The Four C's of Investment Costs | bps and pieces (2024)

Alternative investments are generally more expensive than stock and bond funds. I'm not breaking any new ground here.

In a world where passive market beta is effectively free, investors rightfully place a greater degree of scrutiny on investments that at first glance seem relatively pricey.

Like anything in life, there is a place for low cost and a place for higher cost. Sometimes we want a burger from McDonald’s and other times we splurge on a bone-in ribeye from a nice steakhouse.

All else equal, the lower the cost the better - more money in our pockets. The challenge in investing is that all else is rarely equal. Trade-offs must be weighed and evaluated, and the costs of any investment must be contextualized. To help with this conversation, I like to frame fund expenses in terms of what I call the Four C’s of Investment Costs: Capacity, Craftsmanship, Complexity, and Contribution.

  • Capacity: The amount of capital a strategy can prudently oversee without degrading its integrity is of paramount importance to its cost. The reason market-cap weighted U.S. large-cap stock index funds are essentially free is because they have near infinite capacity. So, while the expenses as a percentage are infinitesimal, from a dollar standpoint they can create meaningful revenue for an asset manager given the incredibly large base they have to charge it on. Conversely, asset classes like catastrophe reinsurance aren’t as scalable. To offer such a strategy at Vanguard-like fees would not be profitable.
  • Craftsmanship: For nuanced strategies, implementation and design choices can make all the difference between success and failure when translating something that works on a spreadsheet into the real world. Fees should be commensurate with the level of detail involved in the development and execution work needed to maximize efficacy and minimize slippage.
  • Complexity: Assets with a higher degree of embedded intricacy typically require oversight and management from people with highly specialized talent, knowledge and expertise that are not as plentiful as found in other well-trodden corners of investing. Higher degrees of compensation naturally accompany useful skills that are in high demand and scarce supply.
  • Contribution: Investments that are structurally uncorrelated to things people already own and that offer meaningful risk premiums are valuable and thus should command a premium price. The more differentiated and additive to the portfolio, the more willing you should be to pay up.

The visual below summarizes the main features of low-cost and high-cost assets:

The Four C's of Investment Costs | bps and pieces (1)

When evaluating the expenses of different investment products, we must avoid comparing apples and oranges, or worse yet apples and orangutans. The expenses of an S&P 500 ETF should have no bearing on whether a managed futures mutual fund is deemed reasonable or overpriced. Similarly, a "smart beta" ETF that costs 20 bps might appear dirt cheap at first glance. But if you look under the hood, you might discover that for all intents and purposes the fund isn’t that much different than the broad market—which you can own for 3 bps. In this scenario, you are paying a great deal for the minimal amount of active risk being taken. On the flip side, the price tag for a liquid alternative mutual fund might seem steep at 1.25%, but when measured against a similar hedge fund that charges 2 and 20 it could be a bargain.

Costs can be a tricky subject to navigate when selecting funds and building portfolios. What’s important is that you don’t overpay for things you can get for much cheaper. When you do decide to pay up, make sure you have a high degree of confidence the expected benefits will survive the additional costs. As Cliff Asness has stated, “there is no investment product so good gross, that there isn’t a fee that could make it bad net.”

The Four C's of Investment Costs | bps and pieces (2)

About the author

Phil Huber, CFA, CFP®

Phil is the Head of Portfolio Solutions for Cliffwater, a leading alternative investment adviser and fund manager. Prior to joining Cliffwater in 2024, Phil was the Chief Investment Officer for Savant Wealth Management, a multi-billion dollar wealth management firm. Phil has been involved in the financial services industry since 2007. He earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. He is a member of the CFA Society of Chicago. More about me here. Twitter: @bpsandpieces

The Four C's of Investment Costs | bps and pieces (2024)


The Four C's of Investment Costs | bps and pieces? ›

Trade-offs must be weighed and evaluated, and the costs of any investment must be contextualized. To help with this conversation, I like to frame fund expenses in terms of what I call the Four C's of Investment Costs: Capacity, Craftsmanship, Complexity, and Contribution.

What are the 4 C's of investment? ›

4 C's of Investment Process - Cloning, Checklist, Capital Allocation, Checkout.

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Common investing costs include expense ratios, market costs, custodian fees, advisory fees, commissions, and loads. Research has shown that lower-cost funds tend to have better returns than higher-cost funds.

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An investment decision could involve purchasing new equipment, investing in research and development, buying new property, or expanding into new markets. These decisions often have long-term implications and are influenced by a multitude of factors.

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The significance of capital investment extends beyond the mere acquisition of physical assets. It is a fundamental part of a company's growth and development strategy, often influencing its long-term success and sustainability.

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The 21st century learning skills are often called the 4 C's: critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating. These skills help students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond.

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The 4 C's to 21st century skills are just what the title indicates. Students need these specific skills to fully participate in today's global community: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity. Students need to be able to share their thoughts, questions, ideas and solutions.

What are the costs of investment? ›

The cost of investing: the types of expenses you incur

They are a fixed percentage or expense that is charged for things such as managing your money, administration, opening or closing a stock market transaction, underwriting a fund, custody of shares, and so on.

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On a macro level, the formula is written as: Investment Spending = Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Consumption (C) - Government Spending (G) - Net Exports (NX).

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Cost components are the most granular representation of item costs. Examples of cost components are purchase order item price, material, freight, tax, and overhead. Cost Components come from different sources: Predefined costs from external sources such as Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Inventory Management.

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Investment decision refers to selecting and acquiring the long-term and short-term assets in which funds will be invested by the business.

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What is a Final Investment Decision (FID)? A common term used in reference to the last step of determining whether to move forward with the sanctioning and construction of an infrastructure project.

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Before making a new investment decision, the financial health of the company should be assessed. Financial documents such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements must be thoroughly examined to understand the company's liquidity, profitability, and debt structure.

What is the largest downside to a capital investment? ›

Capital investment has its own disadvantages. While capital investment is made to improve a company's cash flow in operations, it may sometimes be insufficient to cover the expected costs. In such cases, the company could be forced to borrow funds from an external financier to cover for the miscalculations.

What are the problems with capital investment? ›

Capital investment is meant to benefit a company in the long run, but it nonetheless can have short-term downsides. Capital investments tends to reduce earnings growth in the short term, and that never pleases stockholders of a public company.

What is a capital good investment? ›

When businesses invest in capital goods, their ability to create products and services expands. Such goods are mainly physical assets that are used to produce consumer products and services. Increased capital goods production tends to bolster demand for capital and thus results in increased overall investments.

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Character, capital, capacity, and collateral – purpose isn't tied entirely to any one of the four Cs of credit worthiness. If your business is lacking in one of the Cs, it doesn't mean it has a weak purpose, and vice versa.

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The 4 C's of Marketing are Customer, Cost, Convenience, and Communication. These 4C's determine whether a company is likely to succeed or fail in the long run. The customer is the heart of any marketing strategy. If the customer doesn't buy your product or service, you're unlikely to turn a profit.

What are the four key principles of investment? ›

  • Goals. Create clear, appropriate investment goals. An investment goal is essentially any plan investors have for their money. ...
  • Balance. Keep a balanced and diversified mix of investments. ...
  • Cost. Minimize costs. ...
  • Discipline. Maintain perspective and long-term discipline.

What are the Cs in finance? ›

Most lenders use the five Cs—character, capacity, capital, collateral, and conditions—when analyzing individual or business credit applications.

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