Canada Conference Visa - How To Apply In 2024 | Arnika Visa (2024)

Reza Eslami, RCIC (R710241)

ACanada conference visa is required to attend a meeting, trade show or seminar in Canada.If you wish to travel to Canada for a workshop, you must learn what a Conference Visa to Canada is, what you can accomplish, and what you must do and have with you when entering the country.

You must apply for a visitor visa or eTA to visit Canada on business, depending on the country you are coming from. The Canadian business visa is designed for people who want to travel to Canada temporarily to attend meetings, workshops, conventions, or trade fairs for company-related reasons, such as strengthening business ties and offering or receiving training without joining the Canadian labour force.

Business travellers and businesspeople are two distinct groups. As a result of a free trade agreement, businesspeople visit Canada to work. Visitors who visit Canada on business stay for a few days or weeks but can remain for up to six months.

This blog provides all the detailed information you need to make your meeting and travel experience as easy and stress-free as possible when travelling on a Conference visa.

Temporary Residents Visa Refusals Overview:

If an applicant is found to be ineligible, the application will be refused, and the visa refusal will be made at one of the following times:

  • After examination of a written application, without the candidate having an in-person interview,
  • Following an interview with the visa applicant

If it is evident from a review of the application that the applicant is ineligible and more information would not affect a denial decision, the applicant should never be asked to attend an interview.

How to apply for Conference Visa Canada?

Attendees and presenters need several documents to attend a meeting, seminar, or trade show. Still, anyone planning to participate in a conference in Canada must apply for avisitor visaor aneTAfrom outside Canada. Plus, you may require Biometrics for immigration application.

It would be best to convince an IRCC visa officer that you meet all other prerequisites for entry, as you might only be admitted if you fulfil all the requirements. If the IRCCofficer is not satisfied that you will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for your stay, you may get a Canada visa refusal.

Plus, any grounds for inadmissibility according to the Canadian Immigration Act related to any of the security, human or international rights violations, criminality, organized crime, health, financial reasons, misrepresentation, non-compliance with the Act and inadmissible family member, are the grounds for a Canadian visa refusal.

What distinguishes the Conference Visa & Regular Visitor Visa?

The difference between a Canada conference Visa and a regular visitor visa (A Canada tourist visa) is that foreign nationals apply for a Canadian visitor visa to visit their relatives (parents, sisters, brothers or children), which usually requires an invitation letter from the relatives. Or that people need a tourist visa to visit Canada’s attractions and historical places to visit these places as a tourist. They usually need to have a strong travel history, especially to countries that require a visa, and obtaining a visa for these countries is usually not accessible such as European countries, England, America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

On the other hand, the Canadian workshops visa is designed for people who, for reasons related to their work, education or business background, want to temporarily present a seminar or receive training, evaluate opportunities to start or expand a business, strengthen business ties between companies, or participate in business activities and travel to Canada for business and without the intention of entering the Canadian labour market (employment in Canada).

What are the benefits of a Conference Visa to Canada?

With a Canada Conference Visa, you can visit Canada to visit family and friends and enjoy the country while attending meetings, workshops, or trade show activities. You can also approach that time to look for options for extending your stay in Canada.

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What is eTA application process?

It takes a few minutes to complete the quick and easy ($7 Canadian) online application for an eTA. Most eTA-eligible applicants will be approved shortly after submitting the eTA online application form. However, some people may need days to process their Canada visa applications.

For up to five years, the eTA is valid. IRCC allows multiple entries for single stays of up to six months each for eTA holders. Only some nationalities may request an eTA. Currently, there are about sixty qualifying countries. This group includes Australia, France, and the United Kingdom.

How to apply online for an eTA with the IRCC Portal?

  1. Read the guide document and prepare your passport and credit or debit card.
  2. To apply, use the online form. One cannot save the form. So be prepared with your information.
  3. After completing the form, pay $7 for your eTA.
  4. Receive an email about your eTA application. Most application approvals happen quickly, or
  5. Documents may be required before your application is approved. You will receive an email with instructions within 72 hours if this occurs.
  6. Prepare for your arrival.

A visitor visa (Also known as a temporary resident visa) is an official document that IRCC stamps on your passport. It demonstrates that you are eligible to enter Canada. You will be regarded as a business visitorbut do not require a work permit as an attendee.

If you present at a business seminar that lasts up to five days, a visitor visa is also required to enter Canada as a presenter. A work permit and entry authorization are required for anyone travelling to Canada to give a presentation at workshopsthat lasts more than five days.

Canada business visa types

The temporary resident visa (TRV) is the official name for the visitor visa. Visas come in two categories:

1. A single-entry visitor visa

You’ll often require a new visa to leave and return to Canada. Only if you intend to go solely to the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon and return to Canada before the end of your authorized stay in Canada are you eligible to request a return on your original single-entry visitor visa.

2. A multiple-entry visitor visa

You may leave and return to Canada several times if your visitor visa is valid.

How to apply online for a visitor visa with the IRCC Portal?

  1. Understand the requirements
  2. Gather the documents
  3. Create an account and sign in
  4. Complete the online form and submit your application
  5. Pay your application and biometrics fees with a credit card
  6. Submit biometrics, police certificate and medical exams (If required)
  7. Visitor visa approval or refusal
  8. Get your visitor visa
  9. Prepare for your arrival

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Canada Conference Visa Requirements

Canada, as a country, is known to be the most travel-friendly country. It is also a beautiful nation with diverse natural wonders, historical memorials, and cultures. Although most visa applicants quickly obtain a Canadian visitor visa, many applications are often refused due to incomplete forms and insufficient or incorrect supporting documents. Suppose you’re considering taking part in an international workshop in Canada and getting a visitor visa. In that case, you need the below-listed documents to be well prepared. This checklist can help you get the most out of any upcoming Canadian seminars you may choose to participate in.

You must meet the Canada conference visadocumentation requirements listed below to ensure that your application for a seminar visa to Canada will be approved and that you can successfully attend workshopsin Canada.

1- A Travel plan

This is the first stepping stone of your visa approval, which you should ask yourself. You should write a cover letter or statement to IRCC Canada explaining why they should provide you with a TRV visa. The travel plan should address the following questions:

A- Why do you wish to come to Canada to attend a conference you registered for?  Why did you choose the workshops? And what is your overall goal?

B- Why you're eligible and suited for your intended seminar? How did you find out about it?

C- How does this workshops differ from one available in your country of residence? Why are you not pursuing a similar meeting in your country of residence?

D- Do you have academic prerequisites or work experience relevant to this workshop of your choice?

E- What specific benefits or opportunities will this seminars bring you? What do you intend to do to complete your proposed meeting in Canada, and what are your following plans?

G- How will this workshops enhance employment or educational opportunities in your country of residence? How will the Canadian conference visa and qualifications prepare you for your intended field of work or study?

H- Is either English or French your first language? If not, please provide details of any qualifications obtained in French or English, providing documentary evidence.

2- Financial Plan (Proof Of Funds)

It will be helpful if you look into all conference-related costs you must pay for and which can be paid for by your business or institution or yourself. Then, you must be able to provide documentation proving that you can support yourself while in Canada as a visitor during your stay. You must provide IRCC with the documents as proof of your financial capacity as below:

  • Income source of the person who will provide your lodging during your stay (If applicable),
  • Proof of a Canadian bank account in the applicant’s name(If you have one)
  • The bank statements for the past four months
  • A bank draft that can be converted to Canadian dollars
  • Proof applicants paid seminars and housing fees
  • Proof of funding paid from within Canada, if you have a Canadian-funded educational program
  • Annual Income tax document.
  • Any financial documents such as ownership, shares, etc.,
  • An employment letter to show your income and job description,

3- Conference Visa Invitation Letter

The conferences in Canada 2023 with invitation letter provethat the seminars board in Canada accepts your paper submission and registration request if you wish to participate. The invitation letter will be issued in English or French if you can also have it published in French. An invitation letter, however, does not guarantee you a visa. The Invitation letters usually are only sent by email.

If you need an invitation letter, you must register and usually pay for the workshops you wish to attend before obtaining a letter. When requesting a letter from the organizers of the international seminars that you want to participate in, you must include the following information:

  • Full Name;
  • Complete residential address including the city, country, and postal code;
  • Article Title (if you’re presenting at the event);
  • Email address;
  • Proof of payment of the registration fees for the Conference visa Canada.
  • Registration Confirmation details,

4- Travel Itinerary

A detailed plan of the travel you are taking, including round-trip airfare. This travel itinerary should include the following:

  • Name of the workshops that you intend on attending;
  • The date(s) that the seminars will take place on;
  • The venue of the meeting;
  • Flight or other travel details.
  • The places you plan on visiting,

5- Memorandum and related Documents

Independent applicants must submit a memorandum of association, such as an essential corporate or supporting corporate document.

6- Passport

A valid passport and other travel documents are required. When requesting a visitor visa, you must include personal information such as your photo, name, date and place of birth, as well as your signature and the issue and expiration dates of your passport.

7- Photo

A recent photo is required when applying for a visitor visa.

8- Supporting documents

It would be best to convince the IRCC visa officer that you do not intend to stay in Canada. The required documents are :

An employment letter

You must provide the IRCC visa officer with details of the employment contract indicating that you are their full-time permanent employee, your position in the company, and the date you plan to return to the company to work.

A Proof of lease, real estate transaction

These documents indicate that you intend to return to your country of residence after attending the seminars and completing all activities listed in your travel itinerary.

How To Appeal For Canada Conference Visa Refusal

Canada Conference Visa - How To Apply In 2024 | Arnika Visa (4)

Canada Conference Visa Processing Time

According to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the process of most applications is in a few weeks or less, depending on the visa office and your country of residency. The visa processing time will differ based on the following:

  • The type of application submitted,
  • If the application is complete,
  • How quickly the IRCC officer can process the applications.
  • The completeness and authenticity of the application submitted;
  • The ease with which applicant information can be confirmed;
  • The backlog of applications that the IRCC has to sort through before arriving at your application;
  • How long do you take to respond to the IRCC in case they need clarity on any detail of your application?
  • If you need to do any extra steps, such as go to an interview with our officials in your country, send more information, get a medical exam or get a police certificate.

How much does a conference visa to Canada cost?

It costs CAD100 to apply for a visitor visa, and the biometrics fee is CAN$ 85.

Tips To Consider before even applying for a Conference Visa

  • Identify your Canada Conference Visaobjectives,
  • Make a note of important dates & keep track of changes to these dates
  • Register Before (book airfare, car rental, and accommodation.)
  • Prepare and practice your presentation (In the case of the presenter)
  • Obtaining an Invitation Letter for workshops, you wish to attend

How Can We Help You To Get A Canada Conference Visa?

At Arnika Visa, if you want to apply for a Canada conference visa,we can assist you from filing the immigration forms to guiding you through supporting documents; we take care of it all.We can advise you professionally regarding the required personalized supporting documents to increase the chance of your seminar visa approval and, finally, submit your visa application to IRCC on your behalf as an authorized representative. Here are the details of our professional services offering to get you the conference visa to Canada:

  1. Visitor Visa Guidance: We know the Canadian visitor visa application details and how to increase your chance of visa approval. So, we guide you professionally from the first step until you enter Canada. Our highly knowledgeable RCIC provides one-on-one consultations during your visa application preparation. Plus, you will receive End-to-End customized and personalized guidance and support at all stages of the visa process and ongoing email and phone support (Q&A answered) on document preparation by the RCIC’s expert team (Terms & Conditions apply under the communication policy section of your retainer agreement).
  2. Choice of the Seminar & Registration:In cases where the selected workshops do not align very well with the applicant’s educational or employment background, the chances of visa refusal are increased. For example, someone with a bachelor’s in physics and four years of experience working as an educator who wants to attend a hotel management meeting could be questioned. So, we will guide you to match the selected workshops to your profile.
  3. Travel Plan: We draft the purpose of your visit to Canada as per your educational and experience profile, which should be consistent with your temporary stay, given the details you will provide in your application. The IRCC officer wants to ensure you don’t want to facilitate your entry to Canada by utilizing a conference visa.
  4. Financial Plan: We draft your financial plan per your available funds and all financial resources to address the Canada visa refusal reason for the insufficient financial resources for your visit to Canada. The financial plan should be consistent with your temporary stay, given your current financial situation, which does show that you are financially established in your country of residence.
  5. Supporting Documents: Our RCIC has read all IRCC application packages or forms, Visa offices outside Canada’s instruction guide, and a federal court decision on temporary visa refusal claims, so he is well-informed about all essential documents before applying for a Canadian Visitor Visa. We provide you with a Detailed Personalized Visa Documents Checklist and Guidance, which is way beyond the IRCC visa office requirements around the globe, including consulting on required and optional supporting documents and drafting and finalizing all supporting documents by the RCIC’s expert team.
  6. RCIC’s Tailored Submission Letter: Our RCIC (Mr. Reza Eslami, R710241) will draft you a Tailored Submission Letter addressing the IRCC’s visa Office to support your TRV application.
  7. Immigration Package Preparation and Submission: We prepare the complete Immigration Visa Application, including the IRCC Immigration Forms Completion and application Submission and authorized representation, to the IRCC on your behalf.
  8. The Port of Entry Support: Before granting permission for a foreign individual to enter Canada, border services officials (CBSA officers) must ensure you have met all admissibility requirements. If needed (Border Services officers’ questions), Our RCIC provides you with the Port of Entry Support upon arrival.

These days, Canada TRVapplications are more than just filling out the forms and showing enough funds to cover your expenses. Accordingly, preparing asolid applicationfrom the beginning will place a step forward and strong precedent even to prevent an application from being judicially reviewed (JR).

The IRCC officers know when the applications are well-prepared, which means they would follow through all the stages, includingJudicial Review (JR) at the Federal Court, so they would think twice before making a Canada Visa refusal decision. It has been widespread that ghost consultants file TRV applications, although it is illegal since they have no license to do so. By doing so, you miss the second chance to be accepted at the Federal Court level, as the TRV application wasn’t prepared in a way to address all legal IRCC officers’ concerns. Thus,Arnika Visarecommends seeking legal guidance from anExpert RCICto have a better chance of successful TRV applications.

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Business Immigration Articles
  • Intra Company Transfer Canada (ICT) – The Ultimate Guide
  • C11 Work Permit Canada – The Ultimate Guide
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  • Alberta Start-Up Visa Program For Foreign Entrepreneurs Guide
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  • Business Visitor Visa Canada – The Ultimate Guide To Apply
  • Canada Conference Visa – The Complete Guide To Apply

Canada Conference Visa - How To Apply In 2024 | Arnika Visa (5)

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Canada Conference Visa - How To Apply In 2024 | Arnika Visa (2024)


How long does it take to get a conference visa in Canada 2024? ›

Generally, it takes about 28 Days for a Visitor Visa, while a Work Permit might take up to 8 weeks as of January 2024. As you can see that the government of Canada mentions that if you're not applying for specific occupations your processing time may be longer than 8 weeks.

How to attend the 2024 conference in Canada with an invitation letter? ›

The following is required:
  1. EITHER: Fully paid conference registration, OR completed and accepted bursary application;
  2. Completion of this form, including information required by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to issue the letter;

How much is a conference visa to Canada? ›

The cost of a conference visa (Temporary Resident Visa) for Canada typically ranges from CAD $100 to CAD $200. However, the exact fee can vary based on factors such as your nationality and the processing location.

What is the 2024 fully funded conference in Canada? ›

An excellent opportunity for young leaders from all over the world to attend the "One Young World Summit 2024" in Montreal, Canada. "One Young World Summit" is one of the largest international conferences that is held annually.

How long does it take to approve a Canada Conference visa? ›

The processing time for a conference visa for Canada ranges from a few weeks to several months. The actual duration depends on several factors, including the visa category, the volume of applications, and the specific circ*mstances of the applicant.

How do you get a visa to attend a conference? ›

You'll typically need an invitation from the conference organizers, a completed visa application form, a valid passport, passport-sized photos, and the required visa fee. It's advisable to apply well in advance of your intended travel date, as visa processing times can vary.

How to get a conference invitation? ›

Most conferences require you to register and pay a fee before issuing an invitation letter. Register online or offline, depending on the conference website or contact details. May also need to submit some documents, such as your abstract, CV, or recommendation letter, depending on the conference requirements.

How do I write a visa invitation letter for a conference? ›

Include Details Of The Invited Individual

Provide the recipient's full name and any relevant title or honorific. Mention their affiliation, organization, institution, company, and current position or role. Briefly explain the purpose of their attendance, emphasizing their contribution or role in the event.

What is the difference between visitor visa and conference visa? ›

Applying for a Conference Visa typically requires an invitation from the event organizers. Additional documentation about the conference and your role may be needed. For a Tourist Visa, focus is on travel itinerary, accommodation plans, and sometimes financial sufficiency.

Can I work in Canada with a conference visa? ›

Business visitors are persons who stay in Canada for a few days or a few weeks to attend meetings or an event, and can stay for up to 6 months. If you plan to stay for more than 6 months or plan to work in Canada, you may be considered a temporary worker and have to apply for a work permit.

Can a Canada Conference visa be denied? ›

Applicants must demonstrate they can financially sustain themselves during their stay. Statements of bank accounts and other financial documents are scrutinized for evidence of stability. Failure to provide convincing financial proof often results in application denial.

What is the processing time for a conference visa? ›

The processing time for a conference visa varies according to various factors, such as the type of visa you, your country, and the embassy or consulate processing your application. In general, processing times can range from a few days to several weeks or even months.

Can a Canada Conference visa be rejected? ›

A common reason for Canadian visa rejection is the lack of sufficient financial means. Applicants must demonstrate they can financially sustain themselves during their stay. Statements of bank accounts and other financial documents are scrutinized for evidence of stability.

How much time does it take to process CEC in Canada? ›

We process most Express Entry applications within 6 months or less of getting your complete application.

Can I go to Canada in 2024? ›

The process to get higher education in Canada in 2024 has definitely become more complicated and challenging as compared to 2023, but it is still possible. Aspiring students must make sure that they apply for a Canada student visa in 2024 as per the new rules so that the chances of approval remain high.

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