reforms and regulations provided certain relief to the system, which helped some areas of the economy and included the creation of federal deposit insurance, with which the federal government guaranteed most people’s savings – a protection that is still in effect and that has so far prevented further banking runs in the United States.

But this and many other efforts of Roosevelt’s New Deal did not end the Great Depression. Economic recovery did not occur until the nation began shifting to a wartime economy after Nazi Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. When World War II ended in 1945, the nation experienced a period of unprecedented prosperity, though the stock market did not return to its pre-Crash levels until November 23, 1954.

Some of the signs that a basically unsound economy had both caused and fueled the Depression were easier to see after the Great Crash. They included an increase in unemployment, cuts in industrial production, and an increase in consumer borrowing, especially the practice of buying stocks on margin.

Review Questions

1. Most of those who purchased stocks during the 1920s

  1. borrowed money from banks or stockbrokers
  2. paid for stocks directly with cash
  3. were small groups of investors
  4. bought on the basis of rumors in the market

2. “Black Tuesday” can most accurately be described as the day

  1. President Hoover reassured the nation that business was “on a sound and prosperous basis”
  2. the bottom dropped out of the New York Stock Exchange as 16 million shares were traded
  3. the stock market took its initial drop
  4. the stock market reached its lowest value

3. By 1932, the Great Depression had caused

  1. the loss of 50 percent of all jobs in the country
  2. massive underemployment across the country
  3. the reelection of Herbert Hoover, who promised to end the crisis
  4. the end of the Roosevelt administration, due to its failure to solve the problems

4. A major political reaction to the Great Depression was the

  1. failure of any president to solve the problems
  2. continuation of laissez-faire economics
  3. passage of legislation to redress the causes and the effects of the Depression
  4. creation of a federally funded national bank

5. Signs of an unsound economy before the Wall Street Crash of 1929 included

  1. decreased consumer borrowing
  2. a large increase in the practice of buying stocks on margin
  3. loosening of tariffs
  4. steady unemployment

Free Response Questions

  1. Explain why small-time investors in the stock market crash of 1929 lost their savings.
  2. Explain the relationship between the Great Crash and the Great Depression.

AP Practice Questions

The Crash of 1929 - Bill of Rights Institute (4)

The graph shows the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, an index of stock prices that represents the overall value of the stock market. Shown here is the average from October 1929 to October 1930. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Refer to the image provided.

1. Which of the following was most directly related to the events depicted in the graph?

  1. The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932
  2. The Dust Bowl
  3. Existing defects in the economy that became impossible to ignore
  4. The New Deal

2. Which of the following most directly contributed to the trend depicted in the graph?

  1. Investors hoping to get rich quickly borrowed to invest more in stocks than they could afford to lose.
  2. Massive unemployment beginning in the middle of the 1920s led to a drop in stock prices.
  3. The collapse of the banking industry led many banks to foreclose on home loans, eventually leading to the stock market crash.
  4. New industries such as steel and oil failed, leading to extreme levels of unemployment.

3. The economic event depicted in the graph is most similar to which nineteenth-century event in U.S. history?

  1. The Market Revolution
  2. Andrew Jackson’s Specie Circular
  3. The Tariff of Abominations
  4. The Panic of 1893

Primary Sources

McElvaine, Robert S., ed. Down and Out in the Great Depression: Letters from the Forgotten Man. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2008.

Suggested Resources

Kennedy, David M. Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Klein, Maury. Rainbow’s End: The Crash of 1929. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001.

McElvaine, Robert S. The Great Depression: America 1929-1941. New York: Times Books, 1993.

Parrish, Michael E. Anxious Decades: America in Prosperity and Depression, 1920-1941. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1992.

The Crash of 1929 - Bill of Rights Institute (2024)


What practice directly caused the stock market crash of 1929? ›

What caused the Wall Street crash of 1929? The main cause of the Wall Street crash of 1929 was the long period of speculation that preceded it, during which millions of people invested their savings or borrowed money to buy stocks, pushing prices to unsustainable levels.

How did the government respond to the crash of 1929? ›

Billions of dollars were lost, and thousands of investors were ruined. After the stock market crash, President Hoover sought to prevent panic from spreading throughout the economy. In November, he summoned business leaders to the White House and secured promises from them to maintain wages.

What happened in the crash of 1929? ›

On October 29, 1929, "Black Tuesday" hit Wall Street as investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Around $14 billion of stock value was lost, wiping out thousands of investors. The panic selling reached its peak with some stocks having no buyers at any price.

Who profited from the 1929 crash? ›

Several individuals who bet against or “shorted” the market became rich or richer. Percy Rockefeller, William Danforth, and Joseph P. Kennedy made millions shorting stocks at this time. They saw opportunity in what most saw as misfortune.

What could have prevented the stock market crash of 1929? ›

How could the Stock Market Crash of 1929 been prevented? Had the Federal Reserve and other governing bodies established a separation of banks and investment firms, the stock market would likely not have become saturated, especially with borrowed money.

What was Hoover's initial reaction to the stock market crash of 1929? ›

In keeping with these principles, Hoover's response to the crash focused on two very common American traditions: he asked individuals to tighten their belts and work harder, and he asked the business community to voluntarily help sustain the economy by retaining workers and continuing production.

Who was the president when the economy crashed in 1929? ›

Herbert Clark Hoover (August 10, 1874 – October 20, 1964) was an American politician and humanitarian who served as the 31st president of the United States from 1929 to 1933. A member of the Republican Party, he held office during the onset of the Great Depression.

What did the Federal Reserve do in response to the crash of 1929? ›

It purchased government securities on the open market, expedited lending through its discount window, and lowered the discount rate. It assured commercial banks that it would supply the reserves they needed.

What effects did the crash of 1929 have on people's lives? ›

Simply put, the stock market crash of 1929 caused the Great Depression because everyone lost money. Investors and businesses both put significant amounts of money into the market, and when it crashed, tremendous amounts of money were lost. Businesses closed and people lost their savings.

What was the worst crash since 1929? ›

Some of the most significant stock market crashes in U.S. history include the crash in 1929 that preceded the Great Depression, the crash in 1987, known as Black Monday, the dotcom bubble crash in 2001, the 2008 crash related to the Financial Crisis, and the 2020 crash following the outbreak of COVID.

Will the US stock market crash in 2024? ›

Stocks are up 8.8% in 2024 through May 7, as measured by the S&P 500, but markets have cooled and the large-cap index is down 1.3% in the second quarter. Some investors are inching toward the sidelines amid worrisome economic news: slowing economic growth, a softening labor market and rising core inflation.

Who made money during the Great Depression? ›

Business titans such as William Boeing and Walter Chrysler actually grew their fortunes during the Great Depression.

Who predicted the 1929 crash? ›

Shortly before the 1929 stock market Crash, economic seer Roger Babson predicted a decline that "may be terrific." At about the same time, Professors Joseph Lawrence of Princeton and Edward Kemmerer of Yale saw a bright future for Wall Street.

How did the rich survive the Great Depression? ›

Those wealthy whose wealth was all in the stock market or was highly leveraged, lost everything. However, not every wealthy person had all their assets in the stock market or leveraged with debt. Many wealthy people owned land and buildings, all debt free. Many had lots of cash.

Who suffered the most in the Great Depression? ›

The problems of the Great Depression affected virtually every group of Americans. No group was harder hit than African Americans, however. By 1932, approximately half of African Americans were out of work.

Which practice contributed to the crash of the stock market in 1929? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. The practice of speculative buying on margin directly caused the stock market crash of 1929. During the 1920s, investors were allowed to purchase stocks with only a small percentage of their own money and borrow the rest from brokers.

What practice directly caused the stock market crash of 1929 brainly? ›

Explanation: The correct answer is C. speculation on stocks and buying on a margin. Speculation in the stock market and buying stocks on margin were common practices during the 1920s, leading to a speculative bubble and an artificially inflated stock market.

What caused the stock market crash in 1929 Quizlet? ›

The stock market crash of 1929 happened because the share prices had been rising at an unsustainable pace in the years prior to the crash. This was due to the overconfidence of the investors in sustained economic growth as well as the practice of buying shares on the margin.

What is the reason for the stock market crash? ›

Stock market crash: Rising US dollar and Treasury yields, disappointing US retail sales data, falling Indian National Rupee (INR), and rising crude oil prices are some other reasons that have fueled the selling pressure in the Indian stock market.

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