New immigration Rules of Canada | Level Plans 2023-25 (2024)

Table of Contents[Show]

  • A Rise in Entry through Express Entry targets
  • A rise in entry through Provincial Nomination Programs
  • Entry for Refugee and Humanitarian Class
  • New Immigration Strategy
  • Occupation-based EE draws
  • Six-month Processing time for Express Entry
  • Revised Funds Requirement for Express Entry Proof by IRCC
  • Travel Updates for Foreign Students
  • Lifting Flight Ban
  • Extra points for French Language Skills
  • Changes to the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)

Explore the updated informative insights about the new immigration rules of Canada which will come into effect in 2023-2025. The Canadian government has recently introduced these changes making the process of immigrating to Canada simpler and more efficient. The main changes include:

Introducing a new points-based system for Express Entry - Increasing the number of economic immigrants admitted each year - Creating a new pathway to permanent residency for international students If you're planning on immigrating to Canada in the next few years, it's important to be aware of these changes.

Read on to learn more about Canada's new rules and how they may affect your plans. This article will provide highlights of the critical changes that are made in the level plan 2023-25 by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

A Rise in Entry through Express Entry targets

Since 2015, the Canadian government has been using Express Entry to manage applications for permanent residence. Express Entry is an electronic system that we use to select skilled workers for immigration to Canada.

The number of invitations to apply for permanent residence that is issued through Express Entry is based on the needs of Canada’s labor market. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) reviews the Express Entry pool of candidates every two weeks and issues invitations to those with the highest scores in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).

The CRS ranks candidates based on factors such as age, education, work experience, and whether they have a valid job offer.

The minimum score required to be invited to apply for permanent residence has varied over time. In January 2015, the first draw held under Express Entry, the minimum score was 450 points.

Since then, we have seen a steady increase in both the number of invitations issued and the minimum score required. For example, in January 2017, the invitation was sent to 3,884 candidates with a minimum CRS score of 413 points to apply for permanent residence.

In December 2017, 14,231 people were invited to apply with a minimum CRS score of 442 points – this was the largest number of invites ever issued in one draw. Most recently, in May 2018 invitation round of 2272 people was invited with 447 as their CRS score.

Economic class programs are the most common way for new permanent residents to immigrate to Canada. The majority of new permanent residents immigrate through economic class programs. There are three main economic class programs:

1. Federal Skilled Worker Program: The Federal Skilled Worker Program is for people who have skilled work experience in a specific occupation. It would include occupations like Legislators, financial managers, architecture and science managers, school principals and administrators, etc.

2. Federal Skilled Trades Program: The Federal Skilled Trades Program is for people who have experience in a skilled trade. A person should have an experience of 2 years in a particular trade to apply for this program.

3. Canadian Experience Class: The Canadian Experience Class is for people who have work experience in Canada. A person should have experience of at least one year of working in Canada to apply for the job.

To be eligible for one of these programs, you must meet certain criteria according to the Canadian immigration new rules.

As part of the government's ambitious Levels Plan, targets for Express Entry landings are expected to rise significantly in the next few years. In 2023, the target was 82,880, followed by 109,020 in 2024 and 114,000 in 2025. These numbers reflect the growing popularity of the Express Entry program and the increasing number of people who are interested in immigrating to Canada.

The Express Entry program is one of the most popular immigration programs in Canada. It allows skilled workers from around the world to apply for permanent residence. The program has been very successful since it was introduced in 2015, and it has helped Canada attract some of the best and brightest talents from across the globe.

The government's Levels Plan is a key part of its commitment to welcome more immigrants to Canada. The plan includes targets for economic immigration programs like Express Entry, as well as family reunification and refugee resettlement programs.

The goal is to welcome more than one million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. If you are interested in immigrating to Canada, now is a great time to start preparing your application.

A rise in entry through Provincial Nomination Programs

With Canada's new immigration policy in recent years, the Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs) have been increasingly popular among immigrants. The PNPs offer a way for skilled workers to gain permanent residency in Canada through their province of choice.

The provinces have different requirements for their PNPs, but most require applicants to have at least one year of work experience and a strong connection to the province (usually through family or previous work experience). Some provinces also require applicants to take a language test and/or attend an information session.

Overall, the PNPs provide a great opportunity for skilled workers who want to immigrate to Canada. With its many benefits, it’s no wonder that the number of applications has been on the rise in recent years.

As per the Canada Visa New Rules, the targets for Provincial Nomination Programs landings were expected to rise to 105,500 in 2023, followed by 110,000 in 2024, and 117,500 in 2025. These increased numbers will help meet the country’s growing labor needs and support economic recovery from the pandemic.

The increase is part of the federal government’s three-year Levels Plan, which was released on May 6. It sets out an ambitious target of welcoming 401,000 new permanent residents in 2021 – an increase of nearly 60 percent over 2020. The plan also includes a commitment to welcome 1 million new permanent residents. The vast majority of new immigrants will come through economic programs, with family reunification and refugee resettlement accounting for a smaller share.

The government says the increases are necessary to help Canada recover from the pandemic and address labor shortages that existed even before the crisis. The plan is also designed to boost population growth, which has been declining in recent years.

Over the next three years, the government plans to welcome: 105,500 new immigrants through Provincial Nomination Programs in 2023 110,000 new immigrants through Provincial Nomination Programs in 2024 117,500 new immigrants through Provincial Nomination Programs in 2025 This is good news for those who are looking to immigrate to Canada through a Provincial Nomination Program. If you are interested in immigrating,

Benefits of applying for a Provincial Nomination Program (PNP)

  • The application process is generally shorter than that of other immigration programs
  • Successful applicants are often able to obtain an employment offer in their chosen province, which can help them transition into Canadian life more easily.
  • There is no compulsory requirement of employment in certain Express-Entry linked PNP.
  • It allows for direct nomination of the immigrant which can speed up the process significantly.
  • Immigrants will be able to earn and contribute to the Canadian Economy as they are required to meet the required skills, education, and work experience.

Entry for Refugee and Humanitarian Class

The plan targets a decline in the entry for Refugee and humanitarian classes. The government is planning to resettle fewer refugees, close a program that has helped tens of thousands of people from around the world enter Canada, and make it harder for asylum seekers to have their claims accepted.

The government of Canada has announced that it will be reducing the number of refugees it resettles in the coming years. According to the new Levels Plan, the number of refugees resettled in Canada will fall to 76,000 in 2024 and 72,750 in 2025. This is a significant reduction from the current level of refugee resettlement, which is set at 110,000 per year.

The government has also announced plans to increase economic immigration and family reunification while reducing other categories of immigration such as refugee resettlement. The government says that the reduction in refugee resettlement is necessary due to the high cost of resettling refugees and the limited capacity of Canadian communities to absorb them.

The government also argues that Canada has a responsibility to focus on resettling refugees from conflict zones that are closest to Canadian shores, such as Syria and Iraq. Critics of the government's plan argue that reducing refugee resettlement will hurt Canada's international reputation as a compassionate and welcoming country. They also point out that many refugees who are resettled in Canada go on to make valuable contributions to their new communities.

As per the new immigration rules of Canada, the humanitarian class target is set to fall to 16,000 in 2024 and a further 8,000 in 2025. This is a significant decrease from the current target of 28,000. The decrease is a result of the government's review of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

The government has determined that the current target is too high and is not in line with Canada's economic needs. The new target reflects the government's focus on economic immigration and meeting Canada's labor market needs.

New Immigration Strategy in Canada

The Canadian government released its new immigration strategy, which came into effect in 2023. The strategy includes several changes to the current system, including a new points-based system for assessing potential immigrants.

Under the new system, potential immigrants will be awarded points based on their skills, education, and work experience. The government has also said that it plans to give preference to those who have family members already living in Canada.

The new strategy is aimed at attracting more highly skilled workers to Canada to help boost the economy. The government has said that it will continue to welcome refugees and those seeking asylum, but that it will prioritize those who can contribute most to the Canadian economy.

Occupation-based EE draws

There are many different types of occupation-based EE draws that the Canadian government may hold. The most common is the Federal Skilled Worker Program, which is for people who have skills and experience in a particular field. There are also Provincial Nominee Programs, which are for people who have been nominated by a Canadian province or territory.

Finally, there is the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program, which is for people who want to live and work in one of the Atlantic provinces.

Six-month Processing time for Express Entry

According to the new rules for Canada Immigration, individuals applying for permanent residence through Express Entry will have their applications processed within six months. This is a significant decrease from the current processing time of approximately eight to twelve months.

The new immigration rules of Canada are part of the Canadian government’s commitment to increasing the efficiency of the Express Entry system. According to Canada's New Immigration Policy timeline, more individuals will be able to take advantage of the program and immigrate to Canada permanently.

If you are interested in applying for permanent residence through Express Entry, it is important to note that you must first create an online profile. From there, you will be entered into a pool of eligible candidates where you will be given a score based on your human capital factors (such as your age, education, work experience, language skills, etc.).

The highest-scoring candidates will be invited to apply for permanent residence through regular draws that take place every two weeks. Once you receive an invitation to apply, you will have 90 days to submit a complete application.

If you are planning on applying for permanent residence through Express Entry, make sure to keep up-to-date on the latest changes and updates by following Level Plans - your one-stop shop for all things Canadian immigration!

Revised Funds Requirement for Express Entry Proof by IRCC

As of June 9, 2022, 2019, the Express Entry Proof of Funds requirement has been revised by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The new minimum fund’s requirement is now CAD 13,310 for a single applicant. This revised amount is based on the latest Low Income Cut-Off figures released by Statistics Canada.

The increased Express Entry Proof of Funds requirement may impact those who are currently in the process of preparing their application for permanent residence under the Express Entry system. If you have already submitted your Express Entry profile and are waiting to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA), you will need to meet the new minimum fund requirement when you submit your application.

If you have not yet submitted your Express Entry profile, you will need to ensure that you have enough funds to meet the new minimum requirements before doing so. For more information on the revised Express Entry Proof of Funds requirements, please visit IRCC’s website.

Travel Updates for Foreign Students

These changes will impact foreign students who are studying in Canada on a study permit. Under the Canadian immigration new rules, foreign students will be able to work while they study, and after they graduate. The rules will also allow for more flexibility in terms of where students can work while they study.

The Canadian government has released rules for PR in Canada for international students who wish to study in Canada. The new Canadian immigration rules state that foreign students must have a valid study permit to enter Canada. Furthermore, they must also have a valid passport and a return ticket home. They must also submit to a health check and provide proof of insurance. Finally, they must register with the local police department.

According to the Canadian immigration new rules, all students traveling to Canada must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This includes students who are traveling for: - studies - co-op or internships - work permits - research grants Before you travel, make sure you have received all the recommended doses of your vaccine. You will need to show proof of vaccination to the airline when you check in for your flight to Canada.

The new immigration rules of Canada are designed to make it easier for foreign students to stay in Canada after they graduate. By allowing them to work while they study, and giving them more time to find a job after graduation, the government hopes that more foreign students will choose to make Canada their home.

Lifting Flight Ban

The IRCC announced that the ban on direct flights to India will be lifted. This is good news for those who have been waiting to travel to India. The lifting of the ban will allow travelers to book their tickets and travel directly to India without having to go through Canada first.

Extra points for French Language Skills

If you have French language skills, you may be able to get extra points in the Express Entry system. The points are awarded based on your proficiency in English and/or French, as well as other factors such as your education and work experience. To get the points, you will need to take a language test from an authorized provider and submit your results with your Express Entry profile.

If you are awarded the points, they will be added to your score in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). This could help you get an Invitation to Apply for permanent residence at a subsequent draw from the Express Entry pool.

Changes to the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)

The AINP is a provincial Nominee Program that allows Alberta to nominate individuals who will contribute to the economy and live in the province. The AINP has recently made changes that may impact your ability to immigrate to Alberta through this program.

First, the AINP has now aligned its eligibility criteria with that of the federal Express Entry system. This means that you must now create a profile in Express Entry and be eligible for one of the three economic immigration programs (the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, or the Canadian Experience Class) before you can apply to the AINP.

Second, the AINP has eliminated its Strategic Recruitment Stream.

This stream was created for certain occupations that were experiencing labor shortages in Alberta. With this change, individuals who do not have a job offer from an Alberta employer are no longer able to apply to the AINP through this stream.

Finally, all applicants to the AINP must now meet new minimum work experience requirements. For most streams and categories, you must now have at least 24 months of full-time work experience (or an equivalent combination of part-time work experience) in your intended occupation before you can apply.

These changes are designed to ensure that only those individuals who are truly committed to working in Alberta can immigrate through this program.


The new immigration rules of Canada are set to come into effect in 2023-25 under the Levels Plan. The plan is designed to increase the number of immigrants coming into the country, while also ensuring that those who do come are better equipped to enter the workforce and contribute to the economy.

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  • Tags
  • Settle in Canada
  • Work in Canada
  • Life in Canada
  • Job Trends in Canada
  • Canada Express Entry
New immigration Rules of Canada | Level Plans 2023-25 (2024)


What is Canada immigration Level Plan 2025? ›

This plan upholds the Government's commitment to bring in 500,000 newcomers by 2025 to help ensure Canada's economic prosperity. It also allows Canada to maintain its humanitarian tradition while stabilizing overall growth to support positive outcomes for newcomers and those already in Canada.

What is the new immigration update for Canada in 2023? ›

In the 2023–2025 Immigration Levels Plan, Canada aims to welcome from 410,000 to 505,000 new permanent residents in 2023, from 430,000 to 542,500 in 2024 and from 442,500 to 550,000 in 2025.

What are the new rules in Canada for international students in 2024? ›

As per the new rules for studying in Canada, most of the Canada student visa aspirants will be required to attach a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) with their application. The absence of PAL with study visa application in 2024 would result in the rejection of the application.

What is the new program for PR in Canada 2024? ›

Key Programs: This includes the Express Entry system, which will admit 110,700 permanent residents in 2024 and rise to 117,500 by 2025 and 2026. The Provincial Nominee Programs also aim to recommend 110,000 immigrants in 2024 and increase to 120,000 by 2026, catering to local labour market requirements.

Is Canada going to stop immigration after 2025? ›

Canada's immigration levels will remain unchanged from its current targets. In 2024, the country will target the admission of 485,000 new immigrants. In 2025 and 2026, Canada will look to welcome 500,000 new immigrants in each year.

How many immigrants will Canada accept in 2024? ›

The 2024-2026 Levels Plan sets permanent resident admissions targets of 485,000 in 2024; 500,000 in 2025; and 500,000 in 2026.

Is Canada rejecting student visa 2024? ›

The Government of Canada in January 2024 announced that it will set an intake cap on international student permit applications to stabilise new growth for a period of two years. For 2024, the cap is expected to result in approximately 3.64 lakh approved study permits, after excluding exempted groups.

What is the new immigration policy in Canada? ›

The current government plans to continue steadily increasing immigration levels, with the goal of accepting five hundred thousand new permanent residents into the country each year by 2025, after which Ottawa would aim to stabilize immigration targets.

What are the new rules for PGWP in 2024? ›

How long is a post-graduation work permit valid? Starting February 15, 2024, students who graduate from master's degree programs of less than 2 years (8 months minimum) may be eligible for a 3 year PGWP.

Which province is best for PR in 2024? ›

Here are some frontrunners to consider for your Canadian PR journey in 2024: Prince Edward Island (PEI) PNP: Renowned for its straightforward Express Entry stream, PEI welcomes candidates who meet the eligibility criteria for federal Skilled Worker, Canadian Experience Class, or Federal Skilled Trades programs.

What is the target for Express Entry in 2024? ›

Canada expects to welcome 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024.

Will the CRS score go down in 2024? ›

This means the pool of eligible candidates expands and thus, the CRS score has to be competitive enough to only select the necessary number of immigrants. Thus, the CRS score might go up for general Express Entry draws in 2024.

What is Canada immigration Levels Plan? ›

The Immigration Levels Plan, formulated by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), sets forth an ambitious agenda to welcome a diverse group of new residents to Canada. These unprecedented numbers signify Canada's commitment to growing its economy, reuniting families, and offering refuge to those in need.

Is Canada welcome 500 000 immigrants a year by 2025 as minister moves to hand pick more newcomers? ›

While maintaining the current intake of 485,000 new immigrants for 2024, the country aims to raise this number to 500,000 by 2025, with this cap sustained from 2026 onwards. This expansion carries substantial implications for Indian immigrants, as India serves as Canada's primary source of immigration and students.

Will the CRS go down in 2024? ›

This means the pool of eligible candidates expands and thus, the CRS score has to be competitive enough to only select the necessary number of immigrants. Thus, the CRS score might go up for general Express Entry draws in 2024.

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