Cross-national efficiency comparisons of health systems, subsectors and disease areas (2024)

7.1. Introduction: the basis for interest in cross-country efficiency comparisons

The notion of health system efficiency, and related concepts such as cost–effectiveness and value for money, are some of the most discussed dimensions of health system performance. Health care financiers including governments, insurers and households are interested in knowing which systems, providers and treatments contribute the largest health gains in relation to the level of resources they consume. This is particularly important given the financial pressures and concerns over long-term financial sustainability, as decision-makers seek to demonstrate and ensure that health care resources are put to good use.

Health system efficiency metrics should be useful for the following purposes: to facilitate the analysis of policies; identify best practices; and detect areas of the health system that are not producing as well as desired and that could potentially benefit from reforms. However, it is challenging to appropriately attribute particular inputs to health outcomes because health is the result of complex processes involving not only medical care but also wealth, education, occupation, housing, the environment and genetics. Likewise, the observed efficiency of a single health system or health care provider may be due to factors unrelated to specific policies or events of interest; for example, variations may occur because of unobserved changes in patient characteristics, the effects of interrelated inputs over long periods of time, issues with data collection and comparability or simply random fluctuations. Without being able to clearly identify the reasons why a health system or provider appears inefficient, it is difficult to develop targeted policy or management levers to improve. In this case, the simplest action may be to just reduce health resources. This is a naive approach unlikely to lead to true efficiency gains and one that may ultimately worsen performance.

To monitor and pinpoint the causes of variability, it can be helpful to compare efficiency within, as well as across countries. Comparative data on health system efficiency across multiple country settings is potentially important, both for benchmarking and to try to gauge whether different types of health care delivery or policies may be successful at realizing efficiency gains or improving health. As a result, the development of metrics that can compare health system efficiency across countries has been on the agenda of researchers and policymakers for some time (Hollingsworth & Wildman, 2003; OECD, 2004; WHO, 2000).

However, in spite of the interest surrounding them, in practice, internationally comparable efficiency indicators are among the most elusive of health system comparative performance metrics. In fact, a 2008 review found that of all health care efficiency studies, only 4% were cross-country analyses (Hollingsworth, 2008). This is partially because of limited availability and comparability of cross-country longitudinal health data, despite recognition that such data are desirable to capture trends in efficiency, to compare changes over time and to identify the causal effects of policies.

In this chapter, we review the availability of internationally comparative health system efficiency data, which we consider to be indicators that assess the relationship between health system inputs (including, but not limited to expenditure, personnel and beds) and health system outputs (including, but not limited to, physician visits and discharges), or health system inputs and health outcomes across countries. The distinction between health outcome-based and health care output-based indicators is important as outcome-based approaches are in theory superior given that what matters to patients is to obtain quality health services that will improve their health; however, in practice, output-based indicators are easier to collect and more widely available. The focus in this chapter is primarily on measures of technical efficiency (TE) – that is, the effectiveness of a given set of inputs to produce a given set of outputs or outcomes – because studies and data sets comparing allocative efficiency (AE) or dynamic efficiency across countries are uncommon.

While there are many different ways to conceptualize and calculate efficiency metrics, estimates do not generally lead to definitive conclusions regarding efficient health systems, providers or practices. Frequently collected metrics are simple, compare entire health systems and are readily available in international databases, but because of their high level of aggregation, these metrics are not particularly useful for identifying determinants of inefficiency or developing appropriate policy responses. Advanced analytical tools are often used to construct more sophisticated, system-level metrics based on data from these same international databases; however, their use of the same, limited data sets raises potential questions on their external validity. Cross-country comparisons of providers or subsectors allow for more detailed analysis and are a promising way forward, but are primarily focused on hospitals, with limited analysis of other types of care settings. Some of the most important gains have been made by disease-based efficiency studies; these studies capture variations in the costs, processes and outcomes associated with treating particular diseases, and can often be linked to registry data containing non-health-based characteristics (for example, income, education, occupation). Longitudinal disease-based studies that take advantage of high-quality patient-level data allow numerous observable non-health-related confounders to be controlled for when comparing the treatment of specific diseases across countries, providing important insight into health production processes. We conclude the chapter by reviewing key future challenges.

7.2. Cross-country databases containing health system efficiency metrics

We begin by reviewing international databases that routinely collect comparable health system efficiency data. Comparable cross-country data on health systems are collected and regularly updated by intergovernmental organizations, such as the WHO, Eurostat and the OECD. Member countries typically supply these organizations with their own national data, which are then reviewed and harmonized to ensure comparability across countries and time. Resources such as the System of Health Accounts (SHA), for example, have made important advances on the input side to ensure that health care expenditure data are collected under a common framework and are comparable across countries (OECD, 2000).

The OECD Health Statistics database provides a comprehensive set of comparable health and health systems data, primarily for high-income countries in the OECD region (OECD, 2013a). The WHO European Health for All Database contains similar data to the OECD Health Statistics database for the 53 European WHO Member States; Eurostat contains similar data for EU countries. Each database is updated annually and covers a wide range of health care inputs (for example, health care expenditure, physician density or hospital beds), outputs (for example, hospital discharges) and outcomes (for example, life expectancy or infant mortality) that can be used to compute efficiency metrics. For the purposes of this chapter and because so many other studies make use of it, we focus primarily on the OECD Health Statistics database.

While many health system efficiency comparison studies use the OECD Health Statistics data to construct efficiency metrics, the database itself contains few ready-made indicators that capture ratios of outputs and inputs, and which might allow efficiency comparisons. One variable that is available for the majority of countries is the common metric average length of stay. This indicator is calculated by dividing the total number of days in hospital for all inpatients in a year by the number of admissions or discharges. The data is available for all hospital stays, as well as by selected diagnostic category. Shorter stays are assumed to indicate greater efficiency, because they are expected to be less costly overall, as they theoretically require fewer inputs to produce a hospital visit. There is some ambiguity though, as short stays could be a result of very intensive, expensive care, which may be costlier. Likewise, very short stays may indicate poor quality of care, which may require readmission to hospital and higher costs for the entire episode of care. Based on data from European countries reporting to the OECD, Finland had the longest length of stay in 2012 (11.2 days) while Turkey had the shortest (4.0 days) (Figure 7.1). A number of factors unrelated to hospital efficiency may explain this disparity, including differences in health needs between countries. However, because the data are not adjusted for confounding factors, such as differences in case mix, it is not possible to make an informed statement of whether differences in length of stay are because of more efficient practices or other factors. This case mix issue can be partially accounted for by focusing on the length of stay for specific diagnostic categories, though this still cannot adjust for variations in case severity within a diagnostic category (see Section 7.3 on disease-based indicators for more information).

Figure 7.1

Average length of stay in hospital for all causes, 2000 and 2012 (or nearest year). Sources: OECD Health Statistics 2014; Eurostat Statistics database; WHO Europe health for all database. Note: Netherlands: Data refer to average length of stay for curative (more...)

Another available metric that compares efficiency across countries is the curative care occupancy rate, calculated as the number of curative bed days divided by the number of available beds multiplied by 365 days. The assumption is that, generally, a higher percentage of beds occupied means that resources are being used effectively; in many countries, decreases in hospital beds have coincided with increases in occupancy rates, suggesting efficiency gains. However, very high occupancy rates could indicate an undersupply of beds, or indicate that patients are not moved out of acute care appropriately. The definition of acute care beds also differs across countries, which makes this figure not necessarily comparable; for example, some countries use acute care beds for long-term care services. According to the most recent OECD data, the highest occupancy rates in 2012 were in Israel (96.6%) with the lowest in the Netherlands (45.6%).

Total health spending as a share of gross domestic product (and other similar metrics which relate health spending to available resources) and total per capita health care expenditure adjusted for purchasing power, are also frequently available and could be considered efficiency indicators. In this case, we would have to assume that health outcomes are identical across countries, so that using fewer resources implies greater efficiency. However, outcomes are never identical across countries, and even if they were, it would be very difficult to attribute these differences entirely to the health system. As a result, expenditure-based indicators are not typically suitable for comparing efficiency unless they appear relative to some measure of health system outputs or outcomes.

Despite few efficiency metrics in the OECD Health Statistics database, given the large number of variables in the data set, it is possible to manually calculate simple efficiency indicators. For example, since the number of practising physicians and the number of physician consultations are presented, it would seem logical to calculate the number of visits per physician to examine whether physicians are using their time efficiently. Yet this direct calculation without manual adjustment may produce inaccurate estimates of efficiency for a variety of reasons. For example, there are often inconsistencies between input and output data reported by countries, so that ratios calculated may not fully capture the level of output produced by a given input. Taking the simple ratio of number of consultations per physician as an example, the data reported on the number of consultations are often more limited than the data on the number of doctors, because the reported number of consultations will often not include consultations in hospitals or consultations that are not reimbursed fee-for-service (FFS). Therefore, without manually adjusting the data to reflect these issues, the ratio of consultations per physician could underestimate the level of efficiency. Estimated numbers of consultations per physician that are adjusted to account for these data inconsistencies indicate that the highest numbers of consultations per physician are in Turkey, whereas the lowest are in Cyprus and Sweden (Figure 7.2).

Figure 7.2

Estimated number of consultations per doctor, 2012 (or nearest year). Sources: OECD Health Statistics 2014, Eurostat Statistics database, WHO European Health for All database. Note: FYROM = Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Additionally, no information is available on the quality of visits or on the number of hours worked by physicians, so a researcher calculating consultations per physician would have to assume that more visits per physician automatically imply that physicians work more efficiently. This is not necessarily accurate, as physicians who have large numbers of visits may not spend enough time with patients and could be providing poor-quality care. In reality, despite the large number of indicators available in international databases, using these data to calculate ratios of inputs to outputs to infer efficiency can produce misleading findings.

In the same vein, there is great interest among analysts to link readily available health expenditure data to overall health outcome data, such as life expectancy, in an effort to identify whether the health system achieves good value for money overall. For example, a recent report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reviewed the Slovenian public sector and concluded that Slovenia’s health system was not efficient because its level of per capita expenditure on health did not achieve the life expectancy that might be expected at its level of health spending (IMF, 2015). Using data from a group of countries, the authors manually constructed a production possibilities frontier consisting of outlier countries and considered that those not lying on the frontier were inefficient (Figure 7.3). There are a number of issues with this approach to measuring efficiency. First, life expectancy is not only a result of health spending, so it is not possible to determine how efficiently health care expenditure is producing longer life expectancy without accounting for a long list of other determinants of life expectancy, such as health behaviours, genetics, education and income. Second, many of the countries that form the frontier in Figure 7.3 do not demonstrate that they achieve the longest life expectancy at the minimum cost. For example, Japan and Switzerland both have similar life expectancies but Switzerland spends considerably more on health care per person than Japan, yet both are on or near the efficiency frontier. At the same time, Chile, Mexico and Turkey also spend comparable levels on health care per person, but have drastically different life expectancies.

Figure 7.3

Health-adjusted life expectancy and health expenditure. Source: IMF (2015). Note: Data are from 2010–2012. PPP = purchasing power parity.

An arguably more appropriate approach would be to compare per capita expenditure to amenable mortality rates. Amenable mortality reflects deaths that should not occur in the presence of timely and effective health care; it is more directly attributable to the health system than life expectancy, although it is still a product of more factors than just current expenditure levels. Using this approach, we see a very different picture than when using life expectancy (Figure 7.4). For example, for men and women, Slovenia (highlighted by a red cross in the figure) is located in the bottom left quadrant, indicating that it secures fairly low amenable mortality rates at low cost. Other countries, like Slovakia or Hungary spend only slightly less per person but have much higher amenable mortality rates, whereas countries like the Netherlands spend much more but only have marginally lower amenable mortality rates.

Figure 7.4

Amenable mortality and health expenditure, 2012. Source: Authors’ calculations using the WHO Global Health Expenditure Database and Mortality Databases. Note: PPP = purchasing power parity

Generally, it is difficult to find health outcome data that are fully attributable to health system inputs. The OECD Health Care Quality Indicators Project has made major strides to collect comparable health care quality data; these data are reported in the annual Health at a Glance report as well as in the OECD Health Statistics database (OECD/EU, 2014). The project collects data regarding avoidable admissions, in-hospital mortality, cancer survival rates, patient safety and patient experiences. However, there are still few input data that can be directly attributable to the quality indicators collected.

Overall, we find that there are few longitudinal, regularly updated databases that compare health system efficiency across countries. Available data are at an aggregated level, making it difficult to directly attribute output or outcome data to input data, or to properly adjust for confounding factors that might influence efficiency. Despite the common use of analytic methods such as DEA or SFA in multicountry efficiency studies (see Section 7.3), we could not identify any regularly updated longitudinal databases that employ these tools in an effort to report efficiency scores that account for multiple inputs and outputs, or that control for factors exogenous to the health system. Current international databases are therefore limited to simple measures, primarily unadjusted ratios of outputs to inputs, to gauge cross-country differences in health care efficiency.

7.3. Multicountry health care efficiency studies at the system, subsector and treatment levels

Although efficiency indicators are scarce in international health databases, there are a number of studies that compare health care efficiency across countries. These studies are often cross-sectional and not regularly reproduced. One characteristic that sets these studies apart from the databases discussed previously is that these studies frequently employ analytic frontier methods to calculate efficiency scores (see Chapter 5). These methodological approaches can address some of the issues that otherwise inhibit comparisons, for example, by accounting for multiple inputs to health production and adjusting for differences in production capabilities at various scales. Many of these studies have also made use of the input and output data included in international health databases, particularly the OECD Health Statistics database, to construct efficiency metrics. Cross-country studies also compare subsectors (often hospitals) using the available data, or use comparative instruments such as vignettes or DRGs to analyse similar patients and similar types of care using micro level data (see Chapter 2). In this section, we present a selection of multicountry health care efficiency studies, distinguishing between whether the studies take a system-level, subsector or disease-based approach.

7.3.1. Health system-based approaches

System-based health care efficiency studies use aggregate country data to construct measures of efficiency. Often, studies have made use of the aforementioned OECD data to conduct these analyses. Many analytic approaches have been taken, with no consensus on the correct methodological approach. The majority of studies use DEA to estimate a production possibilities frontier and incorporate multiple inputs and outputs into the estimate. Studies occasionally take more simplistic approaches; one such study calculated ratios of mortality rate reductions relative to the health care share of gross domestic product for 19 countries (Pritchard & Wallace, 2011). However, this type of analysis is problematic because mortality is not directly attributable to health care spending without efforts to control for factors outside the health system that are also likely to affect mortality rates. Second, in this particular study there was no effort to adjust for differences in scale, for example, even the same health spending as a share of gross domestic product will reflect very different levels of resources dedicated to health depending on the size of the economy.

One of the first large studies to compare the efficiency of health systems is also one of the most well-known and often criticized studies of health system efficiency. An analysis of panel data from 191 countries was conducted by the WHO to compare per capita health expenditure to life expectancy (adjusted to account for disability), after controlling for educational attainment (Evans et al., 2001). The models used country-fixed effects, which take advantage of variations within each country over time to estimate parameters; only one country was deemed to be efficient using this method. An efficiency index was then constructed, where the expected level of health if there was no health care expenditure was compared to the expected level of health if all health systems were as efficient as the best performer. Based on this analysis, Oman was ranked the most efficient country, with Zimbabwe the least efficient.

The WHO efficiency study (Evans et al., 2001) and related study of overall performance in the 2000 World Health Report (WHO, 2000) have been heavily criticized both on methodological and data quality grounds. For example, a study by Hollingsworth & Wildman (2003) uses parametric and non-parametric approaches and found that their results varied from the method used by the WHO. Using DEA and SFA, they demonstrated how the panel data approach used by the WHO did not permit assessment of changes over time, but rather, assumed that efficiency within a country remains constant. They also suggested that analysis in the future should compare similar countries, rather than attempt to estimate efficiency across a range of countries with very different characteristics that cannot be appropriately accounted for using modelling techniques. Other research into the robustness of the WHO methodology has also revealed how sensitive the rankings are to how efficiency is defined and how models are specified (Gravelle et al., 2003). Gravelle et al. suggested that the use of country-fixed effects to estimate the models is inappropriate, particularly because 50 of the 191 countries in the study had only one year of data, and therefore had no variation over time. They found that alternative approaches, including using a model that exploits variation between countries (rather than relying on variation within countries over time), and changing the units of the variables so that they are not logarithmic, changed the results considerably. For example, in a model that used between-country effects instead of country-fixed effects, Oman changes from the most efficient country to being ranked 169th. Following widespread criticism of this analysis, the WHO has not attempted any further performance ranking.

Similar research using DEA and panel data regressions has been prepared using the OECD data (Joumard, André & Nicq, 2010). Joumard, André & Nicq (2010) estimated the contribution of health spending to life expectancy, accounting for lifestyle and socioeconomic determinants. The authors concluded that if health spending in all countries were as efficient as the best performing countries, life expectancy would increase by two years without a need to increase the actual level of spending. In contrast, increasing health expenditure levels in countries where health expenditure is not high-performing to begin with does little to increase life expectancy. The results suggested that Australia, Japan, South Korea and Switzerland are among the countries that make the most efficient use of health care expenditure. The study also found negligible relationships between output measures of efficiency (such as average length of stay) and outcome measures (such as life expectancy). This indicated that countries that most efficiently produce health system outputs might not necessarily also produce actual health gains most efficiently.

Rather than control for lifestyle factors at an aggregate country level, one recent study attempted to compare health system efficiency using data on life expectancy and health care expenditure that are adjusted a priori for individual-level differences in lifestyle factors, such as smoking, alcohol consumption and body mass index (European Commission, 2015). Unsurprisingly, the research concluded that healthier lifestyles would lead to longer life expectancy at per-person curative health care spending levels. However, despite wide variation in health behaviours across the 30 European countries in the study, the lifestyle-adjusted country efficiency estimates did not differ considerably from those that were unadjusted; most countries appeared to be positioned similarly relative to the efficiency frontier in both adjusted and unadjusted analyses. Additionally, the effects of changes in lifestyle were difficult to infer from this analysis, since the estimates were based on cross-sectional data. As noted by the authors, interventions to actually improve health behaviours may themselves be costly, and may also not have short-term health benefits that are comparable in magnitude to those reported.

Using life expectancy as an outcome measure also only tells part of the story. Other studies using OECD data adopted other health outcomes, such as reductions in infant mortality as a measure of health system outcomes. One such study used a DEA approach, where health outcomes, life expectancy and infant mortality are dependent on a number of inputs (Retzlaff-Roberts, Chang & Rubin, 2004). Rather than only focus on health expenditure as an input, this study accounted for health care resources such as the number of beds, MRI units and physicians, as well as social factors such as schooling, the Gini coefficient and tobacco use. For example, using an input oriented model of infant mortality, the authors found that the efficiency frontier is formed by Ireland, Mexico, Sweden and Spain. Based on this, the authors concluded that the USA should be able to reduce its health care inputs by 9.3% and, if it were more efficient, would still be able to maintain its level of infant mortality. However, there is no clear rationale for including all inputs together in the model; including health expenditure in addition to human and capital resources, which are purchased by the health sector, would seem to double count inputs and could invalidate the findings of this study and others that take a similar approach.

Indeed, there is no clear agreement on how to identify appropriate inputs or to control for non-health system factors that influence health. A study that used both OECD and WHO panel data demonstrated how complex the health production process is by considering socioeconomic determinants of health that are outside the health system as inputs to producing life expectancy (Spinks & Hollingsworth, 2009). The authors suggested that using both macro level socioeconomic factors, such as government policies, housing or working conditions, in addition to intermediate-level socioeconomic factors like psychosocial characteristics and health behaviours in the same model could be problematic, as the inputs are inherently interlinked. The study instead used a single measure each for education (school expectancy), employment (total unemployment rate), income (gross domestic product per capita) and health expenditure as inputs to producing either life expectancy or disability-adjusted life expectancy. Using DEA, the authors found that countries have generally moved away from the efficiency frontier over time, implying that on average, efficiency decreased slightly. The countries that formed the efficiency frontier and were deemed efficient for all model specifications were Greece, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Spain and Turkey.

Other studies have illustrated the complexity of health production and also highlighted that inputs other than medical care play a large role in producing health. One such study used OECD data to investigate the differential effects of health system and non-health system inputs on DEA estimates of efficiency (Hadad, Hadad & Simon-Tuval, 2013). In two separate models, in addition to total per capita health expenditure as an input, the other inputs included either health system characteristics such as beds and physician density, or factors arguably outside the control of the health system such as gross domestic product and consumption of fruits and vegetables; life expectancy and infant survival were the chosen health outcomes. The study found that many countries that were efficient in the model accounting for health system inputs were not efficient when accounting for factors outside the health system. For example, using both models, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Iceland, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and South Korea were efficient; Australia, Canada, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom were efficient when using health system inputs, but not when using gross domestic product and consumption of healthy food as inputs instead. The authors allowed for super efficiency (where inputs and outputs in each country are weighted to maximize the efficiency score without being constrained to a maximum possible score of 1) to calculate rankings and found that the most efficient country using the health system input model was Iceland, whereas the most efficient country using non-health system inputs was Japan. The study also calculated rankings using cross-efficiency, where all countries shared the same weights; this is a potential measure of AE if we assume that the weights used represent the optimal mix of inputs and outputs. Using the cross-efficiency approach, Canada was the most efficient country using the health system inputs model, while using non-health system inputs, the Czech Republic was most efficient.

An earlier study also used the OECD Health Statistics data and similarly found that features referred to as environmental factors play a large part in observed variations in efficiency estimates (Puig-Junoy, 1998). With male and female life expectancy as the outcomes and five health system inputs (numbers of physicians, non-physician personnel and hospital beds, as well as tobacco and alcohol consumption, all relative to population size), various model specifications found that the most efficient countries are most consistently Canada, Greece, Italy, Japan, Portugal and the USA. The study then employed a two-stage approach, where after DEA was used to calculate country efficiency scores, regression techniques assessed the relationship between observed scores and environmental factors: human capital (that is, average years of schooling), the private share of total health expenditure and the presence of primary care gatekeeping. Nevertheless, much of the variation in efficiency scores remains unexplained by their regression models.

While the majority of studies employ DEA in a traditional sense to assess inputs relative to outputs, one study used DEA in a unique way to construct composite indicators of health system efficiency based on the set of efficiency indicators available from the OECD Health Statistics data (Cylus, Papanicolas & Smith, 2015). In this study, each individual efficiency indicator was treated as an output in a DEA model and inputs were held constant. DEA then attached weights to each efficiency indicator separately for each country so that each country’s composite score was maximized, casting it in the best possible light. By combining several efficiency indicators into a single measure, the objective was to see if there was evidence of system-wide efficiency effects. Using all partial efficiency measures as outputs, five countries – Estonia, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and the United Kingdom – formed the efficiency frontier. The study found that Hungary was the only country that was efficient in all model specifications presented.

Finally, although most studies used publicly available international databases like the OECD Health Statistics database, the Commonwealth Fund has assessed health system performance based largely on its own International Health Policy Survey (IHPS). This data set differs substantially from the OECD and WHO data, because it is a telephone-based survey of a random sample of individuals from a set of high-income countries, rather than national-level data from official sources. Caution should be exercised as the samples in each country are small, and the data are self-reported and may thus be subject to bias. The survey captures some variables that could be considered as indicative of efficiency, such as whether an individual had a duplicate medical test, rehospitalization and timely access to records, and whether a physician used information technology. In their 2014 report, the Commonwealth Fund assessed health system efficiency based on these data in addition to data on expenditure levels (Davis et al., 2014). The authors found the USA to be the least efficient of the countries analysed – a consistent finding across all waves of their survey. The USA spends high shares of total health spending on administrative costs, and its doctors report that they spend too much time on paperwork, clearly indicating that there are administrative inefficiencies in the USA. Yet, there are important discrepancies in the report that warrant further analysis; overall, the United Kingdom was the most efficient country based on its low level of expenditure and high scores according to the process measures collected in the IHPS. However, the United Kingdom performs second from last in terms of healthy lives, which raises questions of how a health system that fails to achieve good health outcomes can be considered the most efficient.

Overall, many system-level studies have taken advantage of access to international harmonized data sets to compare efficiency, with their added value generally being the use of analytic techniques. Despite efforts to account for other inputs that have an effect on health outcomes, such as lifestyle, education or institutional characteristics, much of the variability in efficiency scores appears to be unexplained by health system characteristics or other factors. It is unclear how successfully confounders can be controlled for. Additionally, most studies took a very narrow perspective on the outputs of health system, with the main products of the health system being life expectancy and infant mortality. Of note, there seems to be little consistency across studies in the countries that are found to perform most efficiently, despite studies frequently relying on the same data sets.

7.3.2. Subsector-based approach

While the aforementioned studies use country-level data to compare health systems, similar international comparisons have been done at the subsector level, the most common being to compare hospital sectors across countries. At this less aggregated level, because patient characteristics are often more hom*ogeneous than population characteristics, variations in outcomes are likely due to unobserved confounding factors to a lesser degree. There are also a number of outputs, such as hospital discharges or physician visits, which can be assessed that are not possible at the health system level. Common frontier-based analytic techniques, DEA and SFA, are also employed.

For example, using the OECD panel data between 2000 and 2009, a recent study employed both DEA and SFA methods to explore efficiency in hospitals, adjusting for differences in case severity and environmental factors (Varabyova & Schreyögg, 2013). Using discharges weighted on the basis of case severity as an activity-based output and in-hospital mortality rates for AMI, haemorrhagic stroke and ischaemic stroke as additional outcome measures, the authors assessed the efficiency of the number of beds and hospital workers, and a number of other factors, such as health care spending, length of stay, education and patient mix. Importantly, the authors found that countries that demonstrated good health outcomes, like Japan, might be technically inefficient based on their use of health care resources. The authors also found that countries with longer length of stay are less technically efficient using their methodology, implying that length of stay may be a reasonable proxy measure for efficiency of the hospital sector.

To more appropriately compare the prices and volumes of health care services across countries, there have been joint efforts by the OECD and Eurostat to develop output-based purchasing power parity (PPP) price indices (Koechlin et al., 2014). This involves estimation of quasi-prices based on the reimbursem*nt levels paid for comparable medical services (for example, payments covering direct, capital and overhead costs), as opposed to being based on the prices of inputs to care (for example, wages), which can be used to compare hospital prices and volumes across countries. This is important for the measurement of health care efficiency, as the input-based PPP price index methodology unrealistically assumes that health care productivity is identical across countries, because hypothetical countries with the same input prices (for example, wages) and health care expenditure would implicitly be assumed to have produced the same volumes of health care goods and services. In addition to improving the estimation of hospital volumes, in an earlier iteration of this study, the methodology was used to calculate novel comparisons of inpatient care productivity through metrics such as the cost of an inpatient care day (Koechlin, Lorenzoni & Schreyer, 2010). Per-day costs in 2007 were highest overall in the USA and lowest in South Korea.

Researchers have also compared efficiency for specific types of care provided within a hospital. A recent study using the OECD data investigated inpatient mental health care, where mental health-specific inputs included the number of psychiatrists, psychiatric beds and length of stay, and the outputs were the discharges per 1000 population (Moran & Jacobs, 2013). Factors external to the health system that could potentially play a role involved alcohol consumption, income, education and unemployment rates, and were included in some of the DEA model specifications presented. Unlike in many other studies using DEA, the authors used a bootstrapping approach that allowed them to calculate confidence intervals so that they could ascertain how certain they were of the rankings. They found that countries with greater efficiency, including Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and South Korea, also had wider confidence intervals, suggesting less certainty; in general, however, the countries deemed efficient in one model were also reasonably efficient in other specifications.

Not all studies review large numbers of countries. Often, international comparisons have been limited to smaller numbers of health systems, which could potentially allow for more detailed comparisons. For example, a study comparing the NHS in England to the Kaiser Permanente integrated managed care consortium in California, a private health maintenance organization that integrates both financing and delivery, concluded that Kaiser Permanente performed more efficiently than the NHS (Feachem et al., 2002). This study informally compared costs to quality of care, showing that per capita costs were roughly the same but that there were notable variations in quality and responsiveness across the two systems. Another study comparing many hospitals in Norway and California used DEA to estimate a production frontier to investigate whether privatization and competition lead to greater efficiency (Mobley & Magnussen, 1998). The authors matched hospitals based on a variety of criteria to ensure that they were comparing similar types of hospitals and concluded that private competition among hospitals in California does not lead to greater efficiency in the long run.

Another study compared hospitals in Germany (Saxony federal state) and Switzerland using DEA, finding in all instances the German hospitals were more efficient. Unlike in most studies, the analysis considered the number of patient days as an input rather than an output (Steinmann et al., 2004). The justification for treating days as an input is that in Saxony, hospital financing is based on pre-approved patient days; hospital managers are incentivized to meet this pre-approved level of patient days by attracting less complex cases. Likewise, in Saxony the number of beds per hospital is fixed so in some analyses beds are not included as an input since they are non-discretionary. This underscores how important it is to understand institutional arrangements within countries before conducting any analysis, as incentive structures or financing mechanisms could potentially drive results. Importantly, the authors tested whether their sample of hospitals was hom*ogeneous and found that it was not, which required that they limited the usable sample substantially. This highlights another important issue: most studies that employ frontier-based analyses do not effectively ensure that the decision-making units (for example, countries or providers) are comparable and exist as part of the same production possibilities frontier.

It is essential to note the large number of studies that have been done in Scandinavian countries because of the wide availability of registry data, which historically has not been readily available in many other countries (see Chapter 3). Using such data, it is easier to make sure that inputs and outputs are well defined and comparable, and to control for confounding factors. For example, a DEA study comparing Finnish and Norwegian hospitals used data on hospital operating costs as inputs and DRG-weighted admissions, and weighted visits and days of care based on National Discharge Registry data (Linna, Häkkinen & Magnussen, 2006). Registry data allowed the authors to cluster cases by NordDRG grouper and use cost weights based on actual patient-level costs. The authors also adjusted input prices based on a hospital-specific input price index comprising hospital-specific wage and operating cost data. The study results were reasonably robust across multiple models and indicated that Finnish hospitals were more efficient than Norwegian hospitals. A more recent analysis of university hospitals in Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) used similar data and also found Finnish hospitals to be the most efficient. The study also employed a bootstrapping DEA approach that allowed for estimation of confidence intervals (Medin et al., 2011). This gives not only an idea of the range of certainty, but also corrects for bias associated with having only a small number of hospitals.

7.3.3. Disease-based approaches

Health system efficiency can also be explored by examining the costs, resources, outputs and outcomes associated with treating specific diseases. The advantage is that patients treated for certain diseases are likely to be more hom*ogeneous. Additionally, it may be possible to more accurately observe the processes leading to differences in efficiency if the data are detailed enough.

For example, the McKinsey health care productivity study examined variations in inputs and outcomes for treating breast cancer, lung cancer, gallstones and diabetes in Germany, the United Kingdom and the USA (Garber, 2003). Data on the levels of inputs, such as physician hours, nursing hours, medications and capital, were used as opposed to the level of spending, because spending could lead to erroneous efficiency estimates because of differences in input costs across countries. These data were linked to outcome measures. Although spending levels in the USA are higher than in Germany or the United Kingdom, the USA was largely found to perform efficiently using this method, suggesting that US providers may use resources efficiently but that their input prices are notably higher.

Additionally, while the OECD Health Statistics database contains primarily aggregate, system-level data, the Health at a Glance report based on these data contains some disease-based efficiency indicators. These data are still aggregated at the country level, but can shed light on the efficiency of treating specific conditions. For example, while Finland and Turkey had the longest and shortest average length of acute care hospital stay in 2012 overall among European countries, the average length of stay for AMI was longest in Germany (10.3 days) and shortest in Denmark (3.9 days). Additionally, there were comparisons of the percentage of cataract surgeries carried out as day cases (Figure 7.5). A higher share is indicative of greater efficiency, as cataract surgeries are a high-volume surgical procedure that can potentially be done using fewer resources as a day case rather than as an inpatient admission. However, caution is advised when comparing across countries for a variety of reasons; for example, some countries do not consider outpatient cases in hospitals or surgeries outside of hospitals when reporting these figures.

Figure 7.5

Share of cataract surgeries carried out as day cases, 2000 and 2012 (or nearest year). Source: OECD & EU (2014). Notes:aData include outpatient cases in hospitals and outside hospital. FYROM = Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Other research also compared costs and outcomes for selected diseases. For example, the OECD Ageing-Related Diseases study included some indicators of efficiency, such as length of stay and unit costs of treating diseases including stroke and cancer; however, in many instances data were not available or fully comparable across countries. More recently, the OECD Cancer Care study investigated variations across 35 countries in the resources allocated to cancer care, as well as variations in care delivery and outcomes (OECD, 2013b). For example, the report compares average referral times between GP and specialist visits, finding that referral times are shortest in Denmark (typically only a few days) while they can be a month in Israel or Norway. Comparing waiting time between diagnosis and initial treatment shows even wider variation, from under 3 days on average in Luxembourg to over a month in Poland or the Netherlands. For both of these indicators, in some instances the data are estimates based on expert opinion. In exploratory analysis, the OECD compared resources for cancer care, such as oncologists per million population and use of imaging technology and found a significant association between resources for cancer care and survival. However, the study did not include explicit cross-country comparisons of the efficiency by which cancer care is delivered. Nevertheless, the study suggested that some countries have higher survival rates at given levels of total per capita health spending than others, which could suggest greater efficiency despite per capita health spending being only a weak proxy for health system inputs specific to cancer care. While there appear to be some diminishing returns for cancer survival given greater health spending, Iceland, Israel and Turkey have the highest five-year survival rates for breast cancer relative to their levels of total per capita health spending (Figure 7.6). The OECD has also conducted similar research that links health care quality indicators to expenditure for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes (OECD, 2015).

Figure 7.6

Relationship between breast cancer survival and total national expenditure on health. Source: OECD Cancer Care study. Note: PPP = purchasing power parity; USD = United States dollar.

DRGs and other methods that group similar cases have been used for efficiency measurement, not only to weight discharges and days as described previously, but also to group cases so that similar types of care are compared across health systems (see Chapter 2). Because of their design as patient classification systems that group patients with similar characteristics and resource consumption, they can be effective at ensuring that similar types of patients are matched. Three large studies, the HealthBASKET, EuroDRG and EuroHOPE have made major strides in this domain.

The HealthBASKET project reviewed the costs of care for nine European countries (Busse, Schreyögg & Smith, 2008). Using case vignettes that described particular types of patients (that is, based on age, gender and comorbidities), the study compared and attempted to explain variations in costs within and between countries. The advantage of this approach is that specific services for comparable patients could be costed and compared across countries. Vignettes were developed for inpatient, outpatient, elective and emergency care. Using a sample of providers, the researchers collected information on typical usage patterns and costs. However, despite successfully averting the need to risk adjust by comparing standardized patients, there were limitations. For example, the samples were small and therefore often reflected normative cases rather than actual patient experiences. Additionally, data were not always comparable across countries because providers in some countries do not own their assets. Likewise, patient outcomes were assumed to be identical, which is not realistic. Nevertheless, the approach revealed how low costs in southern and eastern Europe were largely due to low wages and did not necessarily reveal greater efficiency after adjusting for episode-specific PPPs. Some of the most important reasons for variations in costs were the differences in the types of technologies used to provide care.

EuroDRG used an episode-of-care approach to compare costs across countries (Busse, 2012). This study investigated the classification variables used by different country DRG systems, such as diagnosis, procedure, patient age, length of stay, death and the level of reimbursem*nt for a selection of similarly defined patients based on episodes of care. Examples of the types of care reviewed included child care (Bellanger & Or, 2008), stroke (Epstein, Mason & Manca, 2008) and cataract care (Fattore & Torbica, 2008).

The theory behind the EuroDRG project is based on the fact that most analyses of efficiency cannot properly control for differences in case mix. As a result, the study takes advantage of a different unit of measurement, episodes of care, which are essentially meta-DRGs that are uniformly defined based on a number of diagnosis and procedure codes. Patients are observed from the time of diagnosis until the end of treatment including follow-up. The advantage is that patient characteristics are not standardized, as in the HealthBASKET study, but rather, similar types of patient care are compared. The study subsequently estimated how well the DRG systems could explain variation in resource consumption, particularly how well DRGs explained variations in costs or length of stay for each episode of care (Street et al., 2012). Nevertheless, most of the EuroDRG analyses could not identify variations in quality of care.

A recent paper within the EuroDRG project compared costs and quality (measured as being discharged alive) for AMI and stroke patients in hospitals in Finland, France, Germany, Spain and Sweden (Häkkinen et al., 2014). The study used patient-level data and separate models to predict costs and survival across around 100 hospitals. Though the purpose of the study was to evaluate trade-offs between cost and quality (that is, explicit ratios of survival to cost were not reported) the hospital fixed effects of both equations were plotted against each other to give an idea of whether hospitals that spent more on patients achieved better outcomes, though no conclusive cost–quality relationship was found.

Another recent project, the EuroHOPE, has made important advances in disease-based efficiency comparisons across countries (Häkkinen et al., 2013). This study used linkable patient-level data, which allowed for the measurement of both outcomes (including follow-up) and the use of health care resources (costs, days of care, procedures and drugs) for comparable patient groups. The diseases investigated were AMI, stroke, hip fracture, breast cancer and low birth weight. EuroHOPE could evaluate entire treatment pathways and identify the extent to which a health care system produces better outcomes. Key strengths of the project include: detailed data on patients and their comorbidities; identification of the beginning and end of episodes of care; and reliable data on health care costs; however, such high-quality data is not available for all countries or many types of care.

7.4. Key progress and remaining challenges

Health systems are extremely complex. To evaluate and compare how well health systems function and achieve their goal of improving health outcomes, metrics that allow comparisons across countries are highly valued. Comparative efficiency metrics may be of great interest in principle, but in practice they are not often available, not easily comparable or may produce results that are not consistent across similar analytical approaches (Varabyova & Müller, 2016). As a result, there is no consensus on which countries perform most efficiently, or on how to measure health care efficiency across countries. Some of the reasons for the paucity of efficiency data include data differences and inconsistencies, lack of consensus on appropriate methods and the scope of research, and difficulties directly attributing health outcomes to health care inputs. A summary of the types of indicators reviewed in this chapter as well as their pros and cons are shown in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

Summary table of international efficiency indicators.

7.4.1. Improving data availability and consistency is a key challenge

Differences in data availability and consistency are important challenges to creating comparable health care efficiency indicators. There are few longitudinal efficiency metrics currently in the public domain; while efforts have been made to harmonize data, there are still issues due to differences in definitions, clinical practices and reporting. Additionally, available national-level data allow for only a limited number of efficiency indicators to be constructed manually based on ratios of outcomes or outputs to inputs (for example, consultations per physician). At a subsector level, aggregate national-level data are most readily available to assess resource usage for hospitals, but often not for other types of providers. From a disease-based perspective, conditions for which survival is likely in the presence of timely access to quality health services, such as some types of cancer, are promising areas for efficiency comparison, although episodic data are not always available in many countries.

While international databases like the OECD Health Statistics do not contain many ready-made efficiency comparisons, a large number of the studies reviewed in this chapter make use of the OECD data to measure efficiency. Yet, there are questions as to whether the use of the OECD panel data is entirely appropriate for calculating efficiency indicators, as the data are sometimes estimates (Spinks & Hollingsworth, 2009). In general, there are inconsistencies in measurement and reporting standards across countries, which researchers have limited capacity to control, in spite of the headway made by resources such as the SHA. Even within the United Kingdom, a National Audit Office report concluded that it was not possible to compare efficiency successfully across the four countries (National Audit Office, 2012), primarily because of a lack of data availability and consistency. For example, differences across the United Kingdom in how countries categorize types of expenditure make spending comparisons nearly impossible.

Therefore, while significant efforts are being made to improve the quality and consistency of expenditure and non-expenditure data, this remains an important challenge to improving efficiency measurement. On the expenditures side, the SHA is an excellent example of the advances that can be made coordinating data reporting across countries. However, efforts are needed to improve the comparability of input data other than expenditure, and particularly, to increase the availability of comparable output and outcome data. While data for many different types of inputs – from expenditure, to beds, to the number of doctors, to drugs – are available, there is also a need to expand the types of outcome data that are available for analysis. Studies that use health outcomes often rely on life expectancy or infant mortality, but these broad indicators of health status are very distant from the activities of health care systems. Outcome data for conditions that are known to be amenable to health care should be more readily available. There is a need to develop more PROMs, following the example of countries such as Sweden and the United Kingdom, to monitor more closely the health outcomes of different health care interventions.

It would be prudent for countries to focus more on harmonizing and improving access to registry or hospital discharge level data. Not only would better micro level data be preferable from a methodological perspective because it would be easier to control for potential confounders such as case severity and compare like-with-like, it could also be more useful to end users, such as hospital managers or policymakers, who require detailed information that allows them to take action. While it is difficult to harmonize registry or discharge data because they are used to meet administrative needs, which often differ across countries, these data are exceedingly useful and allow researchers to determine their own levels of aggregation. Data that allow researchers to follow patients throughout treatment across different providers are essential to understand the efficiency of care pathways. Similarly, longitudinal data need to be available to track changes in efficiency across time.

7.4.2. Researchers should make use of multiple methodological approaches in the absence of the correct methodological approach

There are numerous methodological approaches that can be useful for measuring efficiency, including frontier-based methods like DEA and SFA. Although DEA seems to be preferred based on this chapter’s assessment of the international literature, it still remains unclear which methodological approach to use in general for estimating efficiency, regardless of whether comparisons are to be done across countries. While some studies confirm that DEA results are similar to other non-parametric methods (Afonso & St Aubyn, 2005), results are not always the same across methods and can be sensitive to model specification (Gravelle et al., 2003). Even if data are comparable, the question remains of which are the appropriate inputs and outputs to be compared across countries. As demonstrated in this chapter, variations in the selection of these data can lead to very different results. For example, despite high spending and generally poor health outcomes, when input prices are not taken into account, the USA might appear to perform efficiently (Garber, 2003).

As a result, all studies should make use of multiple techniques to ensure robustness and the results of many different studies should be used together to inform conclusions. Likewise, more studies should make use of methods that quantify the level of uncertainty of an estimate, including bootstrapping for DEA to estimate confidence intervals. Ultimately, when deciding which methods to use, researchers must consider the extent to which methods are helpful to policymakers. Given that arbitrary decisions regarding inclusion or exclusion of inputs and outputs can have a significant effect on results, methods like DEA may not be useful for policy purposes (Spinks & Hollingsworth, 2009).

Importantly, methods like DEA and SFA assume that all entities exist in the same production possibilities frontier. A perhaps underappreciated issue with international efficiency comparisons is that this requirement may not be met. Differences in system designs may mean that providers do not have the same production possibilities, leading methods like DEA to inaccurately estimate production frontiers. For example, smaller countries or countries with more geographically dispersed populations may require greater spending on inputs, such as medical imaging technology, to make care available to the entire population. This issue of entity comparability was also elucidated in a study comparing Switzerland and Germany, which found that many hospitals in the two countries were not sufficiently hom*ogeneous to be compared using frontier-based methods (Steinmann et al., 2004).

Other related methodological issues include the need for improved risk-adjustment techniques because of substantial heterogeneity across and within countries. However, to do this well, adjustment needs to be made at the individual level, as national-level risk adjustment does not properly account for variations within population groups. This also supports greater use of patient-level data. Using individual-level data, it is easier to ensure that patients are comparable and to subsequently identify the characteristics of the health system that contribute to differences in efficiency.

7.4.3. More work is needed to properly attribute health outcomes to inputs

One reason why some types of performance metrics are fairly common (for example, population health) while efficiency is not, may also be partially due to the well-known difficulties attributing outcomes and outputs to inputs. The production of health is influenced by many factors that lie outside the health care system. While the challenges associated with attributing health system characteristics to health outcomes do not only apply to international comparisons, it is perhaps an even more salient challenge when comparing across countries because factors that influence health in some countries may vary to such a large extent that they are nearly impossible to control for. For example, factors such as genetic differences, geographical ancestry (Diez Roux, 2011) and cultural lifestyle differences play a role in health. Because the effect of the health system as an input to health is interrelated to and dependent on many country- or context-specific characteristics, it is difficult to accurately isolate the contribution of the health system itself in different country contexts.

Reasons for variations in efficiency across countries or over time, such as changes in the way care is delivered, changes in case mix, economies of scale and determinants outside of the health system are not consistently accounted for, or in many instances, cannot be properly accounted for. Although there have been attempts to include non-health system factors in analyses, it is not precisely clear which are the right ones and whether including all factors makes sense since so many are interrelated. To some extent, all policies and environmental factors are likely to play a role in determining health, making comparisons across dissimilar countries increasingly complex. Likewise, lifestyle behaviours, including healthy eating (Hadad et al., 2013), social class and welfare, or even occupation, may be as important, if not more important than health care in determining population-level health outcomes, highlighting the potential difficulties with attribution across countries. One solution might be to match patients not only based on DRGs or episodes of care, nor on simple characteristics such as age or sex, but also on more detailed observable characteristics including genetics.

On a related front, attribution issues may be one reason why it is difficult to measure efficiency for many subsectors of the health system. For example, there are very few estimates of long-term care efficiency because of the difficulties attributing changes in individual outcomes to care services.

7.5. Conclusion

While there has been considerable progress, much work remains before internationally comparable efficiency metrics should play a formal role in informing health policy. To achieve this, more efficiency metrics need to be collected, made readily available and updated on a regular basis. Enhancing comparability is essential. While there has been progress harmonizing data and definitions (for example, SHA) there remain gaps in practice, especially for health outcome data.

Additionally, while studies using aggregate data provide useful insight into health system performance, these metrics might mask important differences and issues. Many of these aggregate level studies produce inconsistent results whereby countries are deemed efficient in one model but inefficient in another. Researchers should focus less on trying to develop the correct models, and instead search for robustness across multiple analytical approaches. Our assessment also suggests the need to continue to focus on more micro level analyses. Technical developments, such as better data links within and across countries could help to facilitate data availability. Other developments include the expanded use of DRGs and case vignettes as instruments to compare the costs of similar types of care. Clarity is also needed to determine whether it is the production of health that is most valued, or the containment of costs. If it is the former, it is worth understanding how successfully other policies – not just those directly related to the health system – improve health.

The appeal of international comparisons of health care efficiency is clear, despite the many challenges. Overall, we do not find evidence that any countries consistently perform efficiently based on the studies reviewed in this chapter, suggesting a long way to go before definitive assessments of health system efficiency are achievable. To ensure that international health system efficiency metrics do not misinform policy decisions, it is essential for continued efforts to enhance data quality, availability and comparability.


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The views expressed in this chapter are those of the authors alone, not those of the OECD or its member countries.

Cross-national efficiency comparisons of health systems, subsectors and disease areas (2024)
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