Create Stock Charts in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide (2024)


Create Stock Charts in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide (1)


To import stock data into Google Sheets, use the GOOGLEFINANCE function for fetching securities information. Then, create charts like line, bar, or candlestick to visualize this data. Google Sheets also offers finance templates for a comprehensive financial management.

This guide simplifies the process of analyzing stock data by leveraging Google Sheets' powerful features.

Enhance your financial analysis by learning how to automate data import tasks with Bardeen.

How to Import Stock Data into Google Sheets

Importing stock data into Google Sheets can be accomplished using the built-in GOOGLEFINANCE function. This function allows you to easily fetch current and historical securities information from Google Finance, including stock prices, currency exchange rates, and market indices.

Automate your financial analysis by importing stock data into Google Sheets with Bardeen. No manual entry needed! Get started here.

Google Sheets Stock Chart

Once you have imported stock data, you can create various types of charts to visualize the data. Google Sheets supports creating line charts, bar charts, and even candlestick charts, which are particularly useful for tracking stock prices over time. For more insights, explore our blog post on addons for Google Sheets and how they can enhance your financial analysis.

Google Sheets Finance Templates

Google Sheets offers a range of finance templates, including budget planners and expense trackers, that can be customized to include stock data. These templates provide a structured way to manage your finances and investments in one place.

How to Make a Stock Chart in Google Sheets

To create a stock chart:

  1. Enter your stock data in Google Sheets.
  2. Select the data you want to chart.
  3. Click on Insert > Chart to open the Chart Editor.
  4. Choose the type of chart you want to create, such as a line chart or candlestick chart.
  5. Customize the chart as needed using the Chart Editor options.

Create Stock Charts in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide (2)

Create Stock Charts in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide (3)

For candlestick charts, format your data with the first column for dates, followed by columns for high, open, close, and low values. This type of chart is excellent for visualizing stock price movements over a specific period.

Discover how to automate your Google Sheets for more efficient financial analysis. Read our post on Google Sheet automations and explore our collection of Google Sheets automations.

Automate Your Finance Analysis with Bardeen in Google Sheets

Importing stock charts into Google Sheets can greatly enhance your ability to analyze financial data. While the manual process involves sourcing data and charting it within Google Sheets, automation can streamline this process, bringing in data from various sources effortlessly.

With Bardeen, you can automate data import tasks, enabling you to focus on analysis rather than data entry. Here are some powerful ways Bardeen can automate your Google Sheets for financial analysis:

  1. Copy all Github issues to Google Sheets: Automate the transfer of GitHub issues into a Google Sheet, perfect for tracking project-related expenses or investments tied to software development.
  2. Export Google Trends Data and Save to Google Sheets: Automatically scrape and save Google Trends data to Google Sheets, aiding in market analysis and investment decision-making by understanding search trends.
  3. Copy TechCrunch articles for a keyword to Google Sheets: Keep up with the latest tech market news by automating the collection of TechCrunch articles related to your investment interests directly into Google Sheets.

By leveraging Bardeen's playbooks, you can significantly reduce manual work, ensuring your Google Sheets are always up-to-date with the latest data relevant to your stock analysis. Get started at

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Create Stock Charts in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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