Topic: Healthcare expenditure in Canada (2024)

How is health care funded?

The Canadian healthcare system is financed by using a mix of federal and provincial revenue collected through taxation, such as personal and corporate taxes, sales taxes, payroll levies, and other revenue, but it is administered at the local level. More than 70 percent is funded by the provinces and territories, while the federal government funds around 25 percent through the Canada Health Transfer (CHT). The CHT is the largest single transfer that is made to the provinces and territories. Currently, the provincial governments are urging the federal government to unconditionally and immediately raise the share of healthcare costs funded to 35 percent and maintain it long-term to help cover the rising health costs. However, the federal government is in support of conditional transfers that are targeted toward specific issues that are seen as "national priorities" such as mental health and long-term care for the elderly.

Total healthcare expenditure

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) reports that hospitals, physicians, and prescription drugs accounted for over 50 percent of the total health expenditure (THE) in 2022. Spending on the hospital category alone amounted to over 80 billion Canadian dollars in 2022, the largest category of THE. In response to the pandemic in 2020, the Canadian government set aside a separate budget for COVID-related expenditures. The average per capita spending on COVID-19 varied significantly between provinces in Canada from 2020 to 2022. The total health expenditure is largely funded by the public sector, while the private sector was predicted to account for nearly 28 percent in 2022. Healthcare services like prescription drugs, dental, and vision care are usually out-of-pocket expenses, accounting for nearly 15 percent of THE in 2019. Although, among all OECD countries the Canadian healthcare system is one of the most expensive it has ranked poorly when comparing the performance indicators.

This text provides general information. Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date data than referenced in the text.

Topic: Healthcare expenditure in Canada (2024)


Topic: Healthcare expenditure in Canada? ›

In 2022, overall health expenditure in Canada is predicted to be 331 billion Canadian dollars or 8,563 Canadian dollars per person. It is predicted that health spending will account for 12.2 percent of Canada's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022.

What are the top 3 expenditures in Canadian healthcare? ›

More than half of health spending goes to three areas: hospitals (26%), drugs (14%) and physicians (14%).

What is the main issue in healthcare in Canada? ›

CharacteristicPercentage of respondents
Not enough staff63%
Access to treatment/long waiting times47%
Ageing population29%
8 more rows
Sep 28, 2023

What are the top 3 healthcare expenditures? ›

In 2019, hospital care spending (37.2%) made up the largest share of personal health care expenditures, followed by spending on physician and clinical services (24.1%), prescription drugs (11.5%), nursing care facilities and continuing care retirement communities (5.4%), dental services (4.5%), and home health care ( ...

How much does healthcare cost in Canada? ›

Total health expenditure expected to climb to $8,563 per Canadian in 2022. Total health spending in Canada is expected to reach $331 billion in 2022, or $8,563 per Canadian.

What is the fastest rising health expenditure in Canada? ›

Hospital spending.

Hospital expenditures are projected to increase by 11.1% in 2022 and 4.1% in 2023. According to a CIHI data release on hospital spending, compensation of hospital workers accounted for the largest share of hospital spending (63.1%) in 2021–2022.

What are the biggest expenses in Canada? ›

Your home will cost the most

Most Canadians spend 35% to 50% of their income on housing and utilities. This includes the cost of renting your home or paying your mortgage (a mortgage is a long-term loan.) It also includes the often-high cost of heating your home and paying for electricity, telephone service and water.

What is the biggest health concern in Canada? ›

Chronic diseases and conditions are the leading cause of death and disability in Ontario. The most common are cancers, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes.

What is a weakness of the Canadian healthcare system? ›

Canada's healthcare system has its fair share of both advantages and disadvantages. While the system provides universal coverage and high-quality care, it also faces significant challenges, such as long wait times and rising healthcare costs.

What are most people concerned about healthcare in Canada? ›

While Canadians are generally proud of a health system that delivers care based on need rather than the ability to pay, the OurCare researchers found many people believe the system has failed on its promise to deliver universal and high-quality health care in a timely manner.

What is the current healthcare expenditure? ›

U.S. health care spending grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reaching $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person.

Why is healthcare expenditure increasing? ›

There are many possible reasons for that increase in healthcare prices: The introduction of new, innovative healthcare technology can lead to better, more expensive procedures and products. The complexity of the U.S. healthcare system can lead to administrative waste in the insurance and provider payment systems.

What are the top 3 major expenditures? ›

10 Largest Budget Functions
  • Social Security ($1,354 billion). ...
  • Health ($889 billion). ...
  • Medicare ($848 billion). ...
  • National Defense ($820 billion). ...
  • Income Security ($775 billion). ...
  • Net Interest ($658 billion). ...
  • Veterans Benefits and Services ($302 billion). ...
  • Transportation ($126 billion).
Mar 21, 2024

What are the trends in Canada's healthcare system? ›

Some key emerging trends in Canada's healthcare system include the evolution of artificial intelligence and wearable technology in medicine, innovation development in telehealth, and the expansion of mental health treatment.

Is healthcare 100% free in Canada? ›

The health system is funded mainly by provincial or territorial general tax revenue with some federal transfers and is free at the point of delivery for citizens. There is no cost-sharing for inpatient or outpatient care and prescription drug prices vary but are still inexpensive.

How does Canada pay for health care? ›

All Canadian citizens and permanent residents receive medically necessary hospital and physician services free at the point of use. This does not mean, however, that healthcare is free in Canada. Most government funds for Canadian Medicare, as their health system is called, come from collected taxes.

What are the top 3 most expensive health care cost? ›

Top 5 most expensive health conditions
  • 5) Neurological conditions. ...
  • 4) Gastrointestinal (GI) conditions. ...
  • 3) Cardiovascular disease (CVD). ...
  • 2) Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. ...
  • 1) Cancer.
Sep 25, 2023

What is the largest category of expenditures for personal health care? ›

Hospital care has been the largest category of personal healthcare spending since CMS began collecting this data in 1960. In 2022, it totaled $1.35 trillion, or 36.6% of all personal healthcare spending, a percentage consistent with the previous decade's spending.

How is health care paid for in Canada? ›

Each provincial and territorial health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services that are provided on a pre-paid basis, without direct charges at the point of service. The provincial and territorial governments fund these services with assistance from federal cash and tax transfers.

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