How to Buy and Sell ETFs (2024)

Learning how to buy and sell exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is a no-brainer once you’ve got the basics down. We delve into a few different aspects of the process as well as address questions about ETF accounts, how long to hold an ETF before selling, and whether you can buy and sell an ETF in the same day.

Where to Buy ETFs

If you’re new to the ETF universe, you may be wondering where to buy ETFs to add to your portfolio. Thankfully, just like stocks, ETFs can be purchased on any U.S. or foreign stock exchange. ETFs are bought and sold throughout the trading day. Just like stocks, you can buy ETFs using any online broker, so make sure to vet the brokerage account you plan to use before choosing the right one for you.

Do I need a special ETF account?

No, you do not need a specific ETF account to get started. Just like investing in stocks, you can use any brokerage account to buy and sell ETFs. With an online brokerage account, you can buy and sell ETFs at a relatively low cost without the need for a special ETF account or additional order fees.

One major difference between ETFs and mutual funds is that investors buy and sell ETFs on a stock exchange through a broker-dealer, much as they would any other type of stock. In contrast, mutual fund shares are not listed on stock exchanges. Rather, investors buy and sell mutual funds through a variety of distribution channels, including through investment professionals (full-service brokers, independent financial planners, bank or savings institution representatives or insurance agents) or directly from a fund company.

Do you need to have a minimum amount to buy ETFs?

Unlike mutual funds, ETFs can be bought without a minimum amount. ETFs do not have any minimum investment size, so you can buy anywhere from one share to thousands of shares. In the past, the minimum that an investor paid to buy an ETF was the price of one share plus any commissions and fees; however, check whether your broker allows fractional share purchases of the ETF you are interested in. Typically, ETFs are much cheaper than mutual funds.

Buying ETFs in a Few Easy Steps

If you’re familiar with investing in stocks, you’ll be relieved to learn that buying ETFs is just as simple. However, before you jump in to buying ETFs and adding them to your portfolio, there are a few easy steps you can take to ensure you make smart purchases.

Open Your Account to Buy and Sell an ETF

The first step to building an ETF portfolio is opening a brokerage account. You’ll want to decide which type of account is right for you based on your individual goals. For example, if you’re looking for a retirement account, you’ll want to decide between a traditional IRA or Roth IRA. If you’re interested in purchasing ETFs for general investing, you can choose between an individual or joint account. Make sure to choose a reputable brokerage firm that has good customer service and technical support in case any issues arise or you have questions about your investments.

You will also want to decide at this point whether you want to manage your own ETF portfolio or have a professional manage your investments. There are pros and cons for both options, so you’ll want to consider how much time you want to spend, how much expertise you currently have on ETFs and whether you want to do extensive research about each fund or not.

Decide on Your ETF investment Strategy

Now that you have opened a brokerage account, it’s time to decide on an ETF investment strategy. The decision as to your primary focus should be based on a few different factors including your:

  • Diversification needs as well as gaps in your portfolio,
  • Investment management preferences,
  • Risk tolerance and
  • Future financial goals.

Considering these four important aspects will help you determine which ETF investment strategy is right for you. For example, if your portfolio has gaps such as a need for more small-cap stocks, your focus will be on finding a small-cap ETF fund such as the JPMorgan Diversified Return U.S. Small Cap Equity ETF (JPSE). If you need more international stocks in your portfolio, you may look for a foreign-based ETF such as the Vanguard FTSE Pacific ETF (VPL).

Also, if you have a conservative risk tolerance or are approaching retirement, you may be looking for a short-term bond ETF. There are thousands of different types of ETFs, so you should narrow your search to those that make sense for your personal investment strategy and goals.

Research ETFs You Are Interested In

One of the most important steps to purchasing an ETF is to do your research. Make sure you understand the ins and outs of your fund before investing, such as:

  • Who manages the ETF and if it is actively or passively managed;
  • Historical performance;
  • Expense ratio;
  • If it follows an index, which index it follows; and
  • Associated fees.

You never want to invest before conducting proper due diligence. Of course, an ETF’s past performance doesn’t guarantee future results, but looking at a variety of financial metrics and data points can help you determine if the ETF will be a good fit for you or not. You can use AAII’s My Portfolio to keep track of the ETFs you may want to purchase.

Begin Buying ETFs

Now that you have a plan and understand the types of funds you may be interested in, it’s time to start buying ETFs. Here are four things you will have to do to buy an ETF:

  • Fund your brokerage account by transferring money from your bank account (can take a few days for transfer, so plan ahead);
  • Search for the ETF ticker symbol you are interested in purchasing on your brokerage’s website;
  • Enter the number of shares you want to buy; and
  • Confirm your ETF order.

Buying ETFs is just like purchasing stocks, so any trading fees depend on the broker you use. Many brokers offer a certain number of commission-free, or no-transaction-fee, ETFs.

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Develop a Clear ETF Monitoring Process

The final step of buying ETFs is to make sure you know how often to monitor your investments and what your process will be. You don’t want to rebalance too often or look at your ETFs’ performance too frequently because psychological risk can impact you negatively by causing you to sell at the wrong time. Make a plan to review your portfolio at certain intervals, such as once each year, to ensure that your ETFs are still working for you. Some questions you may want to ask yourself when you reevaluate your ETF portfolio are:

  • Are the ETFs I hold being managed appropriately?
  • Have my investment management preferences changed?
  • Have my goals changed since the last time I checked my portfolio?
  • Do I need to increase my diversification or are the ETFs that I currently hold meeting that need?
  • Has my risk tolerance changed and, if so, do my ETFs meet those new requirements?

These questions can help you stay on track to fund your future financial goals. Having a set monitoring process to make sure your goals, preferences and risk tolerance are being met by your current investments is addressed by AAII’s PRISM Academy.

How Long Should You Hold an ETF?

ETFs can be great building blocks for long-term investors, but it’s important to know how long you should hold them and when you may want to sell. Investing in ETFs can provide investors with many benefits such as broad exposure to various sectors and industries, as well as help in reducing overall portfolio risk.

In an ideal world, long-term investors may hold an ETF that suits their needs for decades, especially if their goal is to fund retirement. However, your monitoring process will guide you in knowing how long you should hold an ETF before selling.

Additionally, it’s important to note that if you plan to hold your ETFs for one year or less, the gain or loss is considered to be short-term and taxed as income. If you plan to hold your ETFs for more than one year, then your gain or loss is considered long-term and is taxed at a more favorable rate. For this reason, you’ll want to make sure you buy ETFs using the right type of account (taxable or tax-deferred).

How to Sell ETFs

There are a number of reasons you may want to sell an ETF, including:

  • The ETF’s strategy has suddenly changed and doesn’t reflect your own.
  • The associated fees of your ETF have changed without an increase in capital gains.
  • There are tracking issues (performance varies from index) due to poor management.
  • Your ETF’s liquidity has changed to where the trading volume has significantly decreased.
  • You’re approaching retirement and need cash.
  • There is duplication in your portfolio and you need to diversify better.

If you’re interested in selling ETFs, you can do it at any time during regular stock market hours, just like a stock. You’ll want to make sure you figure out the best time of day to sell your ETF and the best order type to use. Once you’ve determined those two aspects, you can sell an ETF and expect the applicable cash—if you’re selling for a gain—to reach your account within a few business days (depending on the type of brokerage account as well as your bank).

When Should You Sell an ETF?

Even the most seasoned investors can make mistakes when it comes to selling ETFs. There is no overall guideline for when to sell an ETF because it should be based on your individual goals, risk tolerance and allocation. However, you should never sell an ETF when you:

  • Start to feel pressure from sudden market declines or crashes,
  • Need cash immediately and want to liquidate before your goals have been met,
  • Notice your ETF is not performing well in the short term or
  • Have recently heard bad news about an ETF without researching financial metrics or historical data points.

Additionally, it’s important to choose ETFs that have sufficient liquidity and trading volume. This is because it is easy to act hastily and sell an ETF without checking its liquidity. Low liquidity could result in the ETF selling at a share price that is temporarily lower than it should be. This often occurs during increased market volatility, so make sure you avoid as much psychological risk as you possibly can and don’t react negatively to sudden dips in the market.

Can I Buy and Sell ETFs on the Same Day?

Yes, you can buy and sell ETFs on the same day. There are no restrictions on how often you can buy and sell ETFs because they trade similarly to stocks. Additionally, you can even buy and sell the same ETF as many times as you want all in one day. However, it’s important to remember that there will be a settlement period, which means you will not get your cash for a few days after selling an ETF.

When you sell a stock or ETF, you don’t actually receive the cash in your brokerage account instantly. It can take up to three business days, or more depending on the type of brokerage firm you are trading with.

Lastly, just because you can buy and sell ETFs on the same day, doesn’t mean it is recommended. At AAII, we believe in long-term investment strategies rather than day trading.

Resources to Make Buying ETFs Even Easier

Knowing what options you have when it comes to buying and selling ETFs is extremely important, but how do you determine which specific ETFs to add to your portfolio? AAII provides members with resources that help you find the right ETFs for you. Our ETF guide and ETF Ideas area have performance tables, expanded ETF listings, ETF First Cut lists, comparison charts, manager changes and unbiased commentary.

Additionally, you can use our A+ Investor service, or our AAII Platinum bundled package, to filter through thousands of ETFs at the click of a button. Input the specific criteria and characteristics you want an ETF to possess, and the A+ Investor ETF+ screener can help you narrow down the expansive universe. Learn more about A+ Investor’s ETF+ screener and access countless articles on how to find the right ETF for you.

More on Selling, Holding and Buying ETFs

Now that you know how to buy and sell an ETF, you may be interested in learning more about ETFs. Check out the resources below to learn more about adding ETFs to your portfolio.

  • Beginner’s Guide to ETFs
  • Socially Responsible Stock ETFs
  • Considerations for Picking a Mutual Fund or ETF
  • ETF Ownership Has Been Beneficial to ADRs
How to Buy and Sell ETFs (2024)


How to purchase and sell ETFs? ›

Here's how to find and buy ETFs in just a few steps.
  1. Open a brokerage account. You'll need a brokerage account to buy and sell securities like ETFs. ...
  2. Find and compare ETFs with screening tools. Now that you have your brokerage account, it's time to decide what ETFs to buy. ...
  3. Place the trade. ...
  4. Sit back and relax.
Jan 31, 2024

Are ETFs easy to buy and sell? ›

If you're familiar with investing in stocks, you'll be relieved to learn that buying ETFs is just as simple. However, before you jump in to buying ETFs and adding them to your portfolio, there are a few easy steps you can take to ensure you make smart purchases.

How are ETFs bought and sold? ›

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a pooled investment vehicle with shares that trade intraday on stock exchanges at a market-determined price. Investors may buy or sell ETF shares through a broker or in a brokerage account, just as they would the shares of any publicly traded company.

How many ETFs should I own as a beginner? ›

Experts agree that for most personal investors, a portfolio comprising 5 to 10 ETFs is perfect in terms of diversification.

How do you make money from ETFs? ›

Traders and investors can make money from an ETF by selling it at a higher price than what they bought it for. Investors could also receive dividends if they own an ETF that tracks dividend stocks. ETF providers make money mainly from the expense ratio of the funds they manage, as well as through transaction costs.

What is ETF for dummies? ›

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a basket of securities that trades on an exchange just like a stock does. ETF share prices fluctuate all day as the ETF is bought and sold; this is different from mutual funds, which only trade once a day after the market closes.

What is the best time of day to buy ETFs? ›

Generally speaking, the best time to trade ETFs is closer to the middle of the trading day rather than the beginning or end.

Why is ETF not a good investment? ›

ETFs are subject to market fluctuation and the risks of their underlying investments. ETFs are subject to management fees and other expenses. Unlike mutual funds, ETF shares are bought and sold at market price, which may be higher or lower than their NAV, and are not individually redeemed from the fund.

Are ETFs good for beginners? ›

The low investment threshold for most ETFs makes it easy for a beginner to implement a basic asset allocation strategy that matches their investment time horizon and risk tolerance. For example, young investors might be 100% invested in equity ETFs when they are in their 20s.

Can you cash out ETFs? ›

ETFs are liquid and you can buy or sell immediately, but it can take longer for you to be paid out than a unit trust.

Can I buy and sell ETFs on the same day? ›

Since ETFs are traded on the stock exchange, they can be bought and sold at any time during market hours like a stock. This is known as 'real time pricing'. In contrast, mutual funds can be bought and redeemed only at the relevant NAV; the NAV is declared only once at the end of the day.

What is the best ETF to buy right now? ›

  • Top 7 ETFs to buy now.
  • Vanguard 500 ETF.
  • Invesco QQQ Trust.
  • Vanguard Growth ETF.
  • iShares Core SP Small-Cap ETF.
  • iShares Core Dividend Growth ETF.
  • Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF.
  • iShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETF.

Can you retire a millionaire with ETFs alone? ›

Investing in the stock market is one of the most effective ways to generate long-term wealth, and you don't need to be an experienced investor to make a lot of money. In fact, it's possible to retire a millionaire with next to no effort through exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Is it OK to just buy one ETF? ›

The one time it's okay to choose a single investment

You wouldn't ever want to load up your portfolio with a single stock. But if you're buying S&P 500 ETFs, this is the one scenario where you might get away with only owning a single investment. That's because your investment gives you access to the broad stock market.

How long should you hold ETFs? ›

Holding an ETF for longer than a year may get you a more favorable capital gains tax rate when you sell your investment.

How long after buying an ETF can you sell it? ›

For most ETFs, selling after less than a year is taxed as a short-term capital gain. ETFs held for longer than a year are taxed as long-term gains. If you sell an ETF, and buy the same (or a substantially similar) ETF after less than 30 days, you may be subject to the wash sale rule.

Is there a fee to buy and sell ETFs? ›

But because ETFs are traded like stocks, you may pay a commission to buy and sell them, although there are commission-free ETFs in the market. To be fair, mutual funds do offer a low cost alternative: the no-load fund. True to its name, the no-load fund has no load.

How often should you buy and sell ETFs? ›

Every quarter or every 6 months when you receive your dividend payment, just log into your broker account and sell off a small number of shares in your ETFs to access extra cash. That is the right time to sell your ETFs.

How do you know when to buy and sell ETFs? ›

If an ETF still has large trading volumes, a price that isn't moving radically up and down with each new trade, and fairly small bid-ask spreads (see the next section), then the market price is likely a better indicator of portfolio's true value than the NAV, and it is safe to proceed with a trade.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.