Can a Taxable Account Beat a 401(k)? (2024)

Editor’s Note: A version of this article previously appeared on June 23, 2023.

“Max out your 401(k).”

That advice is Personal Finance 101, right up there with “Get a budget” and “Have an emergency fund.”

But is that universally solid guidance?

Yes, tax-sheltered retirement plans offer the convenience of automatic investments and tax breaks—pretax contributions and tax-deferred compounding for traditional 401(k)s and tax-free compounding and withdrawals for Roth contributions.

But the availability and quality of the 401(k) are also important considerations. Some workers don’t have access to an employer-provided retirement plan, and 401(k) quality can be uneven. While some 401(k) plans, particularly those of large employers, are gold-plated, others have high administrative costs, meager employer matching contributions, and subpar, costly investment lineups. Those negatives can detract from 401(k)s’ tax-saving features.

Meanwhile, the tax efficiency for investors’ nonretirement accounts has improved over the years. Broad-market equity exchange-traded funds have dramatically reduced the tax drag for taxable accountholders, effectively simulating the tax deferral that accompanies investing in a 401(k). And many robo-advisors use other techniques to reduce the tax drag on investors’ taxable accounts—specifically, selling losing positions to offset gainers elsewhere in investors’ portfolios. That has the potential to reduce the capital gains taxes on positions when they’re eventually liquidated.

Even as investing in a taxable account has grown more attractive, it’s a given that investors should put enough in a 401(k)—even a poor one—to earn matching contributions. If the 401(k) plan is weak and they have additional retirement assets they have to invest, they should opt for an IRA in lieu of steering more money to the poor 401(k) plan. Income limits apply to IRA contributions, but anyone can invest in a Roth IRA through the “backdoor,” provided they have earned income to cover the contribution amount.

Multiple Factors Determine Whether a Taxable Account Can Beat a 401(k)

But what if they have additional retirement assets to invest? Once the IRA is fully funded, would those dollars be better off in a weak 401(k) or in a brokerage account held outside a tax-sheltered account?

The answer here, as with so many financial questions, depends on a couple of key factors, especially the following:

  • 401(k) plan quality: Just how bad is the plan? Does it have high administrative costs and subpar and/or expensive investment options? Or is it simply that the lineup includes some lackluster funds that are past their prime, while also including some reasonably priced options? Comparing your plan to others can help you make that assessment.
  • The quality and tax efficiency of the investments in the taxable accounts: Investing in a taxable account will rarely be the better option unless you’re able to invest in securities that make few ongoing distributions of income, capital gains, or both. The good news on this front is that investors can opt for a brokerage platform that offers a good array of low-cost, tax-efficient options—namely, index-tracking ETFs and municipal-bond funds.
  • The investor’s tax bracket at the time of the contributions: The ability to make pretax contributions—as is the case with traditional 401(k)s—will be more valuable to the investor who’s in a high tax bracket at the time of that contribution than it will be to the person who’s in a lower tax bracket.
  • The tax bracket at the time of withdrawals: Withdrawals from taxable accounts receive more favorable (and flexible) tax treatment than withdrawals from traditional 401(k)s. Investors pulling from their taxable accounts will owe capital gains taxes, whereas money coming out of a traditional 401(k) is taxed at the investor’s ordinary income tax rate, which is higher. Moreover, because the 401(k) money has never been taxed, investors owe taxes on the entire withdrawal, not just the appreciation; taxable-account investors, by contrast, will only owe tax on their gains. Finally, 401(k) assets are subject to required minimum distributions at age 73. For investors who expect to be in a high tax bracket upon retirement, having assets in a taxable account—and enjoying more favorable taxation on the distributions—will be particularly beneficial. (Of course, Roth 401(k) withdrawals are more favorable still: While Roth 401(k)s are subject to RMDs, those assets can be rolled over to a Roth IRA to avoid RMDs. Better still, qualified withdrawals from Roth 401(k)s and IRAs are tax-free.)

Weighing the Trade-Offs of Investing in a Taxable Account vs. 401(k)

Because these factors all work together, it’s difficult to make one-size-fits-all assessments about the virtues of investing in a 401(k) versus investing inside a taxable account. Here are some simplified examples that help illustrate the interplay between all of these variables—and specifically the trade-off between tax costs and investment expenses.

Example 1: Anne plans to invest $10,000 per year in a balanced portfolio within her lousy 401(k). While her account earns 5% per year on a preexpense basis, that number shrivels to a 3.5% return once all the fees are taken out. She makes pretax (traditional) contributions to the 401(k) account for 30 years, at which time she begins pulling the money out and paying taxes on the withdrawals at her 24% income tax rate. Anne would have about $516,000 on a pretax basis at the time of retirement, but the taxes on her withdrawals would take that amount down to about $392,000.

Anne’s situation illustrates how high expenses can erode the tax benefits of a tax-deferred account.

Example 2: Jerry, Anne’s colleague, skips the costly 401(k) and goes straight to a taxable account. He doesn’t receive the tax break on his initial contributions, so he can only contribute aftertax money into the account. Whereas Anne can send the whole $10,000 into her 401(k) each year, Jerry—in the 24% tax bracket at the time of his contribution—can only afford to contribute $7,600 to his taxable account. He, too, invests in a balanced portfolio and earns 5% on a pretax, preexpense basis. But he sticks with low-cost, tax-efficient equity index funds and municipal-bond funds, so he’s paying just 0.50% per year in taxes and just 0.25% in fees. He’d accumulate about $444,000 over 30 years. When Jerry withdraws the money in retirement, he won’t pay taxes on the $228,000 he put in—his basis, which he has already paid taxes on—but he will owe capital gains taxes of 15% on his appreciation of $216,000 (assuming he’s in the 15% capital gains tax bracket). Thus, Jerry’s aftertax, take-home total would be about $412,000—better than Anne’s. Better still, his account isn’t subject to RMDs, so he can take the funds out on his own schedule or not take them out at all. If his heirs inherit those assets from Jerry, they’ll pay taxes only on appreciation that occurs after Jerry’s date of death, not on the appreciation during his lifetime.

Jerry's situation illustrates that a low-cost, tax-efficient taxable portfolio can beat a higher-cost tax-deferred one.

Example 3: James’ 401(k) includes a 0.5% layer of administrative fees, but he opts for the ultracheap index funds within his plan, bringing his total costs on a balanced portfolio to 0.6%. He invests $10,000 into the plan for 30 years, earning a 5.0% preexpense return that drops to 4.4% once the plan’s expenses and fund costs are factored in. He amasses about $600,000 in the plan, which drops to about $456,000 once he pays taxes at a 24% rate on the withdrawals. By taking advantage of the tax benefits of the 401(k) while also finding a way to keep his overall costs low, James comes out ahead of both Anne and Jerry.

James' situation illustrates the best-case scenario for 401(k) investors: Take advantage of the tax break on contributions, take part in a low-cost plan, and opt for low-cost investments.

Example 4: Monica bypasses her company’s poor 401(k) and instead invests $7,600 per year in a taxable account. (Like Jerry, above, she’s contributing aftertax dollars, so we’re assuming lower contribution amounts to account for a 24% income tax bracket on an ongoing basis.) She chooses low-cost funds—with average expense ratios of 0.50%—but they’re tax-inefficient, so she pays an additional 1% per year on their taxable capital gains and income distributions. While her balanced portfolio returns 5% on a preexpense, pretax basis, she earns just 3.5% once taxes and expenses are taken into account. She has about $392,000 at the end of the 30 years—$228,000 of her own contributions, which she can withdraw tax-free—and another $164,000 in appreciation. Once the 15% capital gains tax on the appreciation is factored in, she ends up with about $368,000.

By not taking advantage of the ability to make pretax contributions to the 401(k) and failing to invest in tax-efficient investments inside of her taxable account, Monica fares the worst of our hypothetical investors.

Taxable Account vs. 401(k) Takeaways

The preceding examples illustrate that investors would do well to weigh their own personal tax situations—both current and future—as well as the quality of their 401(k)s when determining which account types to fund. Obviously, the preceding examples are highly simplified: Rarely does an individual's tax bracket stay the same over a 30-year period; tax rates on a secular basis are also apt to change. (Capital gains tax rates, in particular, are quite low by historical standards.) That underscores the virtues of tax diversification—splitting assets across accounts with varying tax treatment, whether tax-deferred, taxable, or Roth—when saving for retirement. It also illustrates the value of taking a deliberate approach to Roth versus traditional tax-deferred account funding.

The author or authors do not own shares in any securities mentioned in this article.Find out about Morningstar’s editorial policies.

Can a Taxable Account Beat a 401(k)? (2024)


Can a Taxable Account Beat a 401(k)? ›

Taking money from a taxable account can benefit you more than a 401(k). Investors making a withdrawal from a taxable account will owe capital gains taxes on the sale of a security. But those pulling money out from a 401(k) will get taxed at a higher rate for ordinary income.

Does taxable income exclude 401k? ›

Your 401(k) contributions are made pre-tax—your employer won't include these contributions in your taxable income. 1 For example, if your income for the year was $50,000, and you contributed $5,000 to your 401(k), your employer would report $45,000 as taxable income to the IRS (and you, via Form W-2).

Should I max out my 401k or invest in a taxable account? ›

Comparing your plan to others can help you make that assessment. The quality and tax efficiency of the investments in the taxable accounts: Investing in a taxable account will rarely be the better option unless you're able to invest in securities that make few ongoing distributions of income, capital gains, or both.

Is a brokerage account better than a 401k? ›

Brokerage accounts are taxable, but provide much greater liquidity and investment flexibility. 401(k) accounts offer significant tax advantages at the cost of tying up funds until retirement. Both types of accounts can be useful for helping you reach your ultimate financial goals, retirement or otherwise.

Should I invest in a taxable account? ›

Investments that are tax-efficient should be made in taxable accounts. Investments that aren't tax-efficient are better off in tax-deferred or tax-exempt accounts. Tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s have annual contribution limits.

Does a 401k withdrawal count as taxable income? ›

There isn't a separate 401(k) withdrawal tax. Any money you withdraw from your 401(k) is considered income and will be taxed as such, alongside other sources of taxable income you may receive. As with any taxable income, the rate you pay depends on the amount of total taxable income you receive that year.

Is 401k excluded from federal taxable wages? ›

The employer reports elective deferrals on the participant's Form W-2, Wage and Tax StatementPDF. Although these amounts are not treated as current income for federal income tax purposes, they are included as wages subject to social security (FICA), Medicare, and federal unemployment taxes (FUTA).

Can a taxable account beat a 401k? ›

As an example, if your marginal tax rate is 32% (income between $182,100 and $364,200 for tax year 2023) and you contribute $20,000 to your 401(k), you would save $6,400 in taxes that year. Consider your tax bracket when making withdrawals. Taking money from a taxable account can benefit you more than a 401(k).

What is the difference between a taxable account and a non taxable account? ›

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Nontaxable accounts provide tax incentives up front, while taxable accounts allow an individual to save and invest funds above the contribution limits on IRAs and other retirement plans.

What is an example of a taxable account? ›

A taxable account is one where the normal IRS tax rules apply. In a taxable account, you pay taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains, in the year in which you earn them. Checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, and brokerage accounts are all taxable accounts.

Do millionaires use brokerage accounts? ›

Millionaires use brokerage accounts for low-cost index funds. “Buying and holding index funds in a brokerage account, it's possible to keep and grow wealth over the long term,” according to Business Insider.

What account is better than a 401k? ›

IRAs offer a better investment selection.

If you want the best possible selection of investments, then an IRA – especially at an online brokerage – will offer you the most options. You'll have the full suite of assets on offer at the institution: stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, ETFs and more.

What is the downside to a brokerage account? ›

Brokerage accounts don't offer all the services that a traditional bank offers. Brokerages might not offer additional products such as mortgages and other loans. Brokerages may not have weekend or evening hours.

Why should no one use brokerage accounts? ›

If the value of your investments drops too far, you might struggle to repay the money you owe the brokerage. Should your account be sent to collections, it could damage your credit score. You can avoid this risk by opening a cash account, which doesn't involve borrowing money.

When should you open a taxable brokerage account? ›

You've maxed out your retirement accounts.

A taxable brokerage account is a great place for surplus savings if you've already saved as much as the IRS will let you into your tax-advantaged retirement accounts. You may even start putting money into your taxable brokerage before you max out your retirement savings.

Should you buy tips in a taxable account? ›

Investors hoping to avoid possible tax liability of “Phantom Income,” should consider purchasing TIPS in a tax-deferred account. Investors are urged to consult with their own tax advisors with regard to their specific situation prior to making any investment decisions with tax consequences.

Is taxable income before or after 401k? ›

Contributions to a traditional 401(k) are made with pre-tax dollars—meaning the money goes into your retirement account before it gets taxed. With pre-tax contributions, every dollar you save will reduce your current taxable income by an equal amount, which means you'll owe less in income taxes for the year.

What earnings are excluded from 401k? ›

Eligible exclusions
  • Pre-entry compensation – pay earned by employees before they become plan-eligible.
  • Certain fringe benefits – including reimbursem*nts or other expense allowances, fringe benefits (cash and noncash), moving expenses, deferred compensation, and welfare benefits.
Jan 3, 2024

Do you count 401k as income? ›

Is a 401(K) Withdrawal Considered Earned Income or Capital Gains? Traditional 401(k) withdrawals are considered income (regardless of your age). However, you won't pay capital gains taxes on these funds.

Does gross income include 401k contributions? ›

Key Takeaways. Traditional 401(k) contributions effectively reduce both adjusted gross income (AGI) and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). The potential of tax deferral and reduction of current taxable income means that traditional 401(k) contributions offer ways to soften tax liabilities.

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